Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 76: Battle between Qi Masters!


For a moment, Lin Mo felt as if his head had been hit by a hammer. He was dizzy and his eyes became blurred.

"What a terrifying mental power!"

A group of people exclaimed. Some of them did not directly bear the mental attack, but they still felt the terrifying pressure.

Lin Mo was the first to bear the brunt of the pressure and felt like his whole body was about to be torn apart!

"Gao Ming, stop!" Gao Ye shouted again.

"Grandpa, I want to play with him!" Gao Ming had a playful smile on his face, without any intention of stopping: "If I guess correctly, he is also a Qi Nian master. You should know how good a Qi Nian master is. It’s rare, I want to have a good communication with him!”

"Also a mind qi master?!"

A group of people looked at Lin Mo with surprised expressions on their faces.

Especially Gao Ye, whose old face was filled with surprise, and his eyes kept looking at Lin Mo.

"I'll go, if you are a Qi Master, then my sister may not be worthy of you!" Sun Zong murmured, watching Lin Mo's eyes shining, as if he wished he could send his sister to Lin Mo right now Same in bed.

Faced with the crowd's noise, Lin Mo did not respond. The roar in his mind dissipated and his eyes became clear.


Lin Mo roared, his eyes suddenly clear, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"He's actually a mind qi master!"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because at this moment, Lin Mo's forehead seemed to be distorted, which was due to the fluctuation of mental power spreading around.

"Interesting! He is indeed a Qi Master!" Gao Ming showed a smile on his face and said coldly: "Come again!"


On his forehead, there was a slight flicker of light, and hazy energy shrouded Lin Mo.

"Psychic attack! Gao Ming used a mental attack!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Although Lin Mo is a mind qi master, he probably hasn't really practiced martial arts related to mental power yet! How can he be a brilliant opponent!"

Some people couldn't help but speak.

Lin Mo looked serious. He had only practiced spiritual perception. At this moment, he seemed to see his spiritual power turning into a steel knife and slashing towards him!

"Break it for me!"

Lin Mo's eyes were determined, and his forehead seemed to be shining with light.

His mental power also shrouded forward, forming a barrier in front of the steel knife, blocking the steel knife!

There seemed to be a clanging sound in the entire hall. Lin Mo's condensed barrier and the steel knife were constantly rubbing against each other, and the two people's mental power was dissipating crazily.

"What a terrifying mental power! This kid's mental power is not weaker than mine!" Gao Ming looked solemn, feeling Lin Mo's mental power, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This kid probably hasn't practiced martial arts related to mental power, but now he can fight Gao Ming with mental power..."

"Nianqi masters have their own inheritance, and various techniques need to be passed down from master to disciple, but Lin Mo seems to have seen the secret of mental attack methods based on his clever attack methods!

This kid is so extraordinary! "

"Lin Mo should have used spiritual perception at the beginning, but facing the brilliant spiritual blade, he actually condensed a spiritual shield in front of him. Although the shield was not very powerful,... Lin Mo's spiritual power seemed to be wiped out. Endless..."

"This kid is extraordinary..." A look of surprise appeared on Gao Ye's face, and he looked at his grandson: "Let's go and fight. There are not many Qi Nian masters in Jinling and Luzhou City. Since you two met today, Here we are, let’s have a good chat!

Lin Mo, my Gao family will not bully you...this is the martial arts of the spiritual blade..."

Gao Ye whispered, groped for a while, and then threw out a scroll.

The scroll unrolled in the air and then hung there.

Lin Mo took a look and saw that the content above was quite simple.

Coupled with the things Lin Mo had mastered previously, it became even easier to master the Spiritual Blade!

"Spiritual Blade!"

Lin Mo roared and used Spirit Blade!

This time, Lin Mo's forehead was also glowing, and his mental power turned into a steel blade and slashed towards Gao Ming!

Gao Ming snorted coldly and used the same method to kill forward.


Although everyone could not use their mental power, they could feel the shuddering aura at the moment when their mental powers collided.

"This power... puts great pressure on the spirit. Although I am about to enter the realm of King Wu, I still feel the pressure..."

"Indeed, the Nian Qi Master is indeed too powerful. As the King of Martial Arts, although I have many means to kill the two of them, but... in terms of spiritual power, I am definitely no match for them!

The Qi Mind Master... is simply a BUG! "

While everyone was amazed, Lin Mo and Gao Ming had already fought against each other more than ten times.

"Spiritual Sword Formation!"

At this time, Gao Ming gave a light drink and performed his second spiritual martial skill.

The mental power turned into several long swords of about one meter and shrouded Lin Mo.

Lin Mo used the spiritual blade and at the same time condensed his spiritual power into a shield, shrouding it forward.

Ding ding ding!

The shield made a soft sound and then shattered instantly.

At the same time, Lin Mo's spiritual blade was also cracked, and the flying swords continued to intertwine, tearing the spiritual blade into pieces.

Lin Mo had to use ghost shadow to avoid this terrifying mental attack.

"Old senior, this is unfair!" Lin Mo dodged and looked at Gao Ye: "Your grandson used a spiritual force martial art that I don't know. It's not good for the Gao family to win!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, because they all understood that Lin Mo was asking for the martial art of the spiritual sword array.

But the spiritual sword array is a spiritual force martial art of the first level of the Xuan level. How could the Gao family easily take it out?

"The Gao family has been low-key for so many years, but it has collected a lot of good things... But you are the first person who dares to ask us for martial arts blatantly..."

Gao Ye smiled. Facing Lin Mo's rudeness, he didn't care much. After thinking for a moment, he took out a scroll from his body and threw it out.

The scroll unfolded, and the content inside was the spiritual sword array!

A group of people's eyes lit up, and they wanted to snatch the scroll away. This is a martial art related to spiritual power, which is more precious than ordinary martial arts.

But the above content is too complicated for people with low spiritual power. After reading it for only one minute, it feels like the head is about to split.

Lin Mo seized this opportunity, stared at the scroll carefully, and wrote down the contents bit by bit.

Soon, Lin Mo tried to use the mental sword formation, and it was successful. In front of him, the mental power condensed into three short swords and slashed forward!

"Hmph, you are not my opponent!" Gao Ming said coldly, and also condensed three swords and slashed towards Lin Mo's sword.


An unexpected situation occurred. The sword formation condensed by Lin Mo's mental power actually cut off Gao Ming's condensed sword!

Gao Ming raised his eyebrows, and after the battle, he was directly angry.

He even had to use other martial arts.

"Stop, Gao Ming, you have already lost!" Gao Ye raised his hand and interrupted Gao Ming's action directly.

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