Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 70: Journey of Thousands of Miles!

"Have you heard that the kid from the old Lin family held a graduation banquet yesterday, and all the big shots in Jinling City went!"

"I heard that he also gave a lot of gifts. The vice leader of the Wu League directly gave three intermediate Qi and Blood Pills, a total of six million!"

"Six million is nothing. The Ye family gave a yellow-level third-grade martial arts, which is said to be very powerful..."

In the community where Lin Mo lives, several aunts gathered together and discussed loudly.

The old lady who originally boasted about her grandson is no longer there. Because the recent topics are all about Lin Mo, the old lady is very unhappy and has broken up with the group of old ladies.

"By the way, where is Lin Mo? I haven't seen him since the graduation banquet ended yesterday!"

"I heard that he went on a trip to see other people's children. He knows how to combine work and rest. Unlike the bastard in our family, he only knows how to play games all day long..."

Several old ladies kept talking about everything about Lin Mo, with envy on their faces.

At this moment, the protagonist being discussed was carrying a backpack and heading north. His first destination was Zhucheng!

"It is said that there is a genius in Zhucheng. He is now a sophomore. He is very strong and has reached the level of a second-grade warrior. I can try to challenge him!"

Lin Mo whispered. His blood value has now reached 132. He is still a long way from the second-grade warrior, but he still wants to try to fight with a second-grade warrior.

Zhucheng is not far from Jinling, but Lin Mo chose the slowest way to move forward.

He walked all the way, using this process to continuously consume blood value, and at the same time he was slowly practicing the ghost shadow body method.

The Thunder Breathing Method was completely mastered by Lin Mo in this process, and he has reached a high level of proficiency. When he was running the breathing method, thunder jumped around him, and a steady stream of blood power entered his body, making his blood value continue to grow.

"The Thunder Breathing Method is really strong!" Lin Mo sighed again. Every time his proficiency improved, he had a new understanding of the power of the Thunder Breathing Method.

On the national highway, Lin Mo, who was moving forward, was stopped by two young men on motorcycles.

"Boy, you are alone!" The young man squeezed the brake and turned the throttle at the same time, making the motorcycle roar like a beast.

The other young man looked at him frivolously through the helmet.

"What's the matter?" Lin Mo responded calmly.

"We two brothers are traveling, but we don't have enough money, so we need your support." The young man said casually, his eyes already fell on the backpack behind Lin Mo.

"No!" Lin Mo shook his head: "Or you can rob it yourself!"

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about?" The young man who had been watching coldly laughed, suddenly lifted the front of the motorcycle, and then fell on Lin Mo's head!

The motorcycle weighs at least one meter. If an ordinary person is crushed, he may be crushed to death!

But it can only be said that the two young men were too unlucky to meet Lin Mo.


Lin Mo punched the tire, causing it to explode. At the same time, a huge force flipped the car to the ground. The arrogant young man fell heavily to the ground, looking at Lin Mo in horror.

"With such little strength, you want to rob people?" Lin Mo sneered and stepped on the young man's thigh, breaking his leg.

The other young man was almost scared to death when he saw this scene. He turned the car around and tried to escape at high speed.

"Want to leave!"

Lin Mo pulled off the helmet of the young man on the ground and threw it out.

There was a sharp friction sound, and the speeding motorcycle fell to the ground. The young man on the car was thrown out, rolled on the ground for a long distance, and fell on the side of the road and screamed.

"Why do you have to rob people!" Lin Mo walked towards the other young man.

"You, you can't do anything to me, I am a member of the Dark Blood Society!" The young man quickly brought out his identity: "If you dare to touch me, will the Dark Blood let you go!"

Dark Blood Society?

When these three words were mentioned, Lin Mo immediately thought of the bodies in the dark room.



Two crisp sounds came, and Lin Mo unceremoniously crippled both of his legs.

He took out their mobile phones, called the police station, and reported the location. After that, Lin Mo fumbled around on them for a while, took out a few thousand yuan, and then left.

Of course, before leaving, Lin Mo gently pressed the motorcycle on the broken legs of the two young men. With the motorcycle, it was basically impossible for the two to escape!

Looking at Lin Mo's back as he left, the two young men looked desperate. Who would have thought that they were the ones who robbed, but in the end, they became the ones who were robbed!

"Two wastes, no strength, dare to learn to rob others!" Looking at the banknotes in his hand, Lin Mo couldn't help complaining.

However, although the money was not much, it was at least enough for his expenses in the next few days.

The early practice of martial arts cultivation is to improve qi and blood, so the consumption of food is huge, and the main thing is meat.

Before dark, Lin Mo arrived at Chucheng, a city between Jinling and Zhucheng.

"I haven't heard of any genius-level peers here." Lin Mo found a hotel to stay in and ordered a large table full of meat.

"Miss, are there any genius martial artists in Chucheng? It would be best if they were about my age and very powerful!" Lin Mo called the waiter and asked curiously.

"About the same age as you, but very strong..." The waiter showed a thoughtful look on her face. After a few seconds, her eyes lit up and she said: "We have a man named Lin Mo in Chucheng. I heard that he is already very young. He has reached the level of a warrior and his talent is astonishing..."

Lin Mo?

Lin Mo was stunned: "This Lin Mo you are talking about, how come I heard that he is from Jinling!"

"Jinling and Chucheng are so close, they are the same!" the waiter said with an indifferent expression: "And our Chucheng will become part of Jinling sooner or later!"

"Okay, thank you!" Lin Mo was speechless and sent the waiter away with a hundred yuan as a consulting fee.

Lin Mo was actually not surprised by this result. Geniuses are not found everywhere.

Although today is the era of high martial arts and everyone practices martial arts, it does not mean that everyone can embark on the path of martial arts cultivation.

It would be great if one person among thousands of people can become a martial artist and reach the realm of a warrior. Among a hundred thousand people, one person can reach the realm of a warrior...

If you want to reach the level of a warrior at Lin Mo's age, there is only one chance among millions of people.

"You still have to enter university. Only in university can you see geniuses from all over China!" Lin Mo whispered: "However, it is summer vacation now, and college students should be on vacation, so you can see how powerful they are. where!"

Lin Mo finished his meal quickly, then returned to the room, swallowed a Qi and Blood Pill and fell asleep.

"Consume Qi and Blood Pill x 10!"

Lin Mo entered the dungeon again, and the original dungeon was just halfway through.

Entering the lord's room, Lin Mo saw a humanoid creature.

He was two meters tall, covered in pitch black armor, and even his face was covered, leaving only a pair of scarlet eyes.

Upon noticing Lin Mo's entry, the lord snorted coldly and rushed towards Lin Mo.

His speed was so fast that he arrived in front of Lin Mo almost instantly.


The fist was wrapped in breaking wind and hit Lin Mo's head.

Lin Mo Gui Ying Mizong wanted to dodge directly, but was blocked by a fist coming from the other direction.


With no other choice, Lin Mo could only raise his hands and forcefully receive the punch!

The terrifying force spread to Lin Mo's body along his hands. He moved his feet and took a few steps back.

Before Lin Mo could stand firm, the lord had already charged forward again!


Lin Mo raised his leg and kicked the lord's arm. In this blow, Lin Mo used the attack method of Eagle Tread!

The lord was in pain and kept retreating.

Then he yelled and charged again.

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. Now his strength has reached the level of a first-level warrior, and the lord in front of him is at most a third-level warrior. Although he is stronger than Lin Mo, the lord does not have much intelligence!

"I have the advantage!" Lin Mo sneered, relying on ghost shadows and the experience accumulated from playing games to keep wandering around the lord.


Lin Mo tried to use gravel fist to attack the Lord's exposed skin, but the method worked, and large amounts of dirty blood flowed out of the Lord's body.

"Since it works, then just wait to die!" Lin Mo sneered.

When Lin Mo opened his eyes again, he had successfully eliminated the lord, and there was a glimmer of light in his mind.

"The lord is not weak, I wonder what good things will drop!" Lin Mo looked at the light ball that had been taken out, his eyes bright.

The ghost shadow that dropped last time has given Lin Mo a huge harvest, and the one that dropped this time should be no worse than the last one!

Open the light group and there is a ring inside.

The ring was completely black and looked very ordinary, but at this moment it was floating in front of Lin Mo.

"Could it be like the ring inside Doupo, with an old man sleeping inside?" Lin Mo looked at the ring in front of him, a little unsure.

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Mo reached out and held the ring in his hand, then put it on his index finger.


For a moment, Lin Mo felt a force constantly washing through his body.

This power is like hot magma, entering the meridians along the fingers, and then rushing through the body!

This feeling was extremely painful, and with Lin Mo's current strength, he couldn't help but scream.


Lin Mo quickly took off the ring with a look of fear on his face.

There was a mark on his finger, which looked extremely ferocious. It was left when the ring was worn on it.

"What the hell is this? It almost got me cremated!" Lin Mo was still frightened and looked at his arm. The hot power entered his body through his arm at that time.

"Something's wrong. Why is there old skin falling off on my arms... It looks like dirt expelled from the body after tempering!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he noticed his changes!

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