Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 83: Holy Blood Tempering Bones

In the dream, a drop of blood hung there, like a red sun, trembling slightly while releasing a dense blood light.

Who would have thought that that drop of holy blood would finally appear here!

Lin Mo stared at the drop of blood and frowned slightly. First of all, he was sure that this drop of blood was very unusual. After all, it was left by the Confucian sage.

However, this drop of blood is now hanging there like an uncle, and cannot be touched, let alone how to use it.

"Is it just like other options, just choose it with your mind?" This thought came to Lin Mo's mind.

Then his eyes fell on the drop of blood, and he made a choice silently in his heart.

"Absorb 1/2 of the Confucian sage's blood, Qi and Blood Pill x 20!"

Such words appeared in front of his eyes, and then Lin Mo saw the drop of blood vibrate a few times and explode in the air!


A bolt of bloody lightning exploded over the ruins not far away, and then the entire sky became gloomy.

An extremely depressing feeling constantly invaded Lin Mo's heartbeat, as if something exciting was coming!


There was another thunderous explosion, and then raindrops began to fall from the gloomy sky.

Lin Mo bathed in the raindrops and was shocked to find that those raindrops were actually blood-colored!

When it drips on your body, you feel like you are being burned by lava!

Lin Mo frowned. This feeling was very strange, because after the burning, a surging energy traveled through the body and continuously gathered in the dantian.

"The holy blood turns into the power of qi and blood, swims in my body, and finally gathers in the Dantian..."

Lin Mo was a little surprised. Such majestic energy and blood power definitely exceeded the changes that 20 energy and blood pills could bring to him!

However, Lin Mo felt a little regretful, because this was holy blood after all. If it only increased the power of Qi and blood, it would be a bit inconsistent with its name!

Just when Lin Mo felt the raindrops falling, the patter of blood stopped.

The surging power of Qi and blood was cut off, and Lin Mo felt that his Dantian was filled with Qi and blood!

Just when Lin Mo thought he was leaving the dreamland, the scenery in front of him suddenly began to change!

The original ruins disappeared instantly and were replaced by waves of heat!

Blinking his eyes, Lin Mo realized that the location he was in was actually a piece of magma!

Not far away, a bloody shadow was standing there, with lava flowing out from under his feet!

"Is that the shadow of the Confucian saint?" Lin Mo looked at the shadow in the distance in shock. It was so tall, like a pillar standing between heaven and earth!


Lin Mo couldn't help but take a breath of cold air due to the severe pain, because the power of Qi and blood in his Dantian suddenly exploded, burning directly in his body, turning into a stream of magma flowing in his meridians. .

The result of the hot qi and blood flowing in the body was that wherever the qi and blood passed through, it felt like being cut by a knife. Lin Mo even felt that his body was about to explode!

Fortunately, the power of these qi and blood was gathering and finally flowed to Lin Mo's feet.


Lin Mo felt that his leg bones were trembling, because the power of Qi and blood was completely attached to the leg bones, and the hot feeling made his two calves feel like they were on fire!


Just when Lin Mo was about to sit down cross-legged, a soft sound suddenly came from his legs.

Lin Mo felt that his leg bones were cracking, and he could even imagine dense cracks appearing on the crystal leg bones, and endless energy and blood flowing into the leg bones!

At this moment, he felt that his legs were reshaped, and some things inside the leg bones disappeared, burned to ashes by the power of blood!

Lin Mo quietly felt the changes in his body. The pain in his legs disappeared, replaced by an unspeakable feeling.

"It's the holy blood, he's tempering my bones... However, I remember that tempering all the bones in the body can only be touched when the King of Martial Realm is at its peak. Is it possible that I have already started this process?"

Lin Mo had a look of disbelief on his face. As a mind qi master, he had already begun to cultivate spiritual power when he was in the warrior realm. This was already ahead of many people.

Now he is still in the warrior realm and has actually begun to temper all his bones!

This... I'm afraid no one would believe it.

When Lin Mo opened his eyes, the sky was gradually getting brighter. He stood up from the bed and glanced at his legs.

There was a thick layer of brown ash there. Lin Mo tried to knock it with his hands, and the layer of ash made a clanging sound like metal.

"Are there so many impurities in the leg bones and flesh and blood?" Lin Mo looked a little embarrassed. It would be embarrassing if these impurities were considered to be dust on the body!


In the end, Lin Mo held his calf with both hands and used force at the same time to break the layer of ashes, exposing Lin Mo's legs.

"It seems...the calves have become much slimmer..." Lin Mo was feeling the changes brought about by his legs. Judging from the appearance, the original leg muscles were stronger, and at the same time, there was a faint light shining on the skin. .

After getting up and washing up, Lin Mo changed into clean clothes and kicked forward twice in the room.


Two blasts of wind sounded. Lin Mo had never learned any martial arts, but the speed and strength of his legs had reached such terrifying levels!

"Tempering the leg bones, the strength of my legs has definitely improved a lot, and there has even been a qualitative leap!" Lin Mo was extremely surprised, looking at his legs.

"It really feels like I'm going to test whether my martial arts have changed now!" Lin Mo couldn't wait.

I glanced at the time and saw that there was still some time before the candidates registered, and apart from the Huaxia Military University, there was no other place nearby that could measure energy, blood and attack power!

Finally, Lin Mo came to the top floor of the hotel, picked some breakfast that he liked, brought it to the table nearby and slowly tasted it.

The reporting work only started in two hours, so there was relatively plenty of time.

"Eat quickly, don't be late..." Sitting next to Lin Mo was a couple who looked to be about the same age as Lin Mo. At this moment, the boy was urging the girl in a low voice.

"Isn't it still early? Besides, we are not the only two who want to sign up...Look at the person over there, he is not in a hurry when eating..." The girl raised her finger and pointed at Lin Mo, somewhat He spoke displeasedly.

Lin Mo paused lightly with the hand holding the fried dough sticks, and finally smiled without saying anything.

"Do you know how much the two of us paid for this opportunity? How much did our parents pay?" The boy whispered: "We spent so much money to gain admission to the Foreign College of the Huaxia Military University. We can't do it just because of food." Report was delayed due to breakfast!

The guy next to us, does he look like he's here to register at the Chinese Military University?

I suspect that he just came to see off a friend, and passed by here specially to have a meal, so that he could pretend that he was also from the Chinese Military University..."

"Keep your voice down, it's not good if others hear you!" The girl glanced at Lin Mo worriedly.

"What's wrong? Although we are students from the outer college of Huaxia Military University, we are also members of Huaxia Military University. If this person dares to do anything to us, Military University will definitely not let him go!" The boy said with disdain. opened his mouth, and then threw a half-eaten fried dough stick into the trash can:

"But then again, it's almost time for the two of us to leave. Military University has regulations. When registering for students from the outer courtyard of Military University, it cannot affect the normal registration of students from the inner courtyard!"

"We are all students from the Military University, why should we be treated differently?" The girl was a little dissatisfied: "The so-called inner courtyard students you call are really that good?"

"Of course it's that good. I heard that a great genius appeared in Aurous Hill. He became a first-class warrior at a young age. I heard that he also started the practice of spiritual power..." The man told a lot of information about Lin Mo. The girls’ eyes were filled with stars when they heard this.

"However, that kind of genius is too far away from us. Only the man next door, we have severely stepped on him!" The man had a smile on his face, and when he talked about Lin Mo, he was full of disdain. .

"Then let's go over quickly. The interview will disturb the normal registration of the students in the inner courtyard..." The girl hurriedly drank a piece of bread in front of her and pulled the boy out of the restaurant.

"I hope we won't meet each other then, otherwise it will be very embarrassing!" Lin Mo looked at the two people leaving and spoke slowly...

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