"Ye Qing?" Looking at the caller's name on the phone, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then pressed the answer button.

"Is it time to distribute dividends again?" Lin Mo asked with a smile.

"All you know about dividends is dividends. Don't worry, you will get the money!" Ye Qing said unhappily, but because of this sentence, her nervous mood calmed down a lot.

"Today's college entrance examination is over. Because of some people, everyone's scores are better than expected, so we are going to celebrate. I want to invite you, a busy man, to join us. Do you have time?" Ye Qing's voice came from the phone.

"Miss Ye invited me, of course I have time!"

"Location and time?"

"Jinling Villa, the time is 6 pm!" Ye Qing left this sentence and hung up the phone directly.

"How is it, did Lin Mo agree?" The monitor stood aside, looking at Ye Qing nervously.


"That's good!" The monitor showed an excited smile on his face, even happier than he got a good score in the college entrance examination.

"Do you have activities tonight?" Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi stood aside and heard the conversation between the two people. They immediately came over.

"We are going to get together. After entering college, I don't know if we will meet again!" The class monitor answered honestly.

"That's right..." Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"Teacher Zhang, Principal Chen, I wonder if you have time tonight. If so, can we get together?" Ye Qing saw the purpose of the two at a glance and took the initiative to invite them.

"Of course I have time!" The two nodded repeatedly: "Tonight at Jinling Villa, six o'clock, we will meet there!"

After achieving the goal, Chen Xingzhi turned around and left with Zhang Lianchang with a smile.

A group of students were speechless. Generally, teachers would not attend student gatherings, let alone the high-ranking principal.

But this time, the principal was so proactive. It was obvious that all this was because of Lin Mo!


Six o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Mo got out of the car, looked at the entrance of the hotel in front of him, and said silently, it's too luxurious, and then he walked in.

"Lin Mo, you are finally here, but you are one minute late, so it's not too much to punish you with three glasses of wine!"

The squad leader saw Lin Mo coming and immediately smiled, holding the wine glass to greet him.

Lin Mo took the wine glass with a smile and drank three glasses in a row.

It is obvious that Lin Mo became the final protagonist of today's party, and even Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang were complimenting him intentionally or unintentionally.

Feeling the strangeness of the people around him, Lin Mo felt a little uncomfortable, but soon he was relieved.

In the martial arts, there is always a high and low, there are always people who have to stand at the top, and there are always people who have to be eliminated.

Lin Mo doesn't know what the future will be like, but at least now, he has killed his way out of these people in front of him and become the protagonist among them!

"Lin Mo, grandpa called me and said that he would give you half of the income from the Qi and Blood Pill!" Ye Qing sat next to Lin Mo and whispered.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "No, just do it as before!"

As Lin Mo's cultivation level improved, the money from the sale of primary Qi and Blood Pills was no longer enough.

In the future, he needed intermediate Qi and Blood Pills or even advanced Qi and Blood Pills, so that he could meet the consumption of dungeons and martial arts fields.

"What are you two whispering about!" The squad leader next to him was obviously drunk and couldn't help but come forward: "Lin Mo, I heard that many schools came to your house to recruit students today. What are the conditions they offered?

Which school did you choose in the end?"

The squad leader's words immediately made everyone at the banquet quiet down, and they all looked at Lin Mo curiously.

"Needless to say, it must be Beijing Wuda, after all, it is the top martial arts university in China!"

"I think it's Tianlong Wuda, you can study abroad in the future, the martial arts environment abroad is much better than in China, and there are more opportunities!"

"Lin Mo is not the kind of person who worships foreign things! I think Lin Mo may choose Nanwan Wuda, you have to know what a good training room means!

That is something that money can't buy, the trainers of Nanwan Wuda are the best in the whole of China!"

A group of people said their guesses one after another, even Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi on the side looked at Lin Mo curiously.

"None of them..." Lin Mo shook his head. He didn't know if Huaxia Military University was a confidential school, so Lin Mo couldn't say it.

"None of them? You can't just go abroad..." The class leader widened his eyes: "Awesome, did those people abroad know your grades so quickly?"

"Lin Mo, did you choose one of those two schools?" Chen Xingzhi looked up at Lin Mo and suddenly spoke.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "President Chen also knows those two schools?"

"Of course I know. In fact, when you go to college, you will know those two schools. This is not a secret!" Chen Xingzhi smiled: "Is it Huaxia Military University or Huaxia Martial Arts University?"

"Military University!"

"It is indeed Military University!" Chen Xingzhi nodded and looked at everyone: "In fact, you should be able to understand what these two martial arts universities represent just by listening to the names!

These two schools are above all martial arts universities!"


After hearing what Chen Xingzhi said, a group of people took a breath of cold air and looked at Lin Mo with envy in their eyes.



"As it should be!"

Everyone was shocked and expressed their opinions.

"If you can perform well in college, you will have a certain chance to become a part of these two schools!" Chen Xingzhi added: "So, everyone, work hard!"

A group of students were inspired, and their eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

The more wine they drank, the more sadness appeared on everyone's faces.

With Lin Mo's current health level, this amount of wine is not enough to make him drunk.

After Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang left, the students completely let themselves go.

"Going for a walk?" Ye Qing stood in front of Lin Mo and asked with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded, and the two left here alone, walking on the path of Jinling Villa.

Ye Qing didn't speak, and Lin Mo didn't speak either.

"Which school are you going to apply for?" Lin Mo finally broke the silence and asked, looking at Ye Qing's side face.

"It should be Beijing Martial Arts University. As a comprehensive martial arts university, Beijing Martial Arts University is very strong in alchemy. I plan to focus on alchemy in the future." Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo: "Wait until I improve the recipe for the primary Qi and Blood Dan. After that, I will severely reduce the dividend for you!"

Lin Mo smiled: "Huaxia Military University and Beijing Wuhan University are not far apart. If you have anything, you can come to me at any time!"

Ye Qing nodded, and the two fell into silence again.

"Actually, I have always been paying attention to you. You don't know that when you were a freshman in high school, you actually became the idol in many people's hearts..." Ye Qing mustered up the courage to look at Lin Mo: "At that time, your energy and blood were worth It was very high, but I didn’t expect it to drop so much later!”

"So I suddenly became synonymous with waste?" Lin Mo said with a smile: "That was indeed the darkest moment of my life!"

"But from the beginning to the end, I felt that you would get out of the darkest moment." Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo and said firmly: "Now it is proved that my idea was right, you really shocked everyone's jaws! Shocked everyone!”

Lin Mo smiled. In fact, he really wanted to say that he was just a loser, but even if he said this, no one would believe it.

"The summer vacation is long, what are you going to do?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo as if something happened, "Is it going to the mountains to practice or some other way?"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and then said: "I had a plan...

I am ready to use force to make friends! "

"Make friends with force!" Ye Qing had a look of surprise on her face.

The so-called making friends by force is the legendary journey of thousands of miles.

Challenge all the strong men of his generation along the way. If he can be crushed all the way, then this martial artist will naturally have an invincible mentality in his heart.

On the way to martial arts, an invincible mentality is very important.

However, it is easier said than done to crush them all the way?

Many geniuses and strong men have chosen this path, but they don't know that there is a world outside the world and there are people outside the world. Often, they are beaten to pieces as soon as they walk a certain distance, which ruins their martial arts aspirations!

Therefore, generally people who take this road need to be very cautious.

"You are very powerful, but there are many strong people in China. Some ancient martial arts families have special ways of cultivating martial arts. Their strength will not be weaker than you!

I'm worried that your invincibility will be affected! "

"Actually, this choice is a decision I made after thinking about it for a long time!" Lin Mo said firmly: "I will be fully prepared before setting off. Moreover, I will not travel all over China at once. I will proceed step by step. Before I finish my sophomore year, I will complete the entire process of making friends through martial arts!”

Lin Mo wants to temper himself, but this does not mean that he has no brains.

However, Lin Mo firmly believes that if he is given time, any martial arts family or any thousand-year-old foundation will be defeated by him!

Seeing that Lin Mo had already made a decision, Ye Qing stopped trying to persuade him, because she knew very well that after a man made a choice, the best way for a woman to do it was to support him!

When the two of them went back, Lin Mo clearly felt that everyone looked at them strangely.

This left Lin Mo a little confused.

It was quite late and everyone was preparing to go home. The task of escorting Ye Qing naturally fell on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stopped a car and sent Ye Qing to the gate of Ye's house.

"You're finally here, kid. I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Mr. Ye was guarding the door. When he saw Lin Mo arriving, he immediately went to greet him.

"Mr. Ye!" Lin Mo saluted quickly: "What do you want from me?"

"Of course something happened!" Mr. Ye nodded: "Your kid stole the show in the college entrance examination this time. I'm worried that if I don't please you, I won't have a chance in the future, so I'm taking this opportunity to give you something...

You follow me! "

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