Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 67: Ye Family’s Investment!

Ye Chaoqun had a smile on his face and waved to Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, what do you think of Qing'er?" Ye Chaoqun, who was walking in front, suddenly spoke.

"Very good!" Lin Mo didn't think too much and answered directly.

But Ye Qing was different. After hearing Lin Mo's words, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Grandpa, why are you asking this?" Ye Qing stamped her feet and said, "I'm ignoring you!"

After leaving these words, Ye Qing ran away.

"This girl!" Ye Chaoqun laughed twice: "When I arrive in the capital in the future, Qing'er will be taken care of by you!

Make sure you don't put him in any danger, just treat me as a favor to you! "

As Ye Chaoqun said this, he actually cupped his hands towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo quickly stepped aside and said, "The old man has offended me. Students should take care of each other!"

"Between classmates?" Ye Chaoqun glanced at Lin Mo, laughed twice, and stopped talking.

The two walked in tandem, Lin Mo put his hands behind his back and looked at the Ye family in the night.

As one of the major alchemy families in Jinling, the wealth accumulated by the Ye family is astonishing. The entire Ye family courtyard is modeled after Su's garden design, which is antique and full of charm.

"If you like it here, I can ask someone to clean a house for you. You can come and stay for a while if you have nothing to do!" Ye Chaoqun did not look back, but said with a slight smile as if he could see Lin Mo's movements.

Mental strength!

Lin Mo was startled and looked at the old man in front of him with respect in his heart.

This turned out to be a martial arts cultivator at the level of a Martial King!

"They are all made from pills. Their real combat power may not be as good as that of an eighth-grade warrior!" Ye Chaoqun explained with a smile: "With your talent, if you reach fifth-grade or above, I will definitely not be your opponent!"

"Senior is so humble!" Lin Mo said solemnly: "May I ask what your spiritual power is now?"

"It should be about the same as you..." Ye Chaoqun shook his head: "It has just arrived at 12 o'clock!"

12 points of mental power? !

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, so weak?

His current mental strength has definitely exceeded this number!

"You look like you deserve a beating!" Ye Chaoqun looked at Lin Mo's face and frowned slightly. After a while, they stopped in front of a gate.

"This is the warehouse of my Ye family. On weekdays, even the direct children are not eligible to enter!" Ye Chaoqun said as he opened the door of the warehouse: "You are the first to enter the warehouse of my Ye family. People with foreign surnames!”

Lin Mo didn't speak, his eyes were already attracted by the things in the warehouse.

The first thing that caught his eye was a dagger, all blood red, exuding a terrifying evil aura.

"What a heavy evil spirit!" Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the dagger.

"A yellow-level item dagger. Someone once used this dagger to kill hundreds of people, and eventually formed such a terrifying evil spirit!" Ye Chaoqun introduced: "However, the owner of this dagger was eventually killed by a King of Martial Arts!

The dagger was also put up for auction. I originally spent nearly 100 million to buy this dagger! "

"Did you see the knife over there? It's called the Blood Knife." Ye Chaoqun pointed to a big knife on the knife stand on the side: "It is the weapon of a peak Martial King. It is close to the first level of Xuanjie. It is extremely terrifying."

In the warehouse, in addition to knives and daggers, there are too many other weapons, all of high quality.

"The Ye family is really rich!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

However, these weapons did not attract him. After all, he now had a design drawing of the glove in his hand.

"There are all kinds of martial arts over there!" Ye Chaoqun had been paying attention to Lin Mo's expression, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he saw that he didn't show any interest.

You know, when most people see these weapons, they will definitely want to take them for themselves.

"This kid is extraordinary!"

Ye Chaoqun led Lin Mo to the martial arts area. There was a whole row of bookshelves, which were divided into four major categories based on the classification of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and then each major category was divided into nine levels!

“There is no one above the first level of the prefecture level!

The highest one is only the ninth grade of Xuan level!

Have a look and see if anyone is interested? "

Ye Chaoqun introduced with a smile.

Lin Mo's eyes swept along the martial arts skills line by line. He had always wanted to find a physical martial arts technique.

It's a pity that this kind of martial arts is too precious, even the Ye family doesn't have it.

"Five Elements Fist, ninth level of Xuanjie!" Lin Mo set his sights on the highest level of martial arts.

"You want to choose Five Elements Boxing?" Ye Chaoqun looked at Lin Mo, stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved: "This kind of martial arts requires you to wait until your strength reaches the peak of King Wu before it can involve changes in Tao Qi and blood!

Before this, even if you master this kind of martial arts, it will be useless!

I advise you to choose something more practical..."

"No need, I will choose Five Elements Fist!" Lin Mo shook his head: "You should know that with my current cultivation speed, it will be a matter of time before I reach the peak of King Wu!"

"The peak of King Wu is easier said than done..." Ye Chaoqun shook his head: "Especially now that you have been admitted to the Huaxia Military University. You may not know what this school means..."

Lin Mo was trying to get more information about the Huaxia Military University. When he heard Ye Chaoqun's words, he immediately looked at him with curiosity: "Sir, tell me, I'll listen!"

“Of course Huaxia Military University is one of the top two schools in China, but you have to know the reason why Huaxia Military University is top!

Every year, the Chinese Army enters the abyss, and more than once, all students have to go in to experience it!

This resulted in a very high casualty rate for the Chinese Army. One year, there was not even a single graduate!

You have to know that the students recruited by Huaxia Military University every year are the top ones. As long as they grow up steadily, they can reach the peak of King Wu!

But how many people have really grown up? "

"Martial arts is cruel!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

But he didn't care. From the moment he set foot on the road of martial arts, he had a firm mind and an invincible heart!

"Since you have made your choice, I won't advise you anymore!" Ye Chaoqun thought for a while and then led Lin Mo to the pill area.

"Originally, according to my idea, you can only choose one of the three areas, but I really like you, so I will make an exception!

You take this thing! "

Ye Chaoqun picked a pill box in the pill area and threw it to Lin Mo.

"this is……"

"The Vitality Pill, as long as you still have a breath, after swallowing it, you can be alive and active. However, you can only use it once in your life. My Ye family only has this one, so I give it to you now!"

Ye Chaoqun's words shocked Lin Mo. Looking at the elixir in his hand, his heartbeat was beating crazily.

"Old man, this is too precious, I can't have it!" Lin Mo thought for a while and returned the pill.

This thing is almost equivalent to an extra life. The old man has not long to live, but he gave this thing to him. This favor is really too great!

"Just take it. Besides, I have other purposes for giving you these things!" Ye Chaoqun glared and said, "After arriving in the capital, you have to help me take good care of Qing'er.

If her life is in danger, I hope you can use this elixir to save her! "

"Don't worry, old man!" Lin Mo nodded heavily and put away the elixir.

"Okay, go and rest, I've already asked someone to prepare a room for you!" Ye Chaoqun smiled when he saw Lin Mo's elixir.

The two left the warehouse and went all the way to the front of the guest room.

"What a rich energy!" Lin Mo stood at the door of the guest room and couldn't help but sigh.

"That's natural. The entire guest room is made of the dregs of the Qi and Blood Pill through special treatment.

You should know very well that my Ye family's elixir recipe is not as good as the one you gave me later, so the residue after refining the elixir using the Ye family's elixir recipe still has a lot of medicinal properties in it.

After being made into building materials, the remaining Qi and blood will be continuously emitted for people to absorb! "

"What a luxury!" Lin Mo sighed, then opened the door and walked in.

The room is also very luxurious, with a super large bed and many things made of gold.

"Okay, let's rest early. I'm going back first!" Ye Chaoqun turned and left.

Lin Mo waited until he left, quickly sent a message to his family, and then opened Five Elements Fist and started reading.

"Five Elements Fist, as the name suggests, is to transform the power of Qi and blood into energy in the five forms of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and then blast it out.

If the Five Elements Boxing can be cultivated to the highest level and the Five Elements can be transformed freely, this type of boxing technique can even be compared to earth-level martial arts! "

Lin Mo memorized the general content of the boxing technique in his mind, then entered the space in his mind and looked at the ball of light hanging in his mind.

This thing was dropped from a previous copy, and Lin Mo never had the chance to check what it was.

"It would be great if it were martial arts, preferably body martial arts..."

Lin Mo thought like this and then opened the light group directly.

Lin Mo held his breath and looked at the thing inside the light was a scroll!

Opening the scroll...a line of words came into view - Ghostly Shadow!

"Ghost Shadow Trace, body and martial arts skills, can show ghost-like body skills in battle. If it is connected to the extreme, it can even be invincible in a battle of the same level!

Because all attacks of the same level will be ineffective against you, they can't lock on to your location! "

Lin Mo looked at the introduction above and felt his heartbeat beating crazily.

"Get rich, get rich! I couldn't have been a European emperor in my previous life!" Lin Mo looked at the ghost shadow martial arts in his hand and couldn't help laughing.

Whatever he wants comes, Lin Mo feels that he is either the European Emperor or the Chosen One!

Keeping the above content in mind, Lin Mo began to try ghost shadowing.

He has plans to travel thousands of miles, and he will inevitably encounter many powerful enemies along the way. Improving his strength is one of Lin Mo's most urgent needs at the moment.

Although the Five Elements Fist is powerful, he cannot use it now.

The ghost shadow is different. This kind of powerful movement and martial arts can elevate Lin Mo's strength to a new level!

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