Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 62 College Entrance Examination!

Jinling, high-speed rail station.

"Finally back!"

Lin Mo carried his bag and looked at everything familiar, with a smile on his face.

The two months of special training camp life are over. Tomorrow is the day of the college entrance examination. He finally returned to Aurous Hill the day before.

"I'm finally back. I've lost a lot of weight and must have suffered a lot!"

Father Lin Dayong drove Lin Mo home and spoke with a distressed look on his face.

"Why don't I see that he has lost weight? He feels like he has become much stronger!"

My sister Lin Ya, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help but say.


Lin Mo casually threw a wooden box in the back row: "A gift for you, and then reorganize the language."

Lin Ya opened the wooden box, took a look at the contents, and suddenly took a breath of air.

"Ah! Qi Blood Pill! Thank you brother!"

"Brother, you worked hard during the special training..."

After the little girl said this, she started to slap Lin Mo's back with a flattering smile on her face.

"Wait until you advance to become a warrior..." Lin Mo reminded: "This is an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill!"

"Intermediate Qi and Blood Pill?!" Lin Ya, who was holding the wooden box, shook her hand and almost threw the Qi and Blood Pill to the ground.

Lin Dayong was also shocked, and he braked and stopped the car on the side of the road: "Xiao Mo, just keep such a valuable thing to yourself!

Your sister can just use the primary Qi and Blood Pill! "

"It's okay, I won't be short of Qi and Blood Pills in the future!" Lin Mo smiled and shook his head. He still had it in his hand, but was he worried that he wouldn't have enough Qi and Blood Pills?

That night, Lin Mo had a good meal with his family.

Even though tomorrow is the day of the college entrance examination, Lin Mo still practices step by step, but he no longer takes Qi and Blood Pills to improve his Qi and blood through dreams.

The next day!

Lin Mo came to the municipal test center alone, and the students from No. 3 Middle School were placed in a corner of the test center.

"Hmph, obviously bullying. What's so great about No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School? Isn't it just that there are a few third-level warriors!"

"That's right, if Lin Mo were here, he would definitely crush him... What do you think is Lin Mo's strength now? Can he reach the level of a fourth-grade warrior?"

"I don't know, but it should be almost..."

Several people were discussing there, looking at the students from No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, with unwillingness written on their faces.

"Tch, do you really think that the strongest person among us in the second class is only as strong as a third-grade warrior? You are simply ignorant!

Let me tell you this, if the Lin Mo you are talking about comes, the strongest person among us can crush him to death with one hand! "

"Lin Mo is a person who participated in the genius training camp, and was also selected to participate in the special training camp. Are there any of you in No. 2 Middle School!"

"So what if it doesn't happen? Our No. 2 Middle School still overwhelms you!"

When you test your energy and blood later, be sure not to let us from No. 2 Middle School get in front of you, otherwise you will definitely be hit to pieces! "

The students from No. 2 Middle School looked at everyone in No. 3 Middle School arrogantly and said the most hurtful words.

The people in No. 3 Middle School could only stare, speechless.

"Okay, shut up and wait patiently. If you have time to argue, why not practice for a while!"

Chen Xingzhi walked over with Zhang Lianchang, looking at the students of No. 3 Middle School with a majestic look on his face.

"Principal, because the position of the students in the third middle school is targeted, the energy of the students in the third middle school is not high right now. When the energy and blood are measured later, the energy and blood may be lower than usual..."

"The Education Department is going too far!" Chen Xingzhi scolded: "The principals of No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School are simply inhumane, and they actually resorted to tricks on this kind of thing!"

"So what if you use tricks?" A leisurely voice sounded, and the principals of No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School walked over side by side.

"Principal Chen, don't you know that the number of students admitted to the college entrance examination each year affects the amount of teaching resources?

Our No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School have led the way for so many years, and we are used to enjoying it. We can’t be the same as your No. 3 Middle School! "

"That's right, if your students don't live up to expectations, what's there to say!" The principal of No. 1 Middle School looked at the students of No. 1 Middle School: "Everyone must show their strongest momentum later. If they get good grades, I will reward the students with the strongest momentum. One Qi and Blood Pill for each person!”

"Okay!" The words of the principal of No. 1 Middle School immediately caused the students of No. 1 Middle School to shout.

One Qi and Blood Pill costs two hundred thousand. Not every family can afford that much money casually!

"The same goes for No. 2 Middle School! As long as you can achieve the Qi and Blood level of a Dao Warrior, you will be rewarded with a Qi and Blood Pill!" The words of the principal of No. 2 Middle School also aroused cheers from everyone.

For a time, the momentum of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School overwhelmed everyone.

"It's over, the momentum of No. 3 Middle School is sluggish, and the qi and blood tests may show a lot of drops in qi and blood later!" Zhang Lianchang looked at Chen Xingzhi: "Principal, please say something quickly!"

"It's useless!" Chen Xingzhi shook his head: "The overall strength of No. 3 Middle School is weak, and now it is suppressed in terms of momentum. It's useless to say anything!"

Chen Xingzhi shook his head with an ugly expression. At this moment, he saw Lin Mo walking slowly from a distance.

"Lin Mo!"

Seeing Lin Mo, Chen Xingzhi's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly greeted him: "Why are you here just now?"

"It's good to come, it's good to come!"

Zhang Lianchang also ran to Lin Mo: "You have been training in the special training camp for two months, how much has your level improved?

A sixth-grade warrior? "

Lin Mo shook his head.

"Where's the fifth grade?"

Lin Mo still shook his head.

"Fourth grade...Fourth grade is not bad!" Zhang Lianchang sighed and said, "We will arrange for you to go up for the test earlier. Remember, you must burst out with all your strength, let your blood and qi inspire everyone, and let those guys from No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School feel what it means to be terrified!"

"Hahaha, a fourth-grade warrior dares to say that he makes us terrified?!" The principal of No. 2 Middle School heard the conversation here and sneered, "You should give up No. 3 Middle School this year. Isn't it good to be the bottom of Jinling!"

"Principal, I think he should be the first to go. I'm worried that when the students from No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School go on stage, there will be no chance for No. 3 Middle School!"

The principal of No. 1 Middle School said with a faint smile.

Chen Xingzhi was silent for a moment, looked at Lin Mo, and said with gritted teeth: "Lin Mo, you will be the first one to go up later. Don't feel pressured, just show your true strength!

Don't feel any pressure, no matter what, we won't blame you!"

"Yes, a fourth-grade warrior is also very strong, at least it can inspire many people!" Zhang Lianchang also patted Lin Mo's shoulder: "Come on!"

Lin Mo asked hesitantly: "Are you sure you want me to use all my strength on them? I'm worried that I can't control the moment when my blood and qi burst out... It will be bad if I hurt them!"

"Hahaha, hurt us?!" The principal of No. 2 Middle School laughed: "I want to see how you hurt us!

Everyone listen to me, if Lin Mo goes up to test his blood and qi later, everyone get closer and observe carefully to see how he can't control that little blood and qi!"

"It's the same for No. 1 Middle School. Everyone get closer and feel what the breath of a strong man is..." The principal of No. 1 Middle School also laughed and spoke.

The students of No. 3 Middle School looked at them with anger, and Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang's faces became extremely ugly.

At this time, the chief examiner came up with two deputy examiners.

"Now I announce that the college entrance examination has begun. This college entrance examination will assess you from three dimensions. The first item is the burst of qi and blood!

We will judge whether you are qualified based on the value of your qi and blood burst!

The ranking order has just been updated as required. Now please ask Lin Mo to come up and take the test!"

"Come on!"

"You must perform exceptionally well!"


Everyone in No. 3 Middle School looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but speak.

The students of No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School looked at Lin Mo as if he were a clown.

Lin Mo walked up to the test platform step by step, looking at the dark crowd below, and couldn't help but say: "Why don't you stay away?"

"What nonsense, start quickly!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

A group of students couldn't help but speak.

"Okay, then I will be more restrained later..."

Lin Mo nodded helplessly, and then posed a posture of qi and blood burst...

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