Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 61: Advance to Warrior!

"I'm in the hospital?"

"Are those Qi and Blood Pills given to me by the hospital?"

"Are they free?"

Listening to the conversations around him, Lin Mo's eyes, which were about to open, slowly closed again.

"Free Qi and Blood Pills, it's a waste not to take them..."

Lin Mo thought to himself, and several doctors who were discussing fiercely on the side suddenly closed their mouths at the same time.

"Just now there was a fluctuation on the instrument, which seemed to be a sign of waking up..."

"I seemed to see his eyes blink once..."


Several doctors looked helpless, and one of the elderly simply slapped Lin Mo's thigh.


"Get up and get out of here!"

The old doctor almost roared this sentence.

"Ouch!" Lin Mo sat up from the bed holding his thigh, and when he noticed the eyes of everyone, he smiled awkwardly: "Just woke up, I just woke up..."

"Hurry up and handle the discharge procedures for him, and let the Public Security Bureau reimburse the medical expenses! Forty-five Qi and Blood Pills, are you a pig? Why don't you die of it!"

The old doctor was highly respected, and he pointed at Lin Mo and beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Forty-five Qi and Blood Pills!

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, that's nearly ten million!

A big profit!

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Lin Mo paused: "Captain Leng... How is it?"

"The heart is damaged, and it took a lot of money to reshape the heart, but the martial arts skills are gone!" Several doctors looked a little gloomy: "I should only be able to do some idle jobs in the future!"

Lin Mo exhaled, said nothing, and turned around and left the ward.

After leaving the hospital, Lin Mo directly stopped a taxi and reported the address of the Shenying Special Training Camp.

The driver was looking for topics to chat along the way, and Lin Mo just closed his eyes and felt the Qi and blood power in his body.

"Qi and blood are full, I always feel that I am different now..."

"The hospital gave me forty-five Qi and Blood Pills. Will my martial arts level reach the warrior level!"

The warrior level means a Qi and blood value of more than one hundred!

In addition to the time he spent in the hospital, Lin Mo only took more than two months to turn himself from a waste into a warrior!

Walking into the training camp, Lin Mo walked forward along the familiar road.

"Lin Mo... Lin Mo is back!"

When passing the training ground, many people noticed him.

"I heard that he took a task, but he didn't come back for nearly twenty days... Tsk tsk, a simple task took twenty days, is this the so-called genius?"

"Shh... don't talk, Liu Hai is coming!"

"He's coming! I heard that Liu Hai is going to make trouble for Lin Mo, wait and see!"

A group of people separated the road and let Liu Hai go out.

The Liu family spent a lot of money to cure Liu Hai, and made his strength go to the next level, reaching the level of a fourth-grade warrior.

At this moment, there was no smile on his face, and he walked step by step to Lin Mo.

"You blocked my way!" Lin Mo glanced at him and spoke lightly.

Liu Hai just stared at him coldly, without moving or speaking.

"I count to three, if you don't leave, you will die!" Lin Mo raised a finger: "One..."

As the words came out, a murderous intent steamed from his body and enveloped him forward.

Liu Hai felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, full of coldness.


At the second exit, Lin Mo took a step forward at the same time.

The distance between the two was instantly shortened to about one meter!

The killing intent and anger intertwined and rushed towards Liu Hai.

Liu Hai's face changed wildly, and he was about to say something with trembling, but Lin Mo had already raised his fist.


At the last exit, Liu Hai had already turned and ran in the opposite direction.

At the moment he ran away, Lin Mo punched out with both fists.


The sound of breaking wind was like thunder, and Liu Hai even felt that the ground was shaking.

With a plop, Liu Hai fell to the ground in fear.

"Waste!" Lin Mo walked past him and left this extremely indifferent word.

Liu Hai curled up there, not daring to say a word.

Seeing this scene, everyone was sighing in their hearts. From then on, Liu Hai's martial arts heart had been destroyed, and there would be no major progress in the future.

After dealing with this small incident, Lin Mo went straight to the blood and qi test room.

"Lin Mo, you're back?!"

In the test room, Lu Chuan looked at him with surprise.

"I heard that you killed the wild boar monster and saved many lives. I heard that the higher-ups are going through the process to give you an honorary certificate!"

"I heard that the reward is an intermediate blood and qi pill! That's a full two million!"

When everyone saw Lin Mo, they also surrounded him and looked at him with envy.

"It's a pity that Captain Leng, who was on a mission with me, was seriously injured..." Lin Mo said helplessly.

"At least she doesn't have to worry about the rest of her life. Her position is leisurely and there will be no danger..." Lu Chuan patted Lin Mo's shoulder: "By the way, Instructor Lei said that he would reward you with 150 points. You made a lot of money with these!"

Lin Mo nodded and walked towards the tester.

"You have been in a coma in the hospital for so long. It is normal that your blood and qi value has not increased. Don't worry too much. Just practice well later..." Someone around comforted him.

But halfway through his words, he froze, staring at the computer screen with his mouth slightly open.

Others looked at the screen as if they had seen a ghost.


Looking at the numbers on the screen, a group of people gasped and felt their scalps numb.

The injury that took nearly twenty days to heal in the hospital actually increased so much energy and blood!

"Already...become a warrior?!"

Lu Chuan was such a steady person that he couldn't help but raise his hand and pat the tester twice while looking at the screen.

"Isn't this thing broken?"

"Lin Mo, change the tester!"

Lin Mo smiled, walked to the other tester, and put his hand on it.

"It's still 112! You've really become a samurai!"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo and no longer knew how to control the expressions on their faces.

"It should be so!" Lin Mo nodded: "Can I accept the challenge mission with my speed increase?"

"It should be okay..." Lu Chuan nodded stiffly.

Then he saw Lin Mo taking out his mobile phone and choosing the challenge task, which was the fastest way to increase his energy and blood.

After accepting the task, it soon showed that the challenge was successful, and Lin Mo earned another hundred points.

"I'm afraid no one will break this challenge for many years!" Lu Chuan murmured while looking at Lin Mo.

With the completion of the task of killing the Dark Blood Society, Lin Mo got another 150 points. By the end, Lin Mo became the person with the highest points in the entire camp.

"You'll have a great time for the rest of the month..."

Lu Chuan looked at the points on Lin Mo's card with an envious look on his face: "By the way, according to the camp regulations, you have now become a warrior and are eligible to choose a martial skill!

Remember, you must find the martial arts that suits you best, not the one with the highest level! "

After Lin Mo thanked him, he went to the martial arts storage room. After verifying Lin Mo's level, the guard gave him a sign.

"After you go in, you have half an hour to choose. By then, whether you have chosen the right one or not, you have to come out!"

The gatekeeper dropped these words calmly and continued to take a nap on the recliner.

After Lin Mo entered the storage room, he looked at the martial arts skills with a look of shock on his face.

"What I lack now is movement skills. If I could choose a movement skill..."

Lin Mo searched in the storage room, but body and martial arts were always relatively rare, so after searching for a long time, he still found nothing.

"The time is coming. If you really can't find any movement or martial arts skills, you can only find one with a relatively higher level..."

At this moment, Lin Mo noticed a martial art placed in the corner of the shelf.

Baji collapsed!

"Third-level Xuanjie martial arts!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked it up and took a look at the introduction:

It can double a person's attack power. Those with basic proficiency and above can exert at least twice the attack power, and the intermediate level corresponds to four times the attack power.

If it is linked to advanced proficiency, it will be able to exert seven times the normal attack power.

Go one step further, reach the perfect level of proficiency, and get eight times the attack to win the prize!

Calculated based on Lin Mo's current most powerful skill, the Tiger Fist, if it is linked to perfect proficiency, then one punch will have an attack power of nearly 9,000.

Even a peak warrior may not be able to withstand such terrifying power!

"Just choose it!" Lin Mo took the chosen martial skill, turned around and left.

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