Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 69: Admission Banquet

"Classmate Lin Mo, I'm waiting for you at school!" After saying these words, the boss turned around and left with a smile.

After everyone left, the whole family gathered around him and looked at the admission notice and a lot of documents in Lin Mo's hand.

"Why is this notice so heavy...could it be made of some mysterious metal?" Lin Dayong opened the admission notice and took a look at the contents inside. He was suddenly surprised: "This material is indeed made of some kind of mysterious metal." The metal doesn’t look like gold, but like meteorite!”

"Meteorite?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment: "Is it the kind of metal used to forge third-grade yellow-level weapons and above?"

"It's that kind of metal!" Lin Dayong nodded: "I didn't expect that the Huaxia Military University would be so generous.

This piece of meteorite iron is enough to make a dagger. A third-grade yellow-level dagger is worth at least tens of millions! "

The family looked at the admission notice with shocked expressions on their faces.

"It's a gift worth tens of millions. Huaxia Military University is really powerful!" Wang Ping's face was full of pride.

As for her sister Lin Ya, she was looking through a pile of cards on the table.

"Oh my god, this is actually a clothing customization card from Huaxia Uniform Company. With this card, you can customize four sets of clothes every year!

This is a transportation card within China. With this card, no matter where you take any kind of transportation, everything is free!

And this one..."

Lin Ya couldn't help but place the cards in her hand on the table one by one, with a look of shock written all over her face.

"Brother, can you give me one!" Lin Ya looked at Lin Mo with a flattering look on her face.

"You don't need it right now. When I get to school, I can consider lending you the card!"

Lin Mo smiled and patted Lin Ya's head.

"By the way, the child's father, Xiao Mo, was admitted to the Huaxia Military University. Are we going to hold a college entrance banquet?" Wang Ping suddenly looked at Lin Dayong: "Last year, the grandson of Li Dashen's family downstairs was admitted to the university. He held a banquet for three days, and everyone praised his grandson who was admitted to college!

Not long before Xiao Mo’s college entrance examination, Aunt Li spread the news that our little Mo would not be able to get into any good university!

I have been holding my breath in my heart. This time, I have to handle it properly. I invite my relatives and friends to come and take a look, and let them read Xiao Mo's notice! "

Wang Ping rubbed the notice in her hand as if she were rubbing a treasure.

"Yes, it must be a big event!" Lin Dayong waved his hand: "Go and book a hotel now, and then invite people to attend the college entrance banquet. All relatives and friends will come!"

"I want it too! I want it too!" Lin Ya raised her little hand and said excitedly: "I invite my classmates to have a big banquet together! Is that okay?"

"Okay! It must be lively this time!" Lin Dayong immediately agreed: "Xiao Mo, you must invite Teacher Zhang and Principal Chen. We must thank them!"

Lin Mo nodded and expressed his understanding of his parents' exaggerated behavior. After all, because of Lin Mo's low blood value, his parents had been worried about this matter. They would also be laughed at from time to time in front of relatives and friends. I feel like I can't lift my head up.

Now that Lin Mo is shining brightly in the college entrance examination, it is normal for the two of them to want to make a big show!

As for Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi, as long as Lin Mo invites them, they will definitely be very happy to participate!

After Lin Dayong got Lin Mo's approval, he immediately started to prepare happily.

Since it was a college entrance banquet held in a hotel, it was very easy to order a banquet. After making a phone call, within fifteen minutes, the hotel manager came to visit in person.

"Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin, do you want your young master to hold a college entrance banquet at the Jinling Hotel?" The manager's face was full of excitement: "That's right, our hotel has an unkind invitation... We want to hold a banquet for young master Lin at the hotel. Part of the photo shoot of the banquet was later hung on the wall of the hotel!

Of course, as compensation, the hotel will bear all the expenses for this study banquet. No matter how many tables your relatives and friends have, we will give them all for free! "

"Everything is free!" Lin Dayong gasped. The cost of Jinling Hotel is not low. Each table starts at at least 5,000. Adding tobacco and alcohol, the cost may reach 7,000 to 8,000.

The Lin family has many relatives and friends. If all of them were free of charge, the hotel's losses would be more than 100,000!

"No, we can't let the hotel suffer. With this money, we..." Lin Dayong was about to say something, but was directly interrupted by Lin Mo raising his hand.

"Dad, the hotel also has good intentions. It's better not to postpone it..." Lin Mo looked at the manager aside and said with a smile: "But I have a condition. I can only take one photo, and no false advertising is allowed."

The Lin family has many relatives and friends. If they were to entertain guests, there would be eight or ten tables at least.

Calculated based on Lin Mo's dividends from the Ye family, Lin Mo wouldn't take this amount of money too seriously, but in fact, this amount of money is actually not much for Lin Mo, because it must be consumed at least every time he practices. More than ten Qi and Blood Pills, that is more than two million in funds.

The speed of the Ye family's dividends could not keep up with the speed of Lin Mo's consumption.

Therefore, for Lin Mo, it is also possible to save money...

After discussing the matter of the college entrance banquet, Lin Mo got up directly and entered the bedroom to prepare for practice.

According to the plan, Lin Mo would leave home after the college entrance banquet. He roughly estimated that if it didn't work from Jinling to the capital, he should be able to get to the school before the start of school.

For this thousand-mile journey, Lin Mo even prepared a detailed map, and marked the strong men of the same age in each town on the map.

Lin Mo was ready to fight all the way and forge his invincible heart with an invincible attitude.

Before that, he had to improve himself all the time.

After taking out the Qi and Blood Pill and swallowing it, Lin Mo entered the game again.

This time, Lin Mo chose to enter the dungeon to accumulate Qi and blood and combat experience.

When he first stepped into the new dungeon, Lin Mo felt a wave of heat coming towards him. Not far away from him stood a figure covered in flames.

This figure was extremely tall, and his entire face was wrapped in flames. He couldn't see his specific appearance at all. He held a whip in his hand. When he saw Lin Mo, he swung the long whip and fanned Lin Mo's back.

The flames rose and jumped more than ten meters high in an instant. After Lin Mo dodged, the whip fell to the ground and directly ignited the green grass, causing the green grass in the entire room to disappear quickly.

Lin Mo snorted and directly fought with the flame monster.

The ghost shadow, coupled with the master-level proficiency of the Tiger Fist, is enough to shock many strong men.

At this moment, the flame monster was hit by Lin Mo's fists from different angles. After just a few minutes, the flames on the flame monster were extinguished a lot, and the true appearance was also revealed in front of Lin Mo.

"Another humanoid monster, it retains most of the characteristics of the human race!" Lin Mo looked at the appearance of the flame monster and couldn't help but speak.

The monster's face was a woman's face, and the flames on the proud chest were slowly disappearing, revealing a graceful figure.

"Is it a human mutation?" Lin Mo didn't know how to answer this question, so he simply killed the monster with a punch and entered another room.

This room is completely different from the other room. Looking closely, there is a transparent monster in the room, and like the flame monster, it is a human body.

But the monster in this room exudes coldness all over, constantly spreading to the surroundings. The terrifying cold air directly freezes the surroundings, and the color of frost can be seen everywhere.

Without giving Lin Mo any time to recover, the monster covered in ice rushed towards him with a terrifying roar.

Lin Mo used the Ghost Shadow Phantom to move sideways from the monster. When he appeared again, he had already clenched his fists and smashed the back of the ice monster!

With a click, the terrifying force directly caused cracks to appear on the body of the ice monster.

With a low roar, Lin Mo used the Tiger Roar Shock, and the sound waves directly expanded the cracks on the ice monster, and finally broke it!

"Use mental power to find the weakness of the ice monster, and then use the Tiger Roar Shock to send a shock wave of a specific frequency to the weakness, directly disintegrating the ice monster!"

Lin Mo was seriously thinking about the possible problems of the method he had just used. At the end, he smiled. There was no problem with this method at present.

"It can be used as a killing move. If it is suddenly used, few people can defend it!" Lin Mo made a serious summary with a smile on his face.

In the next two rooms, Lin Mo encountered Thunder Goblin and Golden Goblin respectively. They were not weak, but Lin Mo quickly found their weaknesses and quickly passed the level.

Standing at the door of the lord's room, Lin Mo was stunned for a while, and then it showed that he could not continue to brush the map. If he wanted to enter the lord's room, he had to swallow more Qi and Blood Pills.

But the maps that Lin Mo had just brushed all started with more than 20 Qi and Blood Pills.

Dong Dong Dong!

A knock on the door woke Lin Mo up. When he opened the door, Lin Ya, who was dressed up, was standing at the door: "The hotel is booked. Dad said we have to go there early. Relatives and friends should come early in the morning..."

Lin Ya has become more talkative during this period, and the relationship between the brother and sister has become much closer.

When Lin Mo and Lin Ya arrived, everyone's eyes on the table immediately gathered.

Lin Mo saw Ye Qing, Zhang Lianchang, Chen Xingzhi and others, as well as other classmates.

"Xiao Ya, come here..." At this time, Lin Mo heard someone behind him whispering Lin Ya's name.

"Brother, I'm going to entertain my classmates now!" After saying this, Lin Ya sat next to her classmate.

"Xiao Ya, you told me last time that you have a lot of things your brother passed on in your house. Do you have any left if I buy them now?" A girl blushed: "I want your brother's underwear..."

Lin Mo paused, resisting the urge to look back, his heart churning: "Oh my God, are all the girls nowadays so bold?!"

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