Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 97: Robbery still makes more money

The middle-aged man looked pale, with a look of shock in his eyes, as he watched Lin Mo approaching step by step.

"Impossible... My spiritual world, you can't break it with your spiritual power..." the middle-aged man said loudly.


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo's figure flashed and rushed in front of him, raised his hand and punched him in the lower abdomen!

The huge pain made his whole face twisted, and the whole person hunched over and kept retreating, and finally collapsed on the ground, looking at Lin Mo in panic.

"The mind Qi master is indeed very powerful, but once he gets close, the mind Qi master becomes meat on the chopping board to be slaughtered!" Lin Mo stepped forward and stepped on his chest with one foot: "Give me the martial arts of the spiritual world!"

"You are dreaming!" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo with a sneer on his face. He didn't expect Lin Mo to ask him for the martial arts of the spiritual world.

"In that case, then you go to hell!" Lin Mo said as he raised his foot and stepped on his face.

If this kick really stepped on his face, it would definitely take half of his life!

"Don't you want to know who sent me here! Don't kill me, I'll tell you who wants to kill you!" The middle-aged man spoke loudly.

"In my opinion, this is not important at all. Since you are unwilling to hand over the martial arts of the spiritual world to me, then you go to hell!" Lin Mo stepped on his heart without hesitation.

A mouthful of blood would spray out directly, but this kick actually took half of his life.

"Very strong!" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and raised his foot again.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was almost scared to death. Only those who have experienced death can know how terrible death is. At this moment, looking at Lin Mo's raised foot, he surrendered without thinking.

"I am willing to hand over the martial arts of the divine world to you..." The middle-aged man spoke repeatedly, but Lin Mo still stepped down.

But he didn't step on his heart, but on his right hand, which made the arm limp as if it was made of rubber.

Screams continued to sound, and the middle-aged man covered his hand with pain on his face.

"I'll teach you a lesson. If what you told me is false, I will make you die very painfully!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Looking at Lin Mo's face, the middle-aged man felt cold all over.

When facing Lin Mo, he felt like he was facing an evil ghost from hell!

Half an hour later, Lin Mo looked at the extra piece of cloth in his hand and smiled.

The white cloth was full of words written in blood, which was the martial arts of the spiritual world!

"Big profit!" After Lin Mo put away the martial arts, he reached out and groped the middle-aged man's body.

"One intermediate Qi and Blood Pill, five primary Qi and Blood Pills, you are so rich!" Lin Mo gave the middle-aged man a thumbs up, and then put away all the things he had searched.

The middle-aged man was extremely angry, but facing Lin Mo, he could only smile and watch Lin Mo take away everything!

"Get lost!"

Lin Mo said coldly, and the middle-aged man thanked him repeatedly, and then he didn't care about anything else and ran out directly.

However, in the previous battle, after being unilaterally abused by Lin Mo, the middle-aged man's speed had slowed down a lot.

Lin Mo trotted all the way to the guards of Huaxia Military University: "I just saw a man sneaking outside and seemed to be doing something bad!"

When the guards heard this, their expressions immediately became serious, and they took out the walkie-talkie and gave an order.

Then Lin Mo heard a light sound from a distance and the scream of the middle-aged man.

"It's worthy of being Huaxia Military University, the guns are definitely specially made!" Lin Mo showed a shocked look on his face. Generally, warriors will not be injured by ordinary guns and ammunition.

But the middle-aged man just now was killed, which shows that Huaxia Military University has absolutely mastered the power of guns to kill warriors.

After entering the campus, Lin Mo did not return to his dormitory, but changed direction and walked towards another row of dormitories.


Lin Mo kicked open the door of the dormitory, and a figure in the room jumped up from the bed, looking at Lin Mo with a bare chest and a wary face.

"Lin Mo, what are you doing here..." Xu Hui looked at Lin Mo, his heart sank, but he still spoke with a normal face.


However, as soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo had already rushed towards him, and a right hook hit him hard in the face.

Xu Hui flew sideways and hit the wall heavily.

A stream of blood flowed from his head, and Xu Hui looked at Lin Mo with anger: "Are you crazy? If you attack your classmates in school, you will be punished..."

"You can't attack in school, right!" Lin Mo had a gloomy face, and he went straight up and grabbed Xu Hui's collar and walked out.

Xu Hui kept shouting, trying to wake up more people and get protection.

But Lin Mo ignored all this and came to the school gate.

At this moment, several guards had already walked in carrying the body of the middle-aged man.

Seeing Lin Mo coming back with a person in his hand, the guards looked at each other and said nothing.

Xu Hui, who was carried by Lin Mo, felt that his brain had lost the ability to think. This time, the person he called to inform was a powerful Qi Master, famous in the world for his spiritual world, but now this Qi Master was killed by Lin Mo!

Xu Hui is 100% sure that even if the person was not killed by Lin Mo, he still has something to do with Lin Mo!

"You... why did you bring me here!" Xu Hui panicked. He was worried that he would be killed directly by Lin Mo. No matter how powerful the family behind him was, it wouldn't matter if he was gone, so would the family behind him. Even if he takes revenge, he cannot be resurrected!

"Didn't you say you can't beat classmates on campus? Now we're outside..." Lin Mo grinned at him, suddenly showing his white teeth.

Xu Hui was so frightened that he looked at the guards on both sides and kept asking for help.

The two guards looked at each other and finally turned around silently.

When they just killed the Nian Qi Master, they already roughly knew everything.

As soldiers, what they hate most is the kind of person who stabs someone in the back.

So after guessing that Xu Hui was uniting with outsiders to deal with Lin Mo, the two guards were very dissatisfied with him.

After a burst of punches and kicks, Lin Mo started groping Xu Hui's body contentedly.

"You...what are you going to do! This is my thing!" Xu Hui watched Lin Mo take away a Qi and Blood Pill from his body, and a vigilant look immediately appeared on his face.

"I'm sharing some good stuff with you!" Lin Mo grinned. After fumbling around for a few minutes, he found that apart from the Qi and Blood Pill just now, there really wasn't any other good stuff.

Just when Lin Mo was about to give up, his eyes accidentally saw the ring on Xu Hui's finger.

"Storage ring, rich man!" Lin Mo recognized it at a glance and took the ring off his hand.

After letting his thoughts enter the ring, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

"As expected, he is a rich man, one intermediate Qi and Blood Pill, ten elementary Qi and Blood Pills..." Lin Mo took all the pills, but as for the money inside, Lin Mo didn't take any of them.

"Go away, don't let me see you again!" Lin Mo threw Xu Hui out casually.

After Xu Hui got up from the ground, he quickly ran towards the school without looking back.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, stood at the gate and looked at the two guards with a smile on his face: "Thank you two brothers for helping me... You two brothers must accept your kindness!"

Lin Mo divided the primary Qi and Blood Pill into two parts and gave them to two guards respectively.

Five Qi and Blood Pills for each person, converted into banknotes, is one million banknotes!

"This classmate, we just did what I was supposed to do. Take these... back!" The two guards pushed the Qi and Blood Pill towards Lin Mo with red eyes.

"Are the two elder brothers too little? If not, I still have..." Lin Mo said and actually took out five more elementary Qi and Blood Pills and was about to give them to them.

Seeing this scene, the two guards looked at each other, and then stuffed the Qi and Blood Pill into their pockets.

"Thank you two big brothers!" Lin Mo smiled quickly. Since his things were given away, the two guards would definitely keep everything that happened just a secret.

At this time, Lin Mo walked towards his bedroom. After opening the door, Lin Mo lay directly on the bed, took out a Qi and Blood Pill, and swallowed it without thinking.

"I always feel that Wolf King Fist is not that simple..."

With this thought, Lin Mo entered the dreamland again.

After choosing the Wolf King Fist, Lin Mo once again used his mental power to control his consciousness and entered a bloodthirsty state!

"This state is not quite right. Although the bloodthirsty state is very strong, I feel that there are other powers that have not been tapped out!"

Lin Mo thought like this, and then directly started the battle mode!

A wolf king roared and charged towards Lin Mo!

"A monster with the strength of a Martial King, and the martial arts it can use are also at the Martial King level!" Lin Mo instantly felt the difference in the Wolf King. This was an extremely powerful wolf king, and now it had broken through the restrictions and could use Martial King-level attacks!


The roar sounded, the Wolf King's eyes were blood red, and the entire sky seemed to be dyed red with blood, looking extremely miserable.

One man and one wolf soon started fighting together. Lin Mo was very fast and elusive every time he made a move.

The Wolf King's speed was not inferior at all, and because his attack power was much higher, wounds began to appear on Lin Mo's body after a few minutes.

The huge pain made Lin Mo constantly weak, and the effect of the Thunder Breathing Technique was also limited. The power of Qi and blood in Lin Mo's body was squeezed out bit by bit!

In the next few minutes, Lin Mo could only keep retreating, while the Wolf King pressed forward step by step.

But at this moment, Lin Mo's dantian had no energy left at all!

At this moment, the Wolf Dynasty pounced on him!

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