Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 98 The Secret of the Five Beast Fist


Lin Mo only felt that the meridians all over his body were trembling, and the power of qi and blood was squeezed out from the meridians!

And in the shortest time, these qi and blood gathered together and condensed in the dantian.

Not long after, it condensed into a halo like blood beads.

Then Lin Mo felt a loud bang in his body!

The ball of energy and blood exploded directly. After the explosion, the energy of energy and blood instantly filled his entire body, and a majestic force began to surge.


Gravel punch!

Lin Mo punched out!


After a muffled sound, the wolf king who came to attack was turned into bloody mud by Lin Mo's punch!

"What a terrifying power!" Looking at the flesh and blood falling in front of him, Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of weakness came over continuously. Lin Mo felt that everything in front of him began to change, and then he opened his eyes and woke up.

"The feeling of weakness still hasn't disappeared. I should have mastered the second state of Wolf King Fist just now!" Lin Mo held the bed and sat on it little by little, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The only power of Qi and blood was condensed and then exploded. The terrifying power generated should be twice that of the bloodthirsty state!

"The Wolf King Fist is really terrifying..." Even though his face was exhausted, Lin Mo was extremely happy in his heart.

Invisibly, he mastered a powerful martial skill.

"Something's wrong..." Then Lin Mo thought of the issue he had always ignored - Wolf King Fist is a type of Five Beast Fist. Since this martial art can have two states, will the Tiger Fist, White Crane Fist and Leopard Fist be the same? Does it have the same effect?

With this thought, Lin Mo directly took a Qi and Blood Pill and entered the dreamland.

This time, he chose the Tiger Fist. As his opponent, Lin Mo chose a tiger that was comparable to the King of Martial Arts!


On the martial arts field, King Tiger's body was like a hill. Every time he ran, the entire martial arts field would continue to vibrate.

"Tiger Fist!"

Lin Mo shouted coldly, used the Tiger Fist, and at the same time turned on his mental perception. He wanted to feel the changes in the Tiger Fist and some of the characteristics of the Tiger King in the shortest possible time.

In the next period of time, Lin Mo continued to use Tiger Fist, wanting to know if there was a second state of this martial art.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo has always found nothing.

Just when the effect of the Qi and Blood Pill was about to disappear, Lin Mo suddenly caught something different!

"The Tiger Fist is very powerful, but every time I use it, I can feel that the power of Qi, blood and spiritual power seem to be echoing each other, as if there is some kind of connection!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. This was a very important discovery. After careful digging, he might actually be able to find the second state of the Tiger Fist!

"If Tiger Fist also has a second state, then White Crane Fist and Leopard Fist must also have a second state!"

Lin Mo's eyes were bright. Wolf King Fist can provide two states of bloodthirsty and violent blood. In the bloodthirsty state, as long as you use your mental power to stay awake, your attack power can be doubled.

In the violent blood state, directly detonating the power of Qi and blood, the harvest will be even more terrifying, and the attack power can even be twice that of the bloodthirsty state!

However, the disadvantages of the violent blood state are also very obvious. If you are not careful, you will drain all the energy and blood from your body.

If you can't kill the enemy, then you will probably be the last person to die!

"However, during actual combat, I can use the Thunder Breathing Technique to continuously replenish my energy and blood. If I can always use the violent blood state as an attack method, maybe I can try to challenge the Half-Step Martial King!"

Lin Mo was a little excited. King Wu and warrior were equivalent to two different levels.

After becoming King of Martial, the role of mental power begins to show. At the same time, some people combine mental power with the power of qi and blood, and the resulting fighting power will be even more terrifying!

"I have obtained four types of Five Beast Fist now, and I still have the last one which I don't know what it is..." Lin Mo was extremely curious and eager for this kind of boxing technique!

At the same time, he has an eager mentality to unlock the secrets of Five Beast Fist!

"There is also the spiritual realm!" Lin Mo woke up from his dream, took out the martial arts skills he had obtained from the middle-aged man, and began to study them.

The spiritual world is very powerful. Judging from the results of Lin Mo's previous attempts, the spiritual world can produce a kind of dream. In the dream, the leader can control a person's dream and let the controlled person be killed in the dream. die!

This is a very powerful method. Of course, this method also has drawbacks. When Lin Mo came out of the dream, someone was injured.

The middle-aged man who used martial arts almost died from the backlash!

"So, if there is no 100% guarantee of victory, the spiritual realm must not be used easily!" Lin Mo set the rules for himself and began to study at the same time.

The spiritual world is extremely mysterious, and what Lin Mo didn't expect at all was that this was actually a ninth-grade Xuan-level martial skill, only one level away from the Earth-level martial skill!

Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the bed, urging his mental power to move slowly according to the requirements of martial arts in the spiritual world, and then began to try to build a dream!

This process was extremely difficult. Although Lin Mo's mental power was very strong, it had not yet reached the level of exerting the spiritual realm, so after just one attempt, a feeling of exhaustion hit him.

This feeling is terrifying, as if all the thoughts in my mind have been emptied, and the whole person is like a walking corpse!

"Although it consumes a lot of energy, this martial art is very easy to master. I must improve my mental strength as soon as possible and master this martial art as soon as possible!"

Lin Mo has a sense of urgency. He must master this martial art in the shortest time, and then he will have the opportunity to hit a higher peak!


At this time, Lin Mo's alarm clock suddenly rang. Looking at the prompt on it, Lin Mo remembered that there was still a very important practical class today!

After Lin Mo got up from the bed and washed up, he immediately ran towards the practical classroom.

When he arrived at the practical classroom, there were already many people waiting there.

"Lin Mo, why did you come now?!"

The teacher of the practical class spoke with some displeasure. Although it was not wrong for Lin Mo to come now, it left a bad impression on everyone after all.

"Sorry, teacher. I practiced for too long last night. When I remembered it, it was a little late!" Lin Mo apologized quickly, and stood there with his head down, waiting for the teacher's decision!

The reason why Lin Mo was so honest was that the old man in front of him, who was nearly 80 years old, was actually one of the founders of the school!

And according to Lin Mo's feelings, the old man's strength has definitely exceeded the realm of the King of Martial Arts, and even the realm of the Martial Saint above!

"Haste makes waste, and the combination of work and rest is the most correct way to practice!" The old man commented on Lin Mo's behavior.

Lin Mo had no objection to these comments, but for Lin Mo, this kind of comment was not applicable.

"Thank you for your guidance, teacher!" Lin Mo nodded repeatedly, and then sat down at a window seat in the back.

Lin Mo only noticed at this time that the classmate next to him was actually a girl.

"He is Lin Mo. I remember that at the beginning, this guy shocked the examiners!!"

"It's him. I was there. This guy dealt 6666 damage with an ordinary martial arts skill. What do you think he is if not a monster!"

"6666?! Too scary. With such a strong attack power, even a martial arts saint would be beaten to pieces!"

Lin Mo sat in front of the table and listened to the discussions around him, with a helpless look on his face.

Lin Mo didn't like to be in the limelight, but he was a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people at once.

After the martial arts teacher finished explaining the basic precautions, he began to select the combination that needed to fight.

"Lin Mo, come out and show everyone how much difference there is between your strength and theirs?"

The martial arts teacher took the initiative to ask Lin Mo to come forward and demonstrate to everyone.

Lin Mo could only get up honestly and walked to the martial arts stage. Looking at the audience below, he took a deep breath and then performed martial arts!

"Stone-breaking Fist!"

Lin Mo punched the ground from top to bottom!

With a loud bang, the thick floor turned into powder!


A cheer suddenly rang out in the crowd, and some girls looked at Lin Mo with different eyes.

"..."Lin Mo shuddered, and he knew the meaning of the eyes of these women in front of him too well: I don't want to have so many fans like Ghost Blade, but in the end, I still beat him up on the ground?

The martial arts performance soon disappeared, and Lin Mo became the focus of this martial arts performance class. Whether the teacher was doing movements or concealing boxing, he actually asked Lin Mo to handle them personally!

"Lin Mo, come with me!" When the teacher in the martial arts field saw that all the students were about to leave, he suddenly waved to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

"Did you hear that? Teacher Yang kept Lin Mo here!"

"Really? Maybe he didn't say that. Did you hear it wrong?!"

Faced with this explosive news, almost all the girls on campus knew about it.

Lin Mo, the protagonist of the story, was walking towards the office with the martial arts teacher.

The name of the martial arts teacher was very ordinary-Yang Gangui. The only reason he wanted to teach martial arts here was that he hoped more people could become martial arts masters!

"Teacher Yang, what do you want me to do?" After entering the office, Lin Mo stood there and spoke politely.

"Lin Mo, sit down first!" Yang Gangui waved his hand, motioning Lin Mo to sit down first.

After Lin Mo sat down, he looked at him quietly.

"You can keep your composure. Not bad. This mentality has surpassed many young people!" Facing Lin Mo's silence, Yang Gangui nodded: "Okay, I won't be long-winded. There is a task here that you need to perform with senior students. Do you accept it?!"

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