Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 79: Confucianism into Martial Arts

“I’m full of energy, but I can’t feel the slightest bit of energy and blood!

The voice sounds like that of a middle-aged person, but when you reach middle age, why can't you feel the slightest fluctuation of energy and blood power? "

Lin Mo followed the sound and walked there, while also analyzing it carefully.

When he got closer, Lin Mo was startled.

What he saw in front of him was not a person practicing martial arts at all, but several middle-aged men practicing boxing with a group of teenage children.

The middle-aged men all have the typical Rucheng burly style, with very tall height and build.

As for the children behind them, all of them have big eyes and serious expressions as they practice boxing with the adults.

Lin Mo was startled as his eyes swept over the little guys, because these children actually had energy and blood fluctuating in their bodies, and one or two of them seemed to be not far from the realm of warriors!

"What the hell, these kids look like they're only in their teens, and they're going to become warriors. Is it because my eyes are dazzled, or are they too late to mature?"

Lin Mo stared at the children and couldn't help but sigh.

"You can't be like me and just compare yourself..."

After gathering his thoughts, Lin Mo looked at the big men who were taking the lead in boxing practice.

You really can't feel the slightest breath of blood from their bodies. It's just that ordinary people have nothing to do with martial arts cultivators.

It's just that the revival of Gaowu has begun, and everyone in China is practicing martial arts. It's impossible for anyone to not have any fluctuations in Qi and blood all over his body.

But the men in front of them had no energy or blood fluctuation at all.

"Have you seen a ghost? You're not even as good as a child?" Lin Mo couldn't help but use his mental perception to shroud the front.


What Lin Mo didn't expect was that his mental power was blocked by an invisible wall when he was still one meter away from them.

He tried several times but failed to bring his mental power close to them, so he had to give up.

At this time, one of the middle-aged men suddenly stopped.

The next moment, Lin Mo felt that danger was approaching and when he wanted to avoid it, it was already too late!

The middle-aged man who stopped didn't know when he had arrived in front of Lin Mo. Before he could react, he slapped him on the chest.

This slap didn't seem to have any energy or blood fluctuations, but Lin Mo instinctively felt the danger approaching!


He used Ghost Shadow without hesitation and moved out sideways.


The middle-aged man let out a sigh, but without seeing him looking at Lin Mo, he turned around and grabbed in the direction of Lin Mo.

Just when Lin Mo was about to run away again, he suddenly felt pain in his shoulder. The middle-aged man was already standing behind him, and a hand was grabbing his shoulder!

"Boy, you are spying on us practicing boxing. You must not be a spy!" The middle-aged man chuckled. Although his face was simple and honest, there was a dangerous light in his eyes.

"Uncle, I am a student who has just graduated from high school, and I am about to rush to the capital to go to university!" Lin Mo quickly took out the admission notice from Huaxia Military University: "I heard that Rucheng martial arts is very different, so I came here to learn more!"

"Chinese Military University?!"

The middle-aged man glanced at the admission notice, then looked Lin Mo up and down, and nodded slightly.

"Not bad, very good. You have already reached the level of a warrior at a young age, and you are only one step away from being a second-grade warrior!"

Lin Mo was a little surprised. Before coming to Rucheng, he took a special measurement. During this period, his blood value had reached 191, which was indeed only one step away from being a second-grade warrior.

It is almost impossible to judge a person's strength so accurately without the help of any instrument.

Generally, people with high levels can see the strength of those with low levels, but it is only a rough range. It is too difficult to be so precise!

"Uncle is so awesome!" Lin Mo restrained himself and complimented sincerely, and then said with a smile: "Senior doesn't have any fluctuations in blood value. Why do I feel powerless when facing senior?"

"That's because the realms between you and me are so different!" The middle-aged man chuckled: "I have reached the realm of King Wu, so of course you will feel in danger when facing me...

As for the lack of fluctuations in Qi and blood you mentioned, that is one of the characteristics of applying Confucianism to martial arts!

Look at them..."

The middle-aged man pointed at a group of children who were practicing martial arts seriously in the distance: "The energy and blood in their bodies is sufficient, and you should be able to feel it, but as their cultivation deepens, the fluctuations in energy and blood will also decrease!

When we practice martial arts, Confucianism and Taoism have no idea. Confucianism and the power of qi and blood merge with each other. In this process, Confucianism dissolves the murderous spirit in the power of qi and blood, making the whole person peaceful. …”

The middle-aged man talked eloquently and talked about the various characteristics of applying Confucianism to martial arts.

Lin Mo nodded, feeling inspired.

"The capital is not far from Confucianism. If you have time, you can come at any time. We can tell you the characteristics of incorporating Confucianism into martial arts, and you can also practice martial arts with us!"

The middle-aged man was very generous. He pulled Lin Mo and was about to start teaching.

Lin Mo quickly said: "Uncle, I am on a journey of thousands of miles. Rucheng is the last city. I want to ask if there are any suitable peers who are similar in strength to me. I want to challenge!"

"A journey of ten thousand miles!" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo and finally nodded: "You are ambitious, but as far as I know, there should be no one in the entire Rucheng who is your age and has similar strength... But There is someone who is older than you and has slightly higher strength than you. I wonder if you have the courage to fight with him! "

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He was a little older and stronger than him, so he could accept it when the time came.

"Senior, please tell me his name..."

"No, I made a phone call and this kid came right away. I brought him out back then, and now he's gone to teach students at the Capital Martial Arts University..."

The middle-aged man said as he took out his cell phone and made a call.

Ten minutes later, Lin Mo saw a man in a white shirt and black suit pants running towards him in a hurry: "Second uncle, are you looking for me?"

"Xu Jing, his name is Lin Mo. He is three years younger than you, and his level should be only slightly lower than yours. He is currently on a journey of thousands of miles. Do you want to compete with him?"

Xu Jing looked at Lin Mo and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hello, classmate Lin Mo. In fact, I have heard your name a long time ago. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet you today!" Xu Jing took the initiative to extend her hand to Lin Mo: "Some time ago, Professor Hai sent a message to the school. Temper, saying that the Chinese military does not respect martial ethics..."

Lin Mo was speechless. After all, Wuhan University in Beijing did offer him an olive branch, but Lin Mo refused.

"I can fight you, but you have to accept one of my demands!" Xu Jing looked at Lin Mo and said seriously.

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