Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 63 You made me give it my all!


"It's really ridiculous. The more you pretend now, the more embarrassing you will be later!"

"I'll wait and see..."

The students from No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School looked at Lin Mo on the stage with mocking looks on their faces.

At this time, Lin Mo let out a light drink, and the energy and blood in his body poured out like a river bursting its banks!


The power of Qi and blood burst out, sweeping towards the people in front of him like a strong wind!

"Something's wrong!"

The faces of the two principals changed drastically and they wanted to rush forward to protect the students, but it was too late!

thump! thump!

The muffled sound was endless, and a group of students lay on the ground in a mess like bowling balls that had been knocked over.

The students who had mocked earlier were particularly serious. Their faces were all pale, and there was even blood on the corners of their mouths!

On the stage, Lin Mo slowly gathered his energy and blood. Looking at the people who fell down in the audience, a smile appeared on his lips: "This is the full strength you asked me to use!"

The students in No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School were livid, and the two principals stared at Lin Mo coldly.

"The blood value...114!"

The examiner announced the final measurement results based on Lin Mo's sudden burst of energy and blood.

114! !

Listening to this number, a group of people's eyes widened.


"Lin Mo became a warrior?!"

"This unlucky boy has turned out to be a warrior!" Zhang Lianchang said with an ecstatic look on his face.

When he asked about Lin Mo's level earlier, he felt a little disappointed. He didn't expect that Lin Mo would bring them such a huge surprise!

"Hahaha, a samurai actually came out of our No. 3 Middle School. This kind of situation is rare even in big cities with prosperous martial arts!" Chen Xingzhi's old face turned into chrysanthemums with a smile. He looked at Lin Mo, who was simply better than his own. A biological son should be kissed even more.

As for the students of No. 3 Middle School, they looked at Lin Mo blankly, and then let out a burst of cheers.

"You've...become so strong!" In the crowd, Ye Qing's eyes flickered as she looked at Lin Mo and murmured to herself.

Previously, she still had the courage to walk side by side with Lin Mo, but now, Lin Mo has already left her far away.

"Hahaha, what else do you have to say!"

"It's too miserable for you. You're all lying on the ground in such a miserable state. Don't let your hair slip during the test later!"

The students from No. 3 Middle School were so angry that they looked in the direction of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School.

The students from No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School looked gloomy. When they looked at Lin Mo, their faces were full of fear.

The dripping momentum must have a huge impact on the Qi and blood test!

The two principals looked ugly, gritted their teeth and shouted at many students: "This is just the first test, our overall level will definitely crush them!

Don't be afraid! "

"Everyone stand up for me, and the reward I just mentioned will be doubled!"

After some encouragement, the students finally stood up, but compared to before, there was still a huge difference!

"Haha, when it comes to energy and blood, No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School will definitely be greatly reduced!" Chen Xingzhi looked at the students of No. 3 Middle School: "On the other hand, our momentum is great. This year may give birth to the best college entrance examination in the history of No. 3 Middle School. score!"

The following test verified Chen Xingzhi's conclusion. A large number of above-average students in No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School performed abnormally, and some even only performed at half the level.

On the other hand, here at No. 3 Middle School, the results of the qi and blood test were much better than expected. Some students even performed exceptionally and reached the level of warriors!

Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo with excited smiles on their faces, as if they were looking at their treasures.

"The young man is very good. How old are you this year? I want to recruit a closed disciple..." One of the examiners stepped forward and looked at Lin Mo with admiration.

"Thank you, senior. This junior already has a teacher!" Lin Mo refused with a smile.

"It's normal!" The old man nodded, with a look of regret on his face.

"Since when did you have a teacher!" Zhang Lianchang pulled Lin Mo and whispered: "Do you know who this old man is? This man is a professor at the Beijing Martial Arts University, and his strength has reached the peak of King Martial Arts..."

"Teacher, do you think there is no strong person behind my current cultivation speed? Is it possible?" Lin Mo chuckled at Zhang Lianchang and blinked.

Zhang Lianchang showed a look of realization and nodded deeply: "That's it! Teacher understands!"

"Lin Mo, good job. The next step is the martial arts test. Just use your strongest martial arts to achieve the greatest attack power!" Chen Xingzhi on the side came up and patted Lin Mo with a smile on his face. shoulders.

"Principal, you don't know. I just broke out and consumed too much. I may not have much attack power when I use my martial arts later..." Lin Mo had a troubled look on his face.

Chen Xingzhi was speechless for a moment: "You kid, you are planning on me, aren't you?

Okay, I'll give you a subsidy. Three Qi and Blood Pills will do! "

"Almost, I should be able to exert 70% of my power by then..."

"Five Qi and Blood Pills! Don't push yourself too far!" Chen Xingzhi looked helpless.

"Thank you principal, I am willing to dedicate everything to No. 3 Middle School!" Lin Mo's face was immediately filled with a smile, and he patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely give them a big surprise later!"

Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang's eyes lit up.

"We just like surprises..."

On the other side, the two principals looked at the dejected students, with expressions of hatred written on their faces.

"Who are you looking down on! This is just the beginning, what's a little mistake?

So what if you're a warrior? The college entrance examination is fair, and he will comprehensively examine all your indicators. If one of them is not good, it will lower the total score!

His Qi and blood value has now reached the level of a first-grade warrior, but can the attack power of martial arts reach this level?

Zhou Yang, your Stone Breaking Fist has reached the master's level of proficiency, and the attack power can even reach 1,000!

So what if you're a warrior? Can you reach such a terrifying attack power!

And Du Cheng, your Paishan Palm is also at the master's level of proficiency, and the attack power can reach at least 800. What are you afraid of?!


The two principals pointed out several strong men and spoke loudly.

The eyes of the people who were named showed brilliance, and gradually became confident.

Yes, their Qi and blood values ​​are not as good as Lin Mo's, but their maximum attack power is terrifying, and they may not lose to Lin Mo!

"We'll let him go first later, and when he's at his most proud, you guys will do your best to attack and scare them to death!

This time, we must slap them in the face!"

"Understood!" A group of students mustered up their courage again and responded loudly.

"Okay, in the next round, three martial arts will be tested. Candidates can use them freely. The maximum attack power they can hit will be used as the judging standard!

Next, the first one... Lin Mo!"

The examiner looked at Lin Mo and nodded at him for the first time.

Offstage, several principals looked a little emotional.

All those who can serve as examiners are important figures in the martial arts university. Such figures may not even be taken seriously by the principals.

But now when facing Lin Mo, they will take the initiative to nod.

This is enough to show that in their eyes, Lin Mo's value has exceeded that of these principals!

"My martial arts attack range may be a bit large. Can you let them stay a little further away?" Lin Mo pointed at the students from No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School standing in front of him.

"Hmph, who are you trying to scare? We are two meters away from you now. No matter how powerful your martial arts are, what can you do to us?" The student named Zhou Yang said coldly.

"I'll stand here and see what you can do to me!" Du Cheng also looked at Lin Mo with indifference.

"Lin Mo, I heard that you should have taken a lot of Qi and Blood Pills to have the current Qi and Blood value, but your real strength may not be that strong, so just go ahead and do it. If something goes wrong, we will be responsible!" The two principals said lightly.

"You really are... You won't cry until you see the coffin!"

Lin Mo shook his head and sighed. The next moment, his expression became extremely solemn. Looking ahead, he punched out!

Stone-breaking Fist!

Master-level proficiency!


This punch actually produced a sonic boom, which means that the punch speed has reached an extremely terrifying level!


Zhou Yang and Du Cheng Lianlian, who were the first to bear the brunt of it, took two steps back, their faces a little pale.

"Attack power... 1100!" The examiner's eyes flickered, and when he read out the number, his face was full of excitement.

Being able to witness the birth of a strong man with their own eyes is something worth showing off for the examiners.

Lin Mo, from the current point of view, can already be regarded as one of the top students!

"Tiger Fist!"


Lin Mo shouted lightly, and punched out with both fists, accompanied by a tiger roar!


Zhou Yang screamed, just a moment ago, he seemed to see a tiger pounce on him!

He staggered back, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

As for Du Cheng, he gritted his teeth and stood there, but everyone could see that his legs were shaking.


The examiner read out the attack power value again, his voice trembling, because this number represented that the Tiger Fist had also been cultivated to the master level!

"Eagle Step!"

Lin Mo made another move, stepped on the platform, jumped high, and then stepped hard at the highest point!


On the ground, several cracks were directly stepped on the hard floor tiles!

"Attack power... 657!"

The attack power of this martial art is obviously much lower than the previous two martial arts, but the examiner's excitement is not much lower than before!

Because they saw the specialness of Lin Mo's martial art.

This is an ability to strike from above, which is very rare among low-level martial artists!

And Lin Mo not only mastered this martial art, but also cultivated it to an extremely high level!

"Examiner, why don't I take the third test together!" Lin Mo turned and looked at the examiner: "After all, I will definitely be the first to go on stage later!"

Several examiners looked at Lin Mo. This proposal was obviously not in compliance with the regulations, but they discussed face to face for less than a minute and nodded at the same time.

They actually agreed to Lin Mo's request!

"The third test is that the candidates can demonstrate a special ability of their own as a bonus point!" The examiner looked at Lin Mo with encouragement on his face: "Just show it, your current score should be enough to rank first in Jinling!

The bonus points are not so important..."

Lin Mo stood on the stage, looking at the students of the First Middle School and the Second Middle School: "Or... you give way, the next attack may be terrifying..."


As soon as the voice fell, a group of students rolled and crawled away from Lin Mo.

A few seconds later, there was no one in front of Lin Mo!

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