Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 75: Gao Family Banquet

Inside the Luzhou City Martial Arts Arena.

"Crane-shaped fist!"

Lin Mo used the crane-shaped fist, holding the fist seal with both hands, as sharp as a crane's beak, and blasted forward with the sound of breaking wind.

Opposite Lin Mo stood a young man of about twenty years old. He was dressed in black linen clothes and had a solemn look on his face.

"Lin Mo, if you can defeat my Sun family's leg skills, you will win this battle!"

The young man is the Sun Zong of the Sun family!

Lin Mo found him the second day after arriving in Luzhou City, and the two agreed to fight.

Sun Zong is very powerful and is very proficient in both boxing and kicking skills.

But Lin Mo was equally terrifying. With his martial arts skills such as Tiger Fist and Tiger Roaring Impact, he almost tied with Sun Zong. Even because Lin Mo mastered the Thunder Breathing Technique, he could continuously refine Qi and blood. During the battle, he was vaguely aware of He overpowered Sun Zong!

"Afterimage legs!"

Sun Zong shouted loudly, pushed his legs hard, and flew up diagonally. The sound of breaking wind continued. During the time when his whole body was stuck in the air, Sun Zong kicked Lin Mo at least a hundred times!

The legs were covered with shadows, looking like a black barrier.

Lin Mo didn't dare to be careless, so he used the Crane-shaped Fist, and with the fist mark like a crane's beak, he directly broke through the black light curtain!


A piece of blood spattered down, and Lin Mo's fist hit Sun Zong's leg directly, causing two deep blood holes to appear there, which looked extremely terrifying.

Sun Zong staggered back a few steps and looked at Lin Mo with shock on his face.

His strength was comparable to that of a third-grade warrior, but he actually lost to Lin Mo, a man who had not yet reached the realm of a second-grade warrior!

"I lost!" Sun Zong's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally he bowed his head and admitted defeat.

Then, he took out some powder from his body and sprinkled it on the wound.

"This is the healing powder prepared by my Sun family. It can stop bleeding and heal injuries." Sun Zong shook the bottle in his hand and explained.

"Healing?" Lin Mo thought of the healing pill he got from the Dark Blood Society, so he took one out of his body, crushed it, and pressed it on Sun Zong's wound.

"This is..." Sun Zong didn't expect Lin Mo to help him treat his injuries, and was a little surprised for a moment.

"We are just competing, not fighting for our lives." Lin Mo smiled: "What's more, I also want to get the invitation letter from you!"

"You are so worthless. I said I would give you the invitation, so I will definitely keep my word!" Sun Zong took out an invitation letter from his body and handed it to Lin Mo: "Who doesn't know that I, Sun Zong, am The most honest person!”

"Thank you!" Lin Mo took the invitation solemnly, opened it and took a look, with a smile on his face.

The invitation was a bet made before the two men fought.

The Gao family will hold a banquet tonight, and there will be a battle between peers, and even the Qi Nian masters of the Sun family will take action.

This was Lin Mo's only chance to fight against the Sun family's Qi Nian master, and he didn't want to miss it!

"This kid is so strong. When he arrives in the capital, he will definitely attract a lot of people's attention!" Sun Zong looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure with a playful smile on his lips: "I want to take a look at those guys in the capital. What kind of expression will it look like then?”

In the evening, Luzhou City, Gao family.

Lin Mo got out of the taxi and looked at the antique door of the Gao family with a surprised look on his face.

"Since the rise of martial arts, the Gao family has been rising all the way. I heard that the current head of the Gao family, Gao Ye, is very powerful and has even reached the peak of King Wu!"

"The direct descendants of the Gao family are not simple now, and all of them are top-notch geniuses.

The Qi Master from this generation of the Gao family is called Gao Ming. He is slightly older than me and has lower Qi and blood levels than me, but it is said that his mental power is much higher than mine...

Coupled with the accumulation of the Gao family over the years, there should be many martial arts related to Nian Qi masters..."

As Lin Mo walked, he recalled the information he got from Sun Zong.

After checking the invitation letter on Lin Mo, the guards of the Gao family let Lin Mo in.

The Gao family banquet is one of the more famous events in Luzhou City. By the time Lin Mo entered the Gao family, the hall of the Gao family was already full of people.

Lin Mo even saw Sun Zong, who was defeated by him earlier, among them.

"You guys came so late!" Sun Zong took the initiative to step forward, led Lin Mo to the Sun family, and introduced Lin Mo to everyone.

"It turns out that you are Lin Mo from Jinling. It's incredible that you have achieved such a state at such a young age!"

"Speaking of which, Lin Mo, at your age, shouldn't you find a girlfriend? I have a sister who is only three years older than you... Do you want to get to know her?"

Sun Zong stepped forward and asked with a wink.

"No, thank you!" Lin Mo waved his hands repeatedly: "Women will only affect the speed of my punches..."

A group of people looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but roll their eyes.

"The old head of the Gao family is here!"

At this moment, someone shouted.

Everyone closed their mouths and looked at the old man who came out of the inner hall.

The old man was in good spirits and looked to be only sixty or seventy years old, but Lin Mo knew that the old man in front of him was at least eighty years old!

Gao Ye, the current head of the Gao family, is also the pillar of the Gao family’s rise!

"I've met Senior Senior!"

A group of people saluted Gao Ye, with admiration on their faces.

Lin Mo, like everyone else, cupped his fists and saluted Gao Ye.

"Thank you for giving the Gao family this face..." Gao Ye laughed heartily and energetically: "The main purpose of inviting everyone here this time is that everyone should be able to come out... Gao Ming, come out and show everyone!"

After the voice fell, a young man walked out of the crowd.

Unlike Sun Zong, Gao Ming wore a white shirt, suit pants, black leather shoes, and his hair was combed meticulously.

"He is a delicate person!" Lin Mo gave a comment with a smile.

"This Gao Ye is indeed extraordinary. Just standing there makes me feel pressured and feel that my mental power is suppressed!" Sun Zong lowered his voice and said to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then nodded. In fact, he didn't feel any of the feelings that Sun Zong said.

"Gao Ming's mental power may be really strong, but I always feel that it should be comparable to mine..." Lin Mo was a little suspicious, but he didn't say anything, but looked at everyone silently.

"Gao Ming meets all the seniors... and classmates!" Gao Ming clasped his hands together with a smile on his face.

"Eh..." Gao Ming exclaimed, his eyes fell on Lin Mo, and a look of shock appeared on his face: "My classmate... your mental power seems to be very strong!"

After the voice fell, Gao Ming actually spread his mental power and covered Lin Mo's body!

"Gao Ming, don't be rude!" Seeing this scene, Gao Ye couldn't help but shout.

Everyone also looked at Lin Mo with pity. Such a terrifying mental power covering the past, ordinary people simply can't bear it!

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