"Dungeon, martial arts arena, exchange shop, abyss!!"

Lin Mo looked around. Originally, he was in a forest, but now, he seemed to be in an ancient building.

However, the surrounding buildings have collapsed, leaving only ruins.

In front of him, there were originally only three options, but now there was one more.

Exchange store!

Lin Mo's eyes were bright. As a veteran player of the game, he certainly knew what an exchange store was.

"The exchange store is the entrance to receive benefits for krypton gold players! As long as I recharge, I can become stronger!"

"Let's first see what the rules of this so-called exchange store are and what the specific gameplay is!"

Lin Mo chose the exchange store without hesitation.

The light in front of him changed, and the scene around him changed.

The place turned into an antique shop. In front of Lin Mo was a huge cabinet with hundreds of grids on it.

Most of these grids are empty, with only a few of them containing items.

Consume Qi and Blood Pill ×10!

Just when Lin Mo was about to check what was placed in the grid, this prompt suddenly appeared.

Lin Mo was confused. He hadn't chosen anything yet. How could he have consumed ten Qi and Blood Pills?

"You can't enter just once and consume ten Qi and Blood Pills!" Lin Mo thought of this possibility and couldn't help but curse habitually.

"Gou Yue's plan..."

After gathering his thoughts, Lin Mo looked at the grid closest to him, which had a wooden box on it.

Open the box and there lies a nail inside.

Poison Elvis’ nails…

Lin Mo had already obtained this material before, so he recognized it with just one glance.

"The exchange price is sixty points of Qi Blood Stone."

"Sixty points of qi and blood stone..." Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that the qi and blood stone on his body that was the size of a fingernail was equivalent to providing thirty points of qi and blood.

The nails of the poisonous Elvis in front of me are actually worth sixty points of blood stones!

"What a trap!" Putting down the wooden box, Lin Mo looked at the things in another grid.

"Scroll... martial arts?" Lin Mo was a little excited. He picked up the scroll and took a look. His eyes suddenly lit up: "It's not a martial skill, it's a design of a weapon... an exquisite Tang Dao!"

Worth five hundred blood stones!

"Five hundred blood stones? Why don't you go and grab it! What a trap!"

Lin Mo put down the scroll, feeling extremely regretful.

There is a red bottle in the last grid. The bottle contains a red liquid that looks like blood.

"Qi and Blood Replenishing Liquid can instantly replenish ten points of Qi and Blood, and the exchange price is thirty Qi and Blood Stones!"

Instantly replenish energy and blood? !

Lin Mo looked at the bottle in front of him, and his heart moved.

Although there are only ten points of qi and blood replenishment, in a life-and-death battle, the replenishment of qi and blood is very important. If there are countless such bottles, then in the same level of battle, you can definitely be invincible!

What a good thing!

Lin Mo sighed with emotion, but had no intention of exchanging it.

"The reason why the exchange store is opened is that I have a Qi and Blood Stone on my body. I will continue to use the Qi and Blood Stone in the future, and I can even use the Qi and Blood Pill to find ways to purchase the Qi and Blood Stone..."

Currently, Lin Mo's monthly dividend from the Ye family is about 20 million, which would only be 100 Qi and Blood Pills.

For ordinary people, so many Qi and Blood Pills are enough, but for people like Lin Mo, a hundred Qi and Blood Pills are nothing.

Therefore, if you want to improve your level as soon as possible, you still need to broaden the sources of funds.

After leaving the exchange shop, Lin Mo directly chose to enter the martial arts field.

Today, I got two spiritual martial arts skills from the Gao family. For Lin Mo, this was a piece of cake in the sky.

Spiritual Blade consumes thirty Qi and Blood Pills per training session!

As for the Spiritual Sword Formation, it is even more terrifying. Each training consumes up to a hundred Qi and Blood Pills!

"Sure enough, mental martial arts consume too much, but these two martial arts are very strong. If I can really upgrade to advanced proficiency, it will definitely improve my strength a lot!"

In the end, Lin Mo chose to practice the spiritual blade.

After consuming thirty Qi and Blood Pills, Lin Mo had less than thirty Qi and Blood Pills left.

"At this rate, I may not be able to make it to school, and the Qi and Blood Pills will be exhausted!" Lin Mo said helplessly.

After choosing the Spirit Blade as the target of training, the entire martial arts arena changed. The original Goblin Lord disappeared and was replaced by a humanoid creature.

"Qi Master!" Lin Mo looked at the creature in front of him and immediately understood his profession.

"It's possible that like the mutilated corpses, they are all humans from the future?" Lin Mo made some guesses about the creatures in front of him.

The battle between the Nian Qi masters began again, and this time Lin Mo had a clear feeling that the creature in front of him had a much better grasp of the Nian Qi masters' martial arts than he did.

Under his control, the Spiritual Blade can actually change into various formations and even turn.

"Using mental power to control the spiritual blade, this kind of control is simply too terrifying!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion, and at the same time used the spiritual blade to fight against him.

Throughout the night, Lin Mo was immersed in the battle, gaining new insights every time, and his mastery of mental power suddenly became much more proficient.

"Huh... after a night of training, I finally improved a lot of proficiency..."

Lin Mo opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

After a night of training, his proficiency with the Spirit Blade was raised above the elementary level. Although there was still a certain distance from the intermediate level, it would not be too different.

"The attack intensity has increased a lot. Now even if I face Gao Ming again, I am confident that I can defeat him directly with the spiritual blade!"

Lin Mo got up, packed up, and embarked on a new journey.

According to the plan, he will not have any battles in the next period of time and needs to get to Rucheng as soon as possible.

"The martial arts system in Rucheng is different from all the martial arts systems in China. It is said that they entered Taoism through Confucianism and entered martial arts from Confucianism!

I can't wait to feel the charm of this martial arts! "

Lin Mo was walking on the national highway with an expectant look on his face.

The Thunder Breathing Technique was used to the extreme by Lin Mo. When walking every day, he continued to improve in this magical breathing technique.

The vitality and blood values ​​have also steadily improved.

Ten days later, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the tall tower in front of him.

Finally arrived in Yuseong!

Taking out his mobile phone and taking a look at the relevant information Yan Kai gave him, Lin Mo first found a hotel to stay in. After sleeping for a night, he came to a nearby park early the next morning.

"Hey! Ha!"

From a long distance away, he heard a shouting sound.

That's someone practicing boxing!

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