Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 82: The remains of the Confucian saint! The blood of the Confucian saint!

Lin Mo looked at the old man in the coffin with a solemn expression on his face.

This is a legendary Confucian sage whose inheritance has been continued for thousands of years.

What is even more shocking is that thousands of years have passed and the body of the Confucian sage has been well preserved, as if he were still alive.

"Lin Mo, a later student, pays homage to the Confucian sage!"

Lin Mo took three steps back, cupped his fists and bowed deeply to the coffin!

After three bows, Lin Mo stepped forward again and carefully looked at the situation inside the coffin.

There was really only one body and nothing else.

"Xu Jing said that there may be opportunities in the temple. Now that I have found the coffin of the Confucian saint, why can't I find anything?" Lin Mo frowned.

At this moment, footsteps sounded, and Xu Jing ran over from a distance.

"Lin Mo, have you found the remains of the Confucian saint?" He approached the coffin and looked at the corpse inside, with a look of surprise on his face.

After kneeling before the coffin like Lin Mo, Xu Jing stepped forward, took out a dagger, and slashed her arm hard. Blood instantly surged and dripped on the body.

"The Confucian sage is the ancestor of our Confucian city. If you want to start the inheritance, you need the same bloodline as the Confucian sage..." Xu Jing looked at the corpse and explained to Lin Mo at the same time.

Just as he was speaking, the body inside the coffin actually reacted after it was stained with blood.

The pale silver light continued to flash and condensed around the corpse.

Looking at the silver light, Xu Jing's face showed a smile.


At this moment, a flame suddenly appeared on the whole body. The silver flame was as cold as ice, and the silver frost spread along the body.

"Come back!" Lin Mo took two steps back and yelled at Xu Jing.

Xu Jing took a step slower, and Yinshuang climbed up along his right leg.

"Come here!" Lin Mo yelled and stepped forward to pull Xu Jing back. In less than a second, Xu Jing's entire calf had been frozen!

"My legs..." Xu Jing reached out to touch her, but the moment she touched her calf, the entire calf turned into ice crystals and completely shattered!

There was no trace of blood visible on the crack, and it was as smooth as a mirror.

"Why... why!" Xu Jing looked at his right leg with despair. He was a martial arts cultivator. Without his right leg, he would never want to enter the martial arts path again!

If his current strength is higher than King Wu, he may be able to regenerate severed limbs with his super vitality, but his current strength is only that of a warrior... It is almost impossible to regenerate severed limbs!

"You..." Lin Mo looked regretful and didn't know how to persuade him.

"It doesn't matter, maybe this is fate!" Xu Jing shook his head and looked at the coffin that was constantly emitting silver frost: "If I can leave the peak martial arts method of the Confucian sage to Confucian City, my death will be worth it!"

Lin Mo nodded and said nothing.

Soon the silver frost dispersed, and the two approached the coffin again.

This time, the corpse in the coffin changed, and its entire face became sculpted, like an ice sculpture.

Xu Jing couldn't help but reach out and touch the body.


Like glass shattering, the entire body suddenly shattered and turned into countless ice crystals flying and dissipating!

Inside the coffin, a crystal-clear forehead bone remained, and there was a drop of bright red blood beside the forehead bone.

"The remains!" Xu Jing was extremely surprised and reached out to pick up the remains.

At this moment, the drop of blood suddenly hung in mid-air, as if staring at Lin Mo and Xu Jing.

"Relic blood!" The look of surprise on Xu Jing's face became even stronger: "If we get the remains and blood, a peak martial arts master will definitely appear in our Rucheng in the future!"

However, the moment he spoke, the drop of blood suddenly flew up again and entered Lin Mo's body directly!

Xu Jing stared at this scene with wide eyes, and Lin Mo was also stunned by this sudden change.

However, there was nothing special about the blood that entered Lin Mo's body. Lin Mo closed his eyes and tried to feel it, but he didn't notice anything.

"This...can't be poisonous!" Lin Mo looked at Xu Jing aside and couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Xu Jing wanted to chop Lin Mo to death. It was the blood left by Confucian saints. Ordinary people couldn't get it, but Lin Mo was worried about whether it would be poisonous? !

"That bone..." Lin Mo quickly changed the subject and looked at the bones inside the coffin.

This time Xu Jing quickly picked up the remains and looked at Lin Mo with a wary expression: "You have already obtained the blood, so I can't give you the remains!"

Lin Mo didn't speak, just looked at the bones in his hand.

This should be the forehead bone. It looks crystal clear, and even has a faint silver light shining on it. It looks very mysterious.

If you look carefully, the lines on it seem to form some kind of writing...

"Hiss!" Lin Mo couldn't help but cover his head. After just looking at it for a while, he felt like his head was going to explode!

"It should be words engraved on the bones with mental power, but it's a pity that I can't understand them at all..." Lin Mo felt a little regretful, but he had just received the blood, so Lin Mo didn't want to be too greedy about the bones.

"Now that we have the things in hand, let's leave!" Lin Mo said.

Xu Jing bowed earnestly to the surroundings, then nodded: "The exit should be in that direction!"

He pointed in a direction, and the two of them walked towards the exit at the same time.

Xu Jing had difficulty moving, so after half an hour, the two finally walked to the exit, passed through a door, and walked out from the right foot of the statue!

At this moment, three middle-aged men were standing there, waiting for them.

"Xu Jing, how is the situation?" The three of them looked at Xu Jing, and their expressions suddenly became serious: "You... your right leg is injured?"

At this point, the three of them exuded murderous intent and enveloped Lin Mo.

Lin Mo squinted his eyes and secretly circulated the power of Qi and blood. He had already made plans. If he really wanted to fight to the death, he would try his best to take one or two away.

"It has nothing to do with Lin Mo. It was the frost in the coffin that hurt me!" Xu Jing explained while taking out the bones from her body: "These are the bones that were left behind after the corpse disappeared. It should be There is a secret method spread, but you can’t recognize it without strong spiritual power..."

"Do you need strong mental power?" The three middle-aged men looked at Lin Mo: "You should be a mind qi master, why don't you give it a try?"

Faced with such a good opportunity, it was impossible for Lin Mo to refuse. He nodded, took the bone, and started looking at it.


After taking possession of the remains, Lin Mo suddenly felt as if his mental power was suddenly rioting.

When Lin Mo wanted to bring the bones close to his eyes and take a good look, he suddenly felt that the bones were enlarging in his eyes, and the lines seemed to come alive, twisting and rolling!


The next moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in his mind, followed by a stream of warm liquid flowing down his forehead.

Lin Mo raised his hand and touched it, and there was a wisp of blood!

A wound opened directly between his eyebrows, and blood flowed out!

Lin Mo was shocked. This bone was indeed extraordinary. He had only held it in his hand for a while, but before he had time to observe it seriously, it had already caused great damage to his mental strength.

"Are you okay?" Xu Jing quickly took the remains from Lin Mo's hand and looked at him nervously.

Lin Mo shook his head and gasped: "No, my mental power is too weak, I can't see anything at all, those lines seem to come alive, directly blasting in my mind, I can't do it at all bear!"

With a look of pain on his face, he held the statue with one hand and slowly sat on the ground.

"It seems that we can only find someone with stronger mental strength to take a look!" Finally, the three middle-aged men spoke with regretful looks on their faces.

"By the way, besides this, do you have anything else in there?" Xu Jing's second uncle suddenly asked.

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Lin Mo got a drop of blood, but that drop of blood entered Lin Mo's body directly before I could react..."

"He lost his blood and automatically searched for his master, choosing Lin Mo?" The three middle-aged men had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Lin Mo didn't speak, just looked at them quietly.

He wanted to know what choices these people would make after learning that he had the blood!

"It seems that all this is God's will! Since the Confucian sage has chosen you, then that drop of blood is yours! We will also wait for you to decipher this piece of remains. We only hope that you will decipher the contents of the remains in the future. , you can tell the truth!”

Lin Mo glanced at them in surprise and nodded without any hesitation.

"Thank you to the seniors. If Lin Mo's mental power improves a little in the future, he will definitely come to help you decipher the contents on the remains!"

Lin Mo made a promise.

Because there was something wrong with Xu Jing's right leg, the three middle-aged men were ready to try some methods to see if they could restore his right leg to its original state.

After being delayed in Rucheng for so long, Lin Mo calculated the time and decided that it was time to leave Rucheng and report to the capital, so he stood up and left directly!

After leaving Rucheng, Lin Mo continued on the national highway and finally arrived in the capital the day before school started.

The Huaxia Military University is not located in the core area of ​​​​the capital, but is dozens of kilometers away from the capital.

Fortunately, there was a hotel near Junda. After Lin Mo booked a room, he sat cross-legged on the bed and looked inside.

"When I left Rucheng, I had always paid attention to the changes in my body. After the drop of blood entered my body, it didn't seem to have any impact on my body...

But when I looked inside myself, I couldn't find the drop of blood..."

Lin Mo was a little worried. Although the Confucian sage had the name of a saint thousands of years ago, God knows if the blood left in his body might have some other conspiracy?

Lin Mo has read novels, and in many novels there are situations where blood and essence devour the physical body and replace it.

"Forget it, let's continue practicing!" During this period of time, Lin Mo was busy on the road, and he never had the opportunity to use the Qi and Blood Pill to practice. Tomorrow is the day of school. Lin Mo planned to practice all night, and he would be able to take a test tomorrow.

After Lin Mo swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill and entered the dreamland, he suddenly saw a drop of red blood hanging next to the original options!

"It's that drop of blood!" Lin Mo looked shocked, finally discovering its whereabouts!

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