Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 96: Assassination attempt!

"Don't move, if you move you will die!"

Lin Mo spoke calmly, the spiritual sword trembled and made a buzzing sound after cutting the air.

At this moment, even if you can't see it, you can clearly feel that there is something around you.

" don't dare to kill me!"

Guidao looked ugly. He was the most powerful person in the Capital Martial Arts University, but now he was forced to this point.


Blood suddenly burst out from his shoulder. Lin Mo just moved his mind, and the spiritual sword had already penetrated his shoulder.

"Where did you get the courage to think that I don't dare to kill you?" Lin Mo chuckled: "Here, here, and here... there is a sword respectively. If you dare to say another word, they will kill you directly. You penetrated!"

Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed at the locations of the remaining spiritual swords, and spoke softly.

Sweat flowed down Guidao's forehead, his eyes flashed continuously, hatred and anger intertwined, but in the end, only fear remained.

"Okay, as agreed at the beginning, two intermediate Qi and Blood Pills!" Lin Mo stretched out his hand.

The group of people were speechless. They didn't expect Lin Mo to actually ask for Qi and Blood Pills.

Ghost Sword was lying on the ground looking ugly. He could get two intermediate Qi and Blood Pills, but these were four million!

However, at the moment of life and death, he had no other options at all. In the end, he could only take out two Qi and Blood Pills from his body and handed them to Lin Mo.

"Wouldn't it be better if this was the case!" Lin Mo took the Qi and Blood Pill, waved his hand, dispersed the Spiritual Sword, then stood up and walked towards Ye Qing.

Seeing the two people leaving, the hundreds of people in the entire fighting field fell silent, and no one dared to say a word.

"Help me..." Lin Mo, who was standing next to Ye Qing after leaving the fighting arena, suddenly laughed.

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, and only then did he see that cold sweat seemed to be flowing on Lin Mo's forehead.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Qing was a little anxious and supported Lin Mo: "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No need, it just consumes too much." Lin Mo smiled. The bloodthirsty state of Wolf King Fist is indeed terrifying. The attack power of all martial arts has been improved, but the mental power consumed is also terrifying.

With Ye Qing's support, the two walked into the cafeteria.

"Please eat the flesh and blood of a monster. I heard that there is a kind of monster flesh and blood tonight that can replenish spiritual power..." Ye Qing directly brought Lin Mo into the box and ordered a kind of monster flesh and blood.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when the two of them finished dinner. After Lin Mo sent Ye Qing to the dormitory, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Although Huaxia Military University does not restrict students' freedom, there is a rule that they must return to school before twelve o'clock every night.

After Lin Mo left, Ye Qing took out her phone and opened the school forum.

At this moment, the school's tires have blown out, and everyone is discussing today's battles.

"A new student just knocked down all the old students in our school. It's so shameful. It's so shameful!"

"Family, who knows? When I was playing outside today, I suddenly heard someone say that our Wuhan University in Beijing is a rubbish school. I originally wanted to refute it, but when I returned to school, I heard the news... We are a rubbish school. …”

"I'm lucky enough to see this battle with my own eyes. All I can say is, that freshman... his Thai pants are hot!"

Turning off the phone, an inexplicable look flashed across Ye Qing's face. I don't know since when, the gap between Lin Mo and her has become wider and wider.

Now, when she looked forward, it seemed that she could no longer see Lin Mo's back.

"I have to work hard. Even if I can't stand side by side with you, I will still try to catch up with you!" Ye Qing's expression became determined.

On the other side, Lin Mo had already stepped out of the taxi. When he was still about five kilometers away from Junda, he had already entered the prohibited area.

Within five kilometers of the Military University, all outside vehicles are prohibited from entering after ten o'clock at night.

Lin Mo ran all the way towards the school gate. He had consumed a lot today, but now his whole body was warm. The meal of flesh and blood tonight was indeed useful. It turned into pure energy and was constantly washing Lin Mo's body.

"The flesh and blood of this monster is indeed useful. Although it is not as good as the blue liquid, it still replenishes my mental power. The most important thing is that my blood value has also been greatly improved!"

Lin Mo tried to increase his speed. Lin Mo actually ran the five kilometers in less than five minutes.

The moment Lin Mo opened the bedroom door, all the hairs on Lin Mo's body stood up. Without any hesitation, he rushed to the side.


At this moment, the door behind him was directly hit by a huge force. After a loud noise, it turned into sawdust and scattered.

Looking back, the thing that broke the door turned out to be a black meteor hammer the size of a basketball, covered with spikes. One end of a long iron chain was locked on the meteor hammer, and the other end led into the darkness of the room.


Lin Mo picked up a piece of sawdust and threw it in the direction of the switch. With a soft sound, the light in the room was turned on, and he saw a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa in the room.

"Who are you!" Lin Mo dodged and hid behind the door. Just as he was in a hurry, he could already feel the terrifying aura from the man's body.

He couldn't see through the man's strength, but he could feel a terrifying power surging in the man.

"Hand over all the Five Beast Fist manuals on you, or... I'll kill you!" the middle-aged man said coldly.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes. He knew the Five Beast Fist, so it was very likely that he was someone Xu Hui had found.

"Xu Hui's people?" he asked tentatively.

"Who is he?" The middle-aged man chuckled, and seemed to be very disdainful of Xu Hui.

Lin Mo already knew that the middle-aged man and Xu Hui were definitely not in a master-servant relationship. They were probably just acquaintances, and the reason why he found him this time must be because of Xu Hui!

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and he kept this matter in his heart.

"It seems that you are looking for death!!" The voice of the middle-aged man sounded again.

At the same time, Lin Mo felt a dangerous breath, and immediately rushed to the side regardless of anything!

With a bang!

With a loud bang, a huge crack appeared on the wall behind Lin Mo!




Just as Lin Mo was stunned, three loud noises sounded again, and the meteor hammers hit the wall one after another like a chain.

When the last bang sounded, the whole wall collapsed instantly!

Lin Mo was stunned, this scene was simply too terrifying.

The opponent has not revealed much strength until now, and is only attacking with terrifying power.

This attack can be said to be extremely terrifying, and a wall was destroyed in just a few minutes.

In the ruins, Lin Mo saw the middle-aged man carrying the meteor hammer and walked out. He looked at Lin Mo lying on the ground with a mocking smile on his face.

"Boy, I'll give you one last chance. Hand over your boxing skills and I'll spare your life!" The middle-aged man spoke again.

Lin Mo was too lazy to pay attention to him, but stood up silently, and at the same time urged all his blood and qi. At this time, there was no other choice but to fight to the death!


The meteor hammer was swung up again, and when it moved in the air, it made a muffled sound.

Its speed was too fast. Even if Lin Mo used the ghost shadow, it was still difficult to dodge. In desperation, Lin Mo used his body to fight against the meteor hammer. The final result was that he was in severe pain all over his body, as if he was about to break apart.

"Something is wrong. Are the school security guards fools? Such a terrible battle has happened, but they didn't notice it at all?" Lin Mo grimaced in pain, and at the same time he felt something was wrong. The battle here had reached this point, and no one was approaching.

The surroundings were terribly quiet, and it seemed that only the place where they were fighting could hear the sound.


With a loud bang, Lin Mo was hit by the meteor hammer again. This time, because Lin Mo did not dodge in advance, the whole person was knocked away and finally fell heavily on the grass in the distance.

The middle-aged man sneered on his face and approached step by step.

He seemed to be deliberately creating that terrifying feeling, so he swung the meteor hammer every step, making the sound of breaking the wind.

Lin Mo looked at him, the brows on his face slowly stretched, and the next moment he actually laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" The middle-aged man couldn't help asking, "You're going to die..."

"Can I die?" Lin Mo suddenly spoke, and then looked around: "This should be a dream, right?

I don't know who you are, but I can tell that you must be a mind-reading master. You used some kind of spiritual martial arts to let me enter your dream!

Or, using spiritual martial arts, let me enter a certain mental state.

Everything I see now is fake and exists in my spiritual world!"

Pa pa pa!

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo in shock, then smiled and raised his hands to clap.

"Awesome, too awesome, you are the first one who can see through my spiritual world in such a short time, you are worthy of being a so-called genius.

But you are wrong in some places...

If you die in the spiritual world, you die. As long as I kill you here, you will die!"

After that, he swung the hammer in his hand and smashed it hard at Lin Mo!

Lin Mo sneered and waved his fists to meet it.

"Since everything is fake, why should I be afraid of you? In the spiritual world, you only dominate your dreams, but you can't dominate everything about me!

Since you set yourself up as a powerful person in the spiritual world, why can't I set myself up as a martial arts master!"


When he said this, Lin Mo's aura changed!

A violent force was derived from him. In the shocked eyes of the middle-aged man, Lin Mo punched the meteor hammer.


The meteor hammer made of fine iron was smashed into pieces by Lin Mo's punch!

At the same time, Lin Mo did not stop, his figure flashed, and the ghost shadow was also pushed to the extreme by Lin Mo at this time!

"Die!" Lin Mo said coldly. In the spiritual world, Lin Mo set himself up as a martial arts master who surpassed the realm of the martial king!


With a loud noise, Lin Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, a middle-aged man was covering his chest and looking at him palely!

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