
Lin Mo released his mental power, covering the front, and the range of perception continued to expand, and finally stopped within a range of 20 meters.

"My demonstration is over!"

After a few seconds, Lin Mo gathered his mental power and looked at the examiners.

"It's over?!"

"What the hell? How can I feel everything?!"

"We were fooled by this kid! Damn, he is fooling us!"

The students who ran away earlier looked at each other, and immediately rolled up their sleeves in anger to find trouble with Lin Mo.

"Even if he fooled you, so what? Can you beat him?" A student from the third middle school on the side spoke slowly.

The person who was so excited that he wanted to go up and fight with Lin Mo before trembled, silently adjusted his sleeves, and pretended to look away.

"Don't talk!" Ye Qing glanced at the students around him, then raised his hand and pointed at Principal Chen Xingzhi not far away: "You and them, your expressions are very solemn, something may have happened just now that we can't detect!"

A group of students looked in the direction of his finger and were stunned.

Chen Xingzhi's face was filled with astonishment, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

The other two principals were unwilling to believe, and their eyes staring at Lin Mo were also extremely complicated.

"How could this be possible?" The principal of the Second Middle School spoke slowly: "How old is he! He is obviously just a warrior, how could he..."

"I don't believe it, how could Jinling produce such a talent... No, it's a monster!" The principal of the First Middle School also spoke with difficulty.

Chen Xingzhi's astonished expression disappeared little by little, replaced by an excited look.

"Hahaha, great! Great!"

"The Third Middle School is going to be famous now!"


Chen Xingzhi took two steps towards Lin Mo, but as if he felt it was not appropriate, he stood in place, and actually clasped his hands in front of Lin Mo, performing a courtesy between martial artists!

This scene shocked most people. The principal actually performed this courtesy to the students of the school!

What they didn't expect was that the two principals who had originally targeted Lin Mo also sighed lightly, and then made the same move!

Zhang Lianchang and several other teachers followed.

Etiquette between martial artists!!

Lin Mo stood on the stage, watching the scene below, his expression became solemn, and he clasped his fists to return the greeting!

"What... is going on?"

A group of students felt confused and looked at them blankly.


At this time, the three examiners standing on the stage shouted in unison.

The examiner smiled excitedly and stepped forward to pat Lin Mo on the shoulder: "It's rare, it's really rare!

You can go back now. In the next few days, there should be many schools contacting you, but I hope you can choose Beijing Wuda!

I can make the decision. As long as you choose Beijing Wuda, the tuition for four years will be waived, and the school can also provide you with a scholarship of 500,000 yuan and five primary blood and qi pills every year!"

"Old man Jin, you are too stingy!" Another examiner chuckled and stepped forward and said: "Lin Mo, if you choose Tianlong Wuda, the tuition will be waived, and you can be given a scholarship of one million yuan and five intermediate blood and qi pills every year!"

"Tianlong Wuda and Beijing Wuda are rich and powerful, and we can't compare with Nanwan Wuda, but if you choose Nanwan Wuda, the tuition for four years will be waived, and all the training rooms in the school will be open to you for free for one month every year!"


The students in the audience couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they looked at the three examiners.

They all saw it for the first time that they started to snatch students at the college entrance examination.

Especially the conditions offered by the three people were more excessive than the other.

The last one is that although Nanwan Wuda did not give material rewards, students who can take the college entrance examination know that the cost of using the university's training room starts at 100,000 yuan each time.

One month a year, this fee is already terrifying to the extreme!

As for Tianlong Wuda and Jingcheng Wuda, although they did not give such generous conditions, according to the enrollment news over the years, they also gave Lin Mo the highest treatment!

"Who can tell me what happened just now!"

Some students felt like they were going crazy. They could accept that Lin Mo was better than them, but they couldn't accept that they didn't know where Lin Mo was strong!

"Principal, what's going on?"

Zhou Yang looked at his principal and couldn't help but speak.

"Zhou Yang, you have to admit that in this world, some people are born to be the protagonist. You are already very powerful, but you have to accept that there are people who are stronger than you..."

"Principal, tell me what is going on. I can accept that he is stronger than me, but I want to know where he is strong." Zhou Yang had an unwilling look on his face: "I always want to know where the gap between me and him is!"

"Yes, Principal, please tell us the reason!"

Several top students surrounded him with the same unwilling look on their faces.

They are all top students. They are usually high up in school and look down on many students.

This is the first time that he has been stepped on hard by someone!

"He just used... mental power and released mental perception. This is a mental martial art that can perceive everything that happens within a certain range.

You are all top students and should know what this means!"

"Mental power..."

"Mental perception?"

A group of students had desperate looks on their faces, as if they had lost their souls.

Zhou Yang glanced at Lin Mo standing on the stage, and felt that the figure had become extremely tall. Even just a glance made him feel suffocated.

"Spiritual power... He actually mastered spiritual power!"

The square formation of students from the third middle school, Chen Xingzhi explained what had just happened.

A group of students were stunned at first, and then cheered.

Too strong, the warrior realm actually mastered spiritual martial arts!

Over the years, the third middle school has been suppressed by the second and first middle schools. This is the first time they are proud of it!

"You are so strong..." Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression: "Which school will you choose in the future?"

Lin Mo walked down the platform step by step and came to Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang: "Principal, Teacher Zhang, I didn't disappoint you!"

"Hahaha, you kid more than didn't disappoint us!" Chen Xingzhi patted Lin Mo's shoulder: "You made us proud!"

"Lin Mo, you are the pride of the teacher!" Zhang Lianchang smiled with red eyes.

"Okay, your assessment is over, now hurry back!" Chen Xingzhi glanced at the test bench and lowered his voice: "During this period, there should be many schools contacting you, you must keep steady and maximize the benefits!

Students like you, these schools must fight for it!"

"I understand!" Lin Mo nodded, greeted his classmates, and turned to leave the examination room.

"Oops, I forgot to tell him that we should get together after the exam!" Lin Mo's monitor exclaimed.

"Wait until the exam is over, I'll help you contact him!" Ye Qing bit her lip and said first.

"Okay, with the beautiful Ye, Lin Mo will definitely come!" The squad leader smiled and nodded.

"Beautiful girl..." Ye Qing smiled bitterly in her heart and said nothing more!

Lin Mo's college entrance examination is over, and their college entrance examination has just begun!


"It's over?!" After leaving the examination room, Lin Mo had an unreal feeling.

Looking back three months ago, he was still a poor student with a blood value of only 0.8, but now, he has entered the warrior realm and is being fought over by several universities at the college entrance examination site!

These universities were out of his reach three months ago, but now he can choose them!

Standing at the gate of the community, several old ladies looked at Lin Mo, their eyes lit up again.

"Xiao Mo is back, I remember you took the college entrance examination today, why did you come back so early?"

"I came back first after it was over!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"It's not even ten o'clock yet, and it's over. My grandson took the college entrance exam last year until after five in the afternoon, and he got into Tianlong No. 3 Wuda, a first-class university!" An old lady said with a proud look on her face.

"Your grandson is amazing!" Lin Mo gave the old lady a thumbs up.

"It's just so-so, Xiao Mo, if you can get into No. 3 Wuda, I'll let my grandson protect you. He's in school now, and he's a student union officer! He has a lot of power!"

"Thank you, old lady. I'm a little tired after the exam, so I'll go upstairs to rest first!" Lin Mo nodded politely and turned into the stairwell.

"Tsk tsk, this kid from the Xiaolin family may not have ideal test scores this year!"

"That's right, how can a truly ideal test be completed in one hour! He probably won't pass the exam!"

"I heard that this kid is pretty good, and he even went to a genius training camp... How come he failed the college entrance exam!"

"It's probably because of his bad mentality. I tell you, the mentality of the college entrance exam is very important. My grandson had a very good mentality back then, and he was finally admitted to Tianlong No. 3 Wuda, which is a first-class university, just one step away from a key university!"


Lin Mo could still hear the discussions of several aunties in the corridor.

He couldn't help shaking his head. Li Daming and his son must have listened to these aunties and mistakenly thought that he, Lin Mo, had become an idiot.

As a result, they came to provoke and eventually both died.

"Rumors kill people!" Lin Mo sighed, pushed the door open, and saw his parents sitting on the sofa staring at him.

"You...didn't go to work?" Lin Mo smiled and looked at his parents.

"You are taking the college entrance examination today. We asked for leave. We didn't go with you because we were afraid you would be nervous..." Wang Ping explained, then stood up and said, "Why is it over so soon? Did you not do well in the exam..."

"What nonsense!" Lin Dayong glared at his wife, then looked at Lin Mo with a smile: "How is my son? Can he be admitted to the provincial Wuhan University?"

"Not bad..." Lin Mo smiled and said, "Don't worry, your son, I am being sought after by several universities!

Both Beijing Wuhan University and Tianlong Wuhan University want to give me a scholarship!"

"You are just bragging. It's not time to fill in the application form yet!" Wang Ping slapped her son, but seeing that her son was joking with her, the couple was relieved.

At this moment, a noisy sound suddenly sounded downstairs.

Outside the gate, more than a dozen cars drove into the community.

Several aunties who were chatting before immediately became interested and surrounded them.

"What are you doing? This is a high-end community..." One of the aunties was from the property management committee, wearing a red armband, and surrounded them.

"Hello, Auntie, we are looking for Lin Mo..." One of them said with a smile.

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