"give it to you!"

Lin Mo looked at the confused deputy director of the Public Security Department, smiled, and then turned and left.

A group of people looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure and almost went crazy.

"Didn't you agree that you would let us go after collecting our money?"

"Why did you hand us over directly to the Sheriff's Department?"

Someone couldn't help but yell.

"I said I'd let you go, but I don't know if the Public Security Department will let you go!" Lin Mo said without looking back.

"This kid... actually destroyed a branch of the Dark Blood Society by himself!"

After Lin Mo left, the deputy director of the Public Security Department looked at the Dark Blood Club skeleton lying on the ground, with shock on his face.

"With this guy gone, will the credit for wiping out the Dark Blood Society branch belong to us?" One of the security guards couldn't help but ask.

The deputy director turned back to glare at them and nodded angrily.

A group of people immediately showed smiles on their faces, and their hearts were full of gratitude to Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo left the scene, he returned directly to the hotel. Today's harvest was really too great, and he had to sort it out.

First of all, the medicines collected by the Dark Blood Society suddenly supplemented what Lin Mo was currently lacking. The most important thing was that Lin Mo got a new boxing technique.

"Crane-shaped fist!"

Lin Mo looked at the martial arts manual in front of him with an excited smile on his face.

After reading the boxing manual from top to bottom, Lin Mo started practicing in the hotel room.

"I feel that this boxing method is somewhat similar to Tiger Boxing. They are both evolved from the habits of certain animals. When practicing Crane Shape Boxing, do you also need to see how the red-crowned crane attacks?"

While Lin Mo was practicing, this thought came to his mind.

A few hours later, Lin Mo had a preliminary grasp of the Crane Shape Fist, so he took out the Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed one.

After entering the martial arts arena, there were still ten Qi and Blood Pills, and Lin Mo got a chance to practice the Crane-shaped Fist.

In the martial arts arena, Lin Mo practiced this boxing technique again and again according to the above instructions.

After all ten Qi and Blood Pills were consumed, Lin Mo raised his proficiency in Crane Fist to the intermediate level!

Just when Lin Mo was about to exit the martial arts arena, he suddenly saw a line of text appearing on the martial arts arena.

"Five Beast Fist?"

Lin Mo was pretty sure he saw these words, but Lin Mo only saw a rough outline of the specific content behind them.

"Five Beast Fist...what the hell?" Lin Mo frowned and opened his eyes from his sleep.

After thinking for a while, he took out another Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it.

In the martial arts arena, Lin Mo looked at the options in front of him with a look of surprise on his face.

"Five Beast Fist: 2/5..."

This time, he saw it all.

"2/5 means that I have mastered two types of Five Beast Fist, right?"

"Two types...could it be said to be the Tiger Fist and the Crane-shaped Fist?"

Lin Mo suddenly thought that the two boxing techniques he had mastered were all related to some kind of beast.

"Five Beast Fist... If all the five boxing techniques are mastered to master level proficiency, it will undergo a qualitative change and evolve into a brand new boxing technique, and the grade will directly reach the third level of the earth level!"

"Third-level boxing skills!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed, martial arts that could reach this level would be extremely terrifying.

"I don't know what the remaining three boxing techniques are! You can't let me collect them aimlessly!" Lin Mo was helpless.

"Let's wait until we get to college. As one of the two top universities in China, Huaxia Military University may have news about the Five Beast Fist!"

Lin Mo finally withdrew from the martial arts arena, and it was almost dawn. After changing his clothes, he left Zhucheng and prepared to go to Luzhou City.

Still walking, Lin Mo's speed improved greatly this time. That night, Lin Mo had already arrived at Luzhou City.

"Sun Zong's strength is not weak. He is only one step away from being a third-grade warrior. I can challenge him first, and then find a way to find out who is the strong one in the Gao family this year!"

Lin Mo took out his cell phone and dialed Yan Kai's number.

"Let me go, you kid can still think of me!" Yan Kai's voice on the phone was full of excitement: "I heard that you chose Huaxia Military University, and you and I will not be the same people in the future!"

Yan Kai was someone Lin Mo met at the genius training camp. He came from the Yan family in the capital. Lin Mo only found out later that this boy's family was extremely wealthy.

The Yan family is one of the major martial arts families in the capital, with many talented people. The accumulation of hundreds of years has allowed the Yan family to master many powerful martial arts.

There is even a saying that the Yan family has been inheriting martial arts since hundreds of years ago. However, at that time, martial arts had not flourished and could not be promoted to a higher level, but at least the martial arts experience had been accumulated over the years.

Years of business have given the Yan family a deep understanding of the entire Chinese martial arts landscape.

"Believe it or not, after I arrived in the capital, I went directly to Yan's house to beat you up?" Lin Mo said angrily: "I need your help with something!"

Hearing that Lin Mo had something to ask him, Yan Kai immediately stopped his teasing tone: "What's the matter? If I can help my brother, I will do my best to help!"

"If you have any information about the Gao family and the Sun family in Luzhou City, please give me a copy. Also, I want to know how many people of the same age as me in the Gao family are there? Who is the strongest?"

"The Sun family is too high-profile. I have a lot of information here, which will be sent to your phone later. However, the Gao family is too low-key, so I don't have much information...

I only know that the strong man in the Gao family this year seems to be a qi mind master. His qi and blood values ​​​​should not be as high as yours, but his mental power is definitely much stronger than yours..."

"Nian Qi Master!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. Since becoming a Nian Qi Master, Lin Mo has been able to come into contact with too few Nian Qi Masters.

If the Gao family really has a Qi Nian master, Lin Mo can just take this opportunity to have a good communication.

"Is there any way to challenge this Nianqi master?" Lin Mo asked.

"Challenge the Gao Family's Qi Master?" Yan Kai was stunned for a moment: "You kid is crazy. You should be very aware of the horror of mental power. If we really use mental power to collide, you will definitely not be an opponent!

No... why are you challenging the Nian Qi Master? You...are you on a journey of thousands of miles? ! "

There was a sound of something being touched on the phone: "You are crazy. You started traveling thousands of miles before going to college. Do you know that in this process, if you lose once, your invincibility will be damaged, and you will regret it later?" Too late!”

"You said it too late, I have already started!" Lin Mo said helplessly: "It's better to tell me your method quickly. I can't wait to fight against the Qi Master!"

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