Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 60: One person bankrupts an entire hospital!

"Serious loss of Qi and blood!"

"Damaged mental power!"

"Wounds all over the body..."

In a daze, Lin Mo heard many voices ringing in his ears.

"Save! At any cost!"

"And Leng He, at any cost!"

A majestic voice sounded, and then Lin Mo fell into a coma completely.

At the same time, in the top hospital in Sand City, a group of doctors were looking at the young man lying on the bed in front of them.

"It's amazing. In that situation, he forcibly used mental power to kill a monster comparable to the King of Martial Arts!"

"Save! Do everything you can to save him! He is still young and has unlimited possibilities in the future!"

"You don't need to say that. If the monster gets out, who knows how many people will die! We in Sand City owe him a favor!"


Faced with the seriously injured Lin Mo, a group of doctors tried their best to rescue him.

At the same time, Qi and blood pills, healing pills, and tonics to restore mental power were fed to Lin Mo as if they were free.

But Lin Mo's body is like a bottomless pit. No matter how many Qi and Blood Pills are stuffed into his stomach, they will be digested quickly.

"The Qi and Blood value is still low!"

"Keep feeding!"

"But I have already given you almost 20 Qi and Blood Pills!"

"I said I would do whatever it takes, don't you understand!"

"I understand!"


The game is loading...

Lin Mo, who was in a coma, looked at the screen in front of him and was suddenly confused.

"How did I get here?" Lin Mo looked at the options in front of him, and finally smiled bitterly: "Forget it, no matter what the reason is, it would be a pity not to use such a good opportunity to practice!"

Looking at the door of the next dungeon flashing in front of him, Lin Mo walked in without hesitation.

"Qi and Blood Pill consumption x 10!"

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Lin Mo's heart sank.

He didn't bring many Qi and Blood Pills!

After entering the dungeon, Lin Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Because everything he saw was completely different from what he saw before.

The dungeon here was not in the forest, but in a temple built of stones.

The entire temple was in ruins, with broken walls and ruins everywhere.

Lin Mo was walking inside the temple, and he didn't know how big the temple was.


At this moment, a sound of breaking wind was heard, and Lin Mo quickly dodged to the side.

Although he moved quickly, he was still hit on the shoulder.

Lin Mo stood aside, looking at the thing that had just attacked him.

It was a light pink tentacle, as thick as a calf, with densely packed suction cups on it!

If people with trypophobia see these things, they will definitely faint!

"Octopus?!" Lin Mo blinked, put on brass knuckles and rushed to the root of the tentacle.

He ran a long distance in one breath, but the tentacles in front of him seemed to have no end at all!


A sound of breaking wind was heard, and a dagger shot towards him from Lin Mo's back!

This time Lin Mo was well prepared, and his body directly tilted to the side to avoid the attack.

At the same time, Lin Mo turned around and saw the creature that had just attacked him.

It was a humanoid creature wearing a robe, holding a dozen daggers in his hands.


Another dagger shot over, Lin Mo dodged it with a side flip, and picked up the dagger that fell on the ground.

"You're playing tricks, I want to see what you are!"

Lin Mo rushed towards the humanoid creature with the dagger.


The humanoid creature looked at Lin Mo rushing over, and threw the dagger calmly.


Tiger roar attack!

The sonic attack caused his movements to be a little slow.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Mo increased his speed and rushed forward!


The dagger pierced directly into its heart!


The humanoid creature fell to the ground, and the robe on his body fell off.

"What the hell is this!" Lin Mo looked at the body covered by the robe and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Its body was similar to that of a human, but it was covered with strange patterns all over its body, and its face was covered with traces of knife scratches!

"There seems to be a pattern at the heart, but it's a pity that I cut it!" Lin Mo looked at its heart and felt a little regretful.

He continued to chase the tentacles and entered the next room.

There was still a humanoid creature wearing a robe here.

With the previous experience, Lin Mo moved faster this time.

However, when killing, Lin Mo used other methods.

Looking at the head rolling to the side, Lin Mo finally saw the pattern at the heart.

It was a sun, but it looked extremely blood red, like a drop of blood dripping when it was formed!

A sun formed by a drop of blood!

Lin Mo instinctively realized that this pattern might be unusual.

After cleaning up several rooms in succession, Lin Mo looked at the lord's room in front of him and hesitated.

"It's come to this point, there is only one lord left, what's there to hesitate about!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth and rushed directly into the lord's room.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Mo heard the sound of the dagger shooting and the sound of the tentacles falling.

Lin Mo couldn't help but curse, because the dagger and tentacles directly blocked all his escape routes!


Lin Mo threw brass knuckles at the dagger, and with a slight sound, the dagger fell to the ground.

There was also a crack on the finger tiger.

"The third-grade Huang rank dagger was almost destroyed by the dagger!" Lin Mo was shocked. Looking at the dagger on the ground, he felt extremely regretful.

Because it wasn't a dropped item, Lin Mo couldn't bring it back to reality!

After dodging the dagger, Lin Mo also saw the lord of this room.

It was still a humanoid creature wearing a robe, but what was different from the ones seen before was that its robe had a light blood color.


A spiritual power enveloped him.

Lin Mo looked shocked. The lord in front of him could actually use spiritual attacks!

"Not strong enough!" Lin Mo soon felt it. The lord's attack strength was only 6 points at most, and so far it couldn't cause much damage to Lin Mo!

"You can't do it!" Lin Mo sneered and rushed forward with a dagger.


What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the lord's movement speed was extremely strange and extremely fast!

After an afterimage, the lord actually walked around behind Lin Mo!


The dagger penetrated directly into Lin Mo's shoulder blade, and the severe pain made Lin Mo couldn't help but scream.


Lin Mo endured the pain and thrust the dagger behind him.

The lord didn't seem to expect Lin Mo to be like this, so he was directly stabbed by the dagger.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Mo's dagger kept cutting.


The huge tentacles fell again, but this time, when Lin Mo dodged, he pushed the lord behind him under the tentacles!


The terrifying power left a deep mark directly on the ground.

The lord's body also exploded in an instant.

Gentle blood flowed into Lin Mo's body, and a ball of light appeared in front of his eyes.

"Something else fell!" Lin Mo was a little surprised, stepped forward to pick up the light ball, and left the dungeon.

What he didn't expect was that he still hadn't woken up from the game and was still on the selection page.

"Continue to draw pictures or..."

Lin Mo finally chose to upgrade all the remaining skills to advanced proficiency!

Time passed by, and more than half a month had passed before I knew it!

"It stands to reason that he should wake up! He has consumed more than forty Qi and Blood Pills. If he doesn't wake up, our hospital will go bankrupt!"

"It's not enough to apply for another part...but did we make a wrong treatment plan? Logically speaking, he should be awake!"

Lin Mo heard this conversation in a daze, and then opened his eyes slightly...

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