Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 80: Confucian Sage in Confucian City!


Lin Mo looked at Xu Jing with a puzzled look on his face.

This was the first time they met, what could Xu Jing ask for?

"Come with me into the Rucheng Temple!" Xu Jing looked at the middle-aged old man beside him: "Second Uncle, I have a hunch that if I let Lin Mo and I enter the Rucheng Temple together, we will definitely gain something!"

"Rucheng Temple?" Lin Mo was stunned. He had never heard of this place, but judging from the name, it must be a very important place.

However, is this kind of place really accessible to an outsider like him?

Lin Mo noticed that several middle-aged men who were teaching boxing not far away also stopped and looked at them seriously.

"Let him enter the Rucheng Temple?!" Xu Jing's second uncle showed a shocked look on his face: "The Temple is an important place in my Rucheng, and Lin Mo is an outsider. Not to mention whether it is legal to let him enter, the temple's repulsive force against outsiders may kill him directly!"

Lin Mo frowned. Is it dangerous to enter the Temple?

"As long as you, uncle, agree, the rest depends on Lin Mo's own choice!" Xu Jing smiled and looked at Lin Mo: "Entering the temple is of great significance to Rucheng. Of course, if you really get the recognition of the temple, you can also get a huge opportunity!

You may not know that although the practice method of my Rucheng martial arts is not kept secret, even if ordinary people learn it, they can't master it thoroughly like us Rucheng people, so it's difficult to exert its power.

Once you get the recognition of the Rucheng Temple, the integration of Confucianism and martial arts will be more thorough!"

"I just want to know what your purpose is!" Lin Mo ignored what Xu Jing said, but looked at him and spoke lightly.

"There is a way for everyone in Rucheng to go further in the temple." Xu Jing told the truth: "It's just that we have never been able to enter it completely, so..."

"You can't get the things in the temple completely, how can I help you get them?" Lin Mo shook his head: "Forget it!"

"You are different." Xu Jing shook his head. "Although I don't know what is different, I just know that you are different.

I still say that, promise me to enter the temple with me, and I will fight you!"

Lin Mo hesitated for a while and finally nodded.

He also had a hunch that he was sure that he could get something in the temple.

"I promise you!" Lin Mo finally nodded.

"Okay, since you want to try, then try it!" Finally, the middle-aged man nodded and glanced at the other men.

The other men also nodded, obviously agreeing with their plan.

"Let's go to the martial arts arena. The fight between two warriors, this park can't stand the toss..." The middle-aged man put his hands behind his back and walked to the side.

Lin Mo and Xu Jing looked at each other and finally followed.

Ten minutes later, the three of them came to the Rucheng martial arts arena. Unlike other places, there was a huge statue erected in the Rucheng martial arts arena.

It was a white-haired old man, eight feet tall, holding a scroll in one hand and a measuring ruler in the other.

His eyes were majestic. Although it was just a statue, just one look at it made people feel awe.

"Let's start!" The middle-aged man said lightly.

Xu Jing nodded, and in an instant, his momentum changed.

The battle between the two was about to break out!


Xu Jing took the lead and punched out, the ground trembled, and the sound of breaking wind exploded.

"Spirit shield!" Lin Mo did not dare to be careless, and directly condensed a huge shield with his mental power. This was researched by himself and he was quite skilled in using it.

With a bang, cracks appeared on the shield and spread in all directions.


The shield cracked, and a faint smile appeared on Xu Jing's face.

"The Qi Master's methods are indeed powerful, but they are still too weak for me..." As soon as Xu Jing finished speaking, several swords appeared behind the broken shield, clanging and exuding murderous intent.


Lin Mo spoke lightly, and the swords shot out directly at the moment the voice fell!

Xu Jing's expression changed drastically. This was a mysterious spiritual martial art. He did not predict it, so he was directly hit by one of the swords and a wound appeared on his body.

"Ghost Shadow!"

Lin Mo shouted in a low voice, his figure flashed, and he punched out at the same time.

Crane Fist!

Tiger Fist!

Lin Mo used two kinds of boxing, fierce and domineering, and smashed towards Xu Jing with the sound of breaking wind!

"Don't you want to see what it's like to use Confucianism to enter martial arts? Today I will open your eyes!" Xu Jing's voice fell, and the momentum on his body changed again.

A Confucian spirit surged out, and even the fist wind became gentle.


Although the elegant fist is not as domineering and fierce as before, its power has doubled!

"The power of Confucianism can make the fist less murderous, and at the same time the power seems to have increased..." Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he discovered the power of Confucianism.

"But you don't seem to be strong enough!" Lin Mo said lightly. After tempering all the way, he already had an invincible heart.

The thunder breathing method was running, and Lin Mo's blood power surged!


The fist sounded, and Lin Mo punched Xu Jing.

Tap tap tap!

Xu Jing retreated continuously, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"I lost!" In the end, Xu Jing did not continue to attack, but directly admitted defeat.

"Lost?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. It was too easy to win this battle. He had not truly understood the power of Confucianism and Taoism!

"Even if I continue to fight, I will lose, so I might as well save some energy." Xu Jing said with a smile, her whole body looking clean and tidy.

"This is the true essence of Confucianism and Taoism!" Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, "The so-called Confucianism and Taoism are just Gou Taoism..."

Xu Jing looked embarrassed. He had a strong ability to calculate the power of qi and blood, so every time he fought, he deliberately calculated the consumption of qi and blood and refused to consume more.

Now, he already knew the outcome of the battle with Lin Mo, so he was unwilling to continue to waste his energy and blood.

"You have won this battle, it's time to fulfill your promise!" Xu Jing calmed down and spoke slowly.

Lin Mo nodded. He couldn't say whether this attitude was right or wrong, but since the goal had been achieved this time, it was settled.

He nodded and followed Xu Jing and the middle-aged man out of the martial arts arena.

The entire Confucian city was very big, but what Lin Mo didn't expect was that the temple they were talking about was actually underground in the martial arts arena!

As for the entrance to the temple, it is the eyes of the statue!

"This statue is of a Confucian sage!

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, Confucian Sage was a teacher. He was over fifty years old and had not shown any talent in martial arts.

But one day, when a monster appeared, the Confucian Sage entered the highest realm of martial arts, killed the monster, and guarded Confucian City for nearly a thousand years! "

"Monster? Guarding Rucheng for a thousand years? Entering the highest realm of martial arts in one day?!"

Lin Mo had a shocked look on his face. What Xu Jing said just now was really shocking.

How could monsters appear thousands of years ago?

Thousands of years ago, martial arts did not appear at all!

Guard for a thousand years? Guard what?

Lin Mo had too many questions in his mind. He looked at Xu Jing and the middle-aged man, waiting for their answers.

"Let me tell you!" The middle-aged man took a step forward, looked at Lin Mo and said: "The reason why Rucheng is different is because this is the first place on the entire Blue Star where monsters appear!

Confucian sages were the founders of martial arts. However, martial arts was destroyed over thousands of years and only began to appear in the last hundred years.

The whole of China calls this the Confucian City, because they want to regard this place as a seed of martial arts, and the seeds will always sprout.

But thousands of years have passed, and the seeds of Confucianism and Taoism still have not sprouted, and even the method of using Confucianism and martial arts to reach the pinnacle of martial arts has disappeared. "

Lin Mo stood there without speaking for a long time.

Today's news was really shocking and he needed time to digest it.

"Let's do business first, and we'll talk about the rest later!" After a long time, Lin Mo spoke and looked at the eyes of the statue in front of him.

The huge statue is hundreds of meters high. How easy is it to enter the temple through the eyes?

"This is a technique unique to our city of Rucheng, and I leave it to you today!" The middle-aged man said slowly: "This is a technique unique to our city of Rucheng. I hope you won't spread it to others!"

As he spoke, he took out a scroll from his body and placed it in front of Lin Mo.

Yan Xiang Shu!

First grade Xuan level!

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the introduction of martial arts.

This martial art has only one function, which allows people to fly into the air in a short period of time, but the height is limited to about thirty meters!

"If you combine Yan Xiang Technique with Eagle Step... will the effect be better?" Lin Mo suddenly thought of Eagle Step.

If combined with Yanxiang Technique, the power will be doubled!

"The Yanxiang Technique is very simple. You only have one hour." Xu Jing said with a smile: "Although it is a first-grade Xuan-level martial art, it is very simple to practice. It took me forty minutes..."

Lin Mo nodded, slowly unfolded the scroll and took a look at Yan Xiang Shu from beginning to end.

"It is indeed very simple. As a Xuan-level martial art, his method of moving Qi and blood is simple. Let me try it..." With a smile on Lin Mo's face, he slowly urged the method according to the method of moving Qi and blood recorded in Yan Xiang Shu. Move Qi and blood.

Soon, bloody lines appeared on Lin Mo's body, which was the boiling power of Qi and blood.

"My body has become a lot lighter..." Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face, and then he pushed hard with his feet. The next moment, he was flying into the air!

Under the gaze of Xu Jing and the middle-aged man, his body suddenly jumped to a height of thirty meters!


Lin Mo stood at this height, stepped on the belt around the waist of the statue, and then jumped again!

Sixty meters!

This time Lin Mo jumped directly onto the statue's shoulders!

After performing the Yan Xiang Technique for the third time, Lin Mo grabbed the eyelashes of the statue with one hand and hung there.

"This...he actually succeeded!" Xu Jing and the middle-aged man stared blankly at Lin Mo with their eyes wide open.

Especially Xu Jing. It only took him one hour to practice Yanxiang Technique, and he was considered the fastest person in Rucheng. This is something he has always been proud of.

But now, how long has Lin Mo used it? ten minutes?

"What are you still doing? Come up!" Lin Mo shouted at Xu Jing.

Xu Jing finally came to her senses, gritted her teeth, and jumped up!

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