Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 95: Beat you until you are desperate!

In everyone's shocked eyes, Lin Mo had jumped at least twenty meters high and adjusted his posture in the air!

Eagle treads! !

The foot was wrapped in the power of Qi and blood and glowed with a faint red color, looking extremely terrifying.

Xu Xian's face was pale as he was lying on the ground. From such a height, and being stepped down in such a terrifying posture, there must be no chance of survival!

The people around him couldn't help but gasped.

Xu Xian is very strong and can be ranked in the top ten among all senior students, but now, he is losing so quickly? !

The most important thing is that Lin Mo is now standing in mid-air, stepping down with one foot, and wants to kill people with this most humiliating posture!

Some girls even covered their eyes for fear of being frightened by the next scene!


With a muffled sound, Lin Mo stepped on the fighting platform!

Click! Click!

Wood chips were flying, and some wooden boards were even blown away by the huge impact and scattered in every corner.

Lin Mo's feet were less than half a meter away from Xu Xian's face, but sawdust flew up on Xu Xian's face, causing a deep wound.

"Sorry, you lost too!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Xu Xian lay there and said nothing for a long time.

Lin Mo jumped off the stage and walked towards Ye Qing with his hands behind his back.

"Wait a moment!"

Another voice sounded, and another young man walked slowly over and looked at Lin Mo with an indifferent expression: "My name is Zhao Qing. I am a senior student at the Capital Martial Arts University and a sixth-level warrior. I challenge you..."

Five minutes later, a student named Zhao Qing was kicked away by Lin Mo and hit the ground heavily, with a look of panic written on his face.

After Lin Mo glanced at everyone, he said: "Aren't you going a little too far? You are lining up to challenge me one by one, then I will be exhausted?

Now I'm leaving. If anyone wants to challenge me again, please take out two intermediate Qi and Blood Pills first! "

Two intermediate Qi and Blood Pills are worth four million!

The students around me looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them came forward.

"If not, then I'll leave." Lin Mo smiled faintly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you dare to force me to take action, I will not be merciful..."

After that, he was ready to leave again.


At this moment, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and something was approaching Lin Mo at an extremely fast speed!

Lin Mo didn't even think about it and directly punched to meet the attack!

A bang!

Lin Mo's fist actually hit a big knife directly, but the blade was so strong that Lin Mo's fist didn't leave any trace on it!

At the same time, the crowd dispersed, making way for a passage in the middle.

At the end of the passage, there was a young man with a gloomy expression, walking towards him step by step.

Lin Mo noticed that even students from Wuhan University had panic on their faces when they saw the intruder.

"It''s actually him!" Ye Qing's voice was trembling, and she pointed at the big sword and said: "Wuda Ghost Sword!

It is said that what he is best at is swordsmanship. He had mastered swordsmanship when he first entered school, and his strength has reached the level of an eighth-grade warrior..."

"The most important thing is that this person has no emotions!"

"Everyone who competes with him will be killed after losing!

Lin Mo, let’s leave quickly. Even if you don’t fight in this battle, no one will say anything! "

Ye Qing took Lin Mo's hand and was about to leave.

"You are not from our school, so as long as you dare to leave, I will kill this woman!" Guidao looked at Lin Mo and said calmly.

His tone was really too calm, but it was precisely because he said such terrifying words in such an extremely calm tone that it made people feel creepy!

"Lin Mo, don't believe him. Wuhan University in Beijing is not a place where he can do whatever he wants!" Ye Qing was not afraid: "Besides, my grandfather also arranged bodyguards for me. No one dares to get close by then. !”

"The tiger is still napping. He wants to kill you. It's very simple..." After hearing what Ye Qing said, Ghost Sword showed a mocking look on his face: "As long as I have a chance, I will kill you immediately!"


When Ye Qing wanted to say something, Lin Mo raised his hand to stop him.

"I don't like others threatening me, so you wait here for me to remove the threat..." Lin Mo patted Ye Qing on the shoulder, then turned around.

The moment he turned around, Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and traces of murderous intent began to be released from Lin Mo's body.

"Two intermediate Qi and Blood Pills, this is the rule I set!" Lin Mo looked at the Ghost Sword and said calmly.

"You can't get it even if I give it to you. You will be the one who dies in the end anyway. If you take it, it will be in vain, so you should leave it to me!"

Ghost Sword Broken Blade smiled, then dodged and pounced directly towards Lin Mo.

The moment Lin Mo dodged, the Ghost Sword pulled out the big knife on the ground and casually slashed at Lin Mo's neck!

His movements are very smooth, and the way he strikes is even more bloody. If he is not careful, he will lose his life immediately!

Lin Mo's eyes were bright, his mental perception was fully activated, and he was carefully monitoring every move of the Ghost Sword!


Lin Mo's physical martial arts skills made him look extremely erratic. With his mental perception, Lin Mo was able to perfectly dodge his attacks every step of the way.

Even in the end, with his mental perception, Lin Mo finally found an opportunity to counterattack.

In such a battle, the opportunity to fight back is too rare.

So what Lin Mo did was to use all his strength!

Tiger punch!

White Crane Fist!

The two punches exploded directly!


There was a loud noise, and the muffled sounds of his colleagues could not be heard. Lin Mo used the crane-shaped fist as a carrier to attack and kill crazily!

Ghost Sword looked calm, and even had a joking smile on his lips.

"Is that all you have? I thought someone was so confident that he wanted to challenge all of us Wuhan students, but he turned out to be an idiot!"

"Ghost Sword is the most powerful person in Wu Da Ming. It is said that there is a powerful combination above Ghost Sword, but there is too little information about this combination..."

"So, Ghost Sword is currently the strongest person in the entire school. Although Lin Mo is very strong, he was still beaten in the end... It's a pity that in the end, as long as he loses, he will lose his name... It's too miserable "

Everyone looked at this scene and thought that Lin Mo would definitely lose. Some people even began to worry about what Lin Mo would endure after being defeated.

"I hope you can still laugh later..." Lin Mo sneered, and the next moment, a layer of blood quickly filled his eyes!

Wolf King Fist...the bloodthirsty state is activated!

In an instant, Lin Mo's essence surged, controlling his brain and keeping him happy all the time.

Tiger punch!

Lin Mo used Tiger Money again. This move had been used in previous battles, so Ghost Sword didn't take Lin Mo's attack to heart at all.


Ghost Sword ignored Lin Mo's fist and directly chopped off Lin Mo's head with the big knife in his hand!

A bang!

There was still a fight between the fists and the blade's feet, and with the last crisp sound, everyone present couldn't help but stand up from their chairs.

The machete is broken?

Some people stared blankly at the sword that had been broken into two ends, and then looked up at Lin Mo. They always felt that this scene was actually fake...

The most shocking thing was the ghost sword. He had confidence in his sword. Even if King Wu came, he might not be able to crush it with just one punch, but now his sword turned into pieces!

You know, the quality of this broadsword has reached the Xuan level!

This kind of thing was extremely expensive, and now it was smashed to pieces by Lin Mo's fist!

"The quality is close to the Xuan level, but it was smashed by this newcomer's fist. This is too violent!"

Some people also began to praise Lin Mo's offensive power.

After a brief pause, Lin Mo and Ghost Sword started fighting again.

This time, the situation between the two has changed dramatically.

The Ghost Sword, which had been attacking continuously, now started to use a defensive posture, but Lin Mo on the opposite side seemed to be boiling with blood, and the attacks became more and more terrifying!

"Hmph, with such a high-intensity attack, I want to see how long your energy and blood power can last. When your energy and blood power disappears, that's when I will take your life!"

Ghost Sword sneered and directly used his strongest defense to resist Lin Mo's attack.

This kind of defensive martial arts consumes much less energy and blood than Lin Mo's forced attack!

"The newcomer is still too young after all. In this kind of battle, there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides. He has the advantage now, so he should speed up the battle... Now it's better, he was taken advantage of by Ghost Sword!"

"Gui Dao only wants to win, so it is reasonable to do such a thing..."

Everyone thought of this, and they thought that Ghost Sword was now passively defending.

Ye Qing on the side originally thought that Lin Mo was going to win, so a smile appeared on her face.


At this moment, there was a faint sound of thunder on Lin Mo's body, and tiny electric rays began to beat around his body.

"Tiger Fist!"

"Wolf King Fist!"

"White Crane Fist!"

Lin Mo was roaring, his hands were changing rapidly, and all three different punches were punched out in a very short period of time!

Moreover, at this moment, Ghost Sword's expression had changed.

Because he felt that after fighting for so long, two-thirds of his qi and blood power had been consumed, but Lin Mo's qi and blood power seemed to be continuously replenished.

By now, he had already felt that Lin Mo's attack power was even stronger than at the beginning!

How does this look like the power of Qi and blood is completely exhausted?

"I won't play with you anymore!"

At this moment, Lin Mo's voice was cold and he raised his hand and waved!

The spiritual sword instantly enveloped the ghost sword!

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