Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 68: Practicing Ghost Shadow

"It is indeed a yellow-grade ninth-grade martial arts!"

In the room, Lin Mo could not hide the excitement on his face and looked at the scroll in his hand.

His breathing was heavy. In the past few hours, he had been practicing the ghost shadow body movement, and now he was just getting started.

He took out a blood and qi pill and swallowed it. A familiar feeling came over him, and Lin Mo lay directly on the bed.

The game is loading...

Lin Mo entered the martial arts arena, looked at the several options in front of him, and selected the ghost shadow.

"Ghost Shadow, a ninth-grade earth-grade martial arts..."

At the moment when the martial arts were selected, such a line of introduction appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Looking at this line of text, Lin Mo was stunned.

"Ninth-grade earth-grade?! Isn't it ninth-grade yellow-grade?"

When he took out the scroll before, Lin Mo saw it clearly. This was a ninth-grade yellow-grade martial arts. How come it became a ninth-grade earth-grade after arriving at the martial arts arena?


Just when Lin Mo was doubting his life, the text in front of him continued to appear.

"The martial arts are incomplete, and can be upgraded by completing the fragments. The fragments exist in the dungeon..."


Lin Mo took a breath and almost jumped up in excitement.

"In other words, as long as I complete the fragments, the martial arts can be continuously upgraded and eventually become the ninth grade of the earth rank?!"

After reaching this conclusion, Lin Mo felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Originally, the ninth grade of the yellow rank was already very rare, and now Lin Mo was given a ninth grade of the earth rank martial arts...

I'm rich!

The ninth grade of the yellow rank is already so terrifying, if it is really upgraded to the ninth grade of the earth rank, it will be terrible!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's face was full of expectations.

"Before the journey of thousands of miles, improve the proficiency of the ghost shadow trace first!" Lin Mo thought so, and the message of deducting Qi and Blood Pills x20 appeared in front of him.

Lin Mo felt that his heart was about to stop beating. Twenty Qi and Blood Pills were deducted at once. Isn't this going to kill him!

Lin Mo started to practice with tears in his eyes.

The main feature of the Ghost Shadow Mi Trace Body Technique is that it is uncertain, like a shadow, like a ghost, like a virtual or real.

In the martial arts arena, Lin Mo's figure kept flashing and changing, and at the same time, it can be vaguely seen that his figure seemed to have turned into two colors, transparent and gray.

The two colors of the figure kept flashing alternately, and it was impossible to distinguish the real from the fake.

Time passed, and when Lin Mo opened his eyes, it was almost dawn.

"Twenty Qi and Blood Pills, I practiced the Ghost Shadow Mi Trace to the intermediate proficiency. I really don't know whether it is a loss or a profit!" Lin Mo looked at the few Qi and Blood Pills left on his body and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Getting up from the bed, Lin Mo tried to practice with the Thunder Breathing Method.

The environment of the Ye family is very good. The Thunder Breathing Method continuously refines the spiritual energy around and allows them to continuously sink into the body.

In a trance, Lin Mo seemed to have thunder flowing around him, and a sound like water flow came from his Dantian. That was the sound of Qi and blood flowing, like thunder.


In the whole room, most of the objects were covered by thunder. After a slight sound, all the glass around was shattered.

Such a huge movement attracted a large number of people from the Ye family to come and check.

Through the broken window, everyone saw Lin Mo who was practicing inside.

"Isn't this the guest invited by the old man? Is he practicing now? What's wrong with him? It seems like there are arcs jumping on his body! Computer special effects!"

"Are you stupid? Can your computer special effects make it look like this?"

"Too scary, look at his Dantian, it's just like the ocean!"


Everyone spoke up and kept praising Lin Mo.

Ye Qing came out in pajamas, looking at Lin Mo surrounded by lightning, her eyes full of shock.

"It should be some kind of breathing method..." Ye Chaoqun stood beside Ye Qing, stroking his beard and said, "This kid is really shocking. He actually has such a terrifying breathing method!"

"Breathing method?" The young man's eyes lit up immediately: "Since it is a breathing method, can Lin Mo also give it to us?"

"Shut up!" Ye Chaoqun's face sank, staring at the people of the Ye family, and said coldly: "I warn you, no one should try to get Lin Mo's breathing method. If I know that someone is forcing or using despicable means to get the breathing method from Lin Mo, don't blame me for being rude!"

After leaving this sentence, Ye Chaoqun turned around and left.

A group of people were scolded for no reason, and their faces were inexplicable.

"Sister, what's the matter, I'm also for the good of the Ye family!" The young man who spoke earlier looked aggrieved.

"Can you pass on the alchemy technique of my Ye family to others?" Ye Qing looked at the young man in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"If that's the case, how can you ask Lin Mo to pass on the breathing method to our Ye family?"

"What's more, Lin Mo has such a terrifying breathing method at such a young age. Do you think there is a terrifying martial artist behind him?

Many martial artists take inheritance very seriously. If Lin Mo passes on the breathing method to us, the Ye family will inevitably suffer revenge from this mysterious strong man, and then the entire Ye family will no longer exist!

Are you willing to see this scene?"

Ye Qing stared at the young man who spoke earlier, with a smile on her face, and spoke slowly.

The young man shook his head subconsciously. He had already felt that it was indeed a bit too much to ask Lin Mo to do this.

"Sister, I was wrong!" The young man bowed his head and apologized.

Ye Qing smiled and turned back to her room.

"Unconsciously, you have surpassed me so much. I have to work hard, at least I can't be left too far behind by you!"

Ye Qing whispered and began to practice.

"In just a short while, my blood value has increased by at least 0.5!" After finishing today's practice, Lin Mo felt the condition of his body and showed a satisfied look on his face.

After saying hello to Ye Chaoqun, Lin Mo stood up and prepared to leave.

At the gate, the young man who had humiliated Lin Mo before was standing respectfully beside the car and opened the door attentively.

"Grandpa asked me to be your driver today to make amends for you!" The young man smiled and said, "My name is Ye Yifan!"

"Good name!" Lin Mo nodded.

"Where are you going?" The young man had a very correct attitude and had completely regarded himself as a driver.

"Go home, I'll send the address to your navigation!" Lin Mo sat in the co-pilot, sent the location, and closed his eyes.

"Mr. Ye, I encountered a few problems when I was practicing, and I want to ask you for advice..."

Ye Yifan is very smart. He understands that Ye Chaoqun asked him to send Lin Mo to gain something in the process.

So he seized this opportunity and kept asking questions.

Lin Mo was very patient and told him everything he knew along the way.

"Mr. Ye, this is my phone number. If you have anything later, just call me directly!" After sending Lin Mo off the car, Ye Yifan was very tactful and did not drive away.

The entrance of the community is still filled with the original few aunts. Before Lin Mo arrived, they were still chatting leisurely about family matters.

The moment she saw Lin Mo, the old lady in the lead immediately stood up: "Little Mo, come here quickly, I heard that your college entrance examination results this year are very ideal, and many good universities want to recruit you, right?"

The aunt who often boasted about her grandson rushed up to block Lin Mo's car immediately when she saw him.

"Yes, but this matter is still confidential..."

Lin Mo casually said a word and evaded the matter.

The faces of several old ladies were a little ugly, after all, they did not get the first-hand information they were interested in.

Watching Lin Mo leave, one of the old ladies spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground fiercely.

"Tsk, look at his face that looks like he was spoiled to the sky, isn't it just that he got into a lousy university? When he grows up and comes out, isn't he still moving bricks like a migrant worker! In the end, he is just a migrant worker with a higher blood value!"

"That's right, and I heard that many people there died in less than a year..."

Several aunts whispered to Lin Mo's back.

In fact, at such a long distance, Lin Mo could hear everything clearly.

"I can't die even if you die!" Lin Mo shrugged indifferently, then continued to go upstairs.

The old ladies became more and more addicted to scolding, as if they wished Lin Mo would die sooner.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this moment, there was a solemn sound of footsteps on the ground.

At the entrance of the community, two teams of soldiers walked in step by step with sonorous steps.

They looked stern and looked straight ahead.

Several old ladies stood up involuntarily and stared at the two teams of soldiers blankly.

The leader wore a green military hat and his chest was full of seals. He was a big boss at first glance.

"You guys stay where you are, I'll go up and take a look!" After the big boss said this, he took the red admission letter and stepped into the door.

At this moment, Lin's family.

Lin Mo was talking to his parents about the reason why he didn't come home at night.

When they heard that Lin Mo was staying overnight at Ye Qing's house, the faces of his parents were immediately filled with smiles.

"I thought it was a big deal. It's just a night at a classmate's house! It's okay!"

Wang Ping waved her hand nonchalantly, and looked at Lin Mo with pride in her eyes.

Dongdongdong, there was a knock on the door.

The boss was already standing at the door, smiling at Wang Ping who came to open the door.

"Hello, Ms. Wang, I am the deputy director of the admissions office of Huaxia Military University. I came here to tell you that your son has been admitted by us. This is the notice, and these are all related certificates..."

The boss took out a series of things and placed them in front of Lin Mo and Wang Ping.

Lin Ya, who was standing aside, looked at this scene with envy on her face, and even drooled! !

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