Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 99: Executing the Mission

"What mission?" Lin Mo frowned slightly. The mission that senior students could take action on was definitely not an ordinary mission.

Since it is not an ordinary task, it means that the task is very dangerous...

Although Lin Mo is very confident in his own strength, he is not blindly confident yet. He still knows how much he weighs. If it is too dangerous a task, he will definitely refuse it.

"Where do monsters come from?" Yang Gangui did not answer Lin Mo's question, but asked Lin Mo a question.

"Abyss!" Lin Mo said: "A hundred years ago, unknown changes occurred in Blue Star. Chasms and abyss appeared in some places. Monsters crawled out from these places, causing large-scale casualties. Humanity paid a huge price to survive. Defeat all the monsters..."

Lin Mo is very familiar with this period of history. When he first traveled through time, he spent a lot of time studying it.

"You are right, they come from the abyss..." Yang Gangui nodded: "Look at these information first!"

Yang Gangui opened the drawer and threw a stack of information in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo opened the information, glanced at it casually, and was stunned.

This is a set of photos. Although they are not very clear, you can see a general outline.

In the photo, you can see a bird-shaped monster, which is more than three meters tall and covered with bloody feathers. The most important thing is that the bird's head looks like a human face!

"This is..." Lin Mo looked at this weird photo and couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

This kind of picture is indeed terrifying, especially the dissonance brought by the bird's head, which can make people think of many things in an instant.

"The human-faced bird is a very scary monster and a carnivorous animal. After it appeared, it swallowed about thirty people in three days!"

Yang Gangui had a solemn expression on his face: "Because it appeared in a very small place, when our people discovered it, the population of that village was reduced by half!

Later, we dispatched three Martial King-level warriors to kill it! "

A strong man at the level of the King of Martial Arts!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly. The martial king level and the warrior level were two completely different realms. Even a first-grade martial king could defeat at least ten ninth-grade warriors!

But hunting such a human-faced bird actually requires dispatching three Martial Kings!

"So our mission this time is related to this bird?" Lin Mo immediately knew what Yang Gangui meant, shook his head and said: "This mission is too dangerous, I want to refuse!"

"Listen to me first!" Yang Gangui was speechless. He didn't say anything about the task, but Lin Mo was about to refuse!

"Teacher, tell me, I'll wait until you finish speaking before I refuse!" Lin Mo said with a serious face.

Yang Gangui was speechless for a moment. What did he mean by waiting for him to finish speaking before he refused?

"The task is much simpler than you think..." Yang Gangui stroked his forehead and said helplessly: "You just need to cooperate with the senior students to find if there are any traces of the abyss in that place!"

"That's still very dangerous!" Lin Mo shook his head: "If I find the abyss and I don't have time to escape, wouldn't I die?"

“With the upperclassmen here, what do you think your role is on the team?

Let me tell you, in the eyes of the senior students, you are just someone who went in through the back door to get rewards..." Yang Gangui said in an ironic tone: "You must be a junior or above to sign up for this mission, and you He is the strongest and youngest among all the participants!

Besides, the school is well prepared for this mission, and there are ten martial arts kings among the participants. Do you know what this concept is? "

Ten Martial Kings? !

Lin Mo also widened his eyes. If there were really so many powerful people sitting in charge, Lin Mo wouldn't be so worried.

"Teacher Yang, I really want to participate in this mission you mentioned, but you may have heard that I encountered an assassination. I spent a lot of energy and energy to escape. If I don't get replenishment, it may affect this mission." A mission..." Lin Mo had a weak look on his face, and even moved his hands towards Yang Gangui, as if asking him to help him!

Yang Gangui ducked away with a look of helplessness on his face: "In addition to the points reward for this mission, three Qi and Blood Pills and one Intermediate Qi and Blood Pill will be provided before departure!

After the final task is completed, one hundred thousand points will be awarded at one time! "

"So generous!" Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock. The cost of the school was really too much. When Lin Mo practiced in his dream yesterday, he actually had to consume points. In one night, he spent a lot of money. Lin Mo has nearly 50,000 points!

Of course, the final result of such a huge amount of points was also very brilliant. Lin Mo mastered the bloody fighting method and also noticed the unusualness of the Five Beast Fist.

"Okay, teacher, I want to participate!" Lin Mo nodded quickly: "I like to accept tasks the most. When will we set off? And when will our Qi and Blood Pills be distributed?"

Yang Gangui waved his hand helplessly: "You can go back and prepare now. We will gather this afternoon. We will set off immediately after gathering. You will be able to reach your destination before the sun comes up tomorrow morning..."

Yang Gangui directly stated the schedule, and Lin Mo couldn't help but be stunned. The duration of the entire task was actually a week!

"There is no one in that village now, so after you go in, you don't have to tie your hands and feet. You have to fight when it's time to fight. Don't show off your personal courage. Do you understand?"

Lin Mo nodded and said he understood. Since he was leaving in the afternoon, after Lin Mo left the office, he went directly back to the dormitory to prepare a change of clothes. He took a look at the time and went to the place notified in advance to prepare for gathering.

"How strong are these senior students at Military University now?" Lin Mo couldn't help but think as he stood at the gathering place.

Based on Lin Mo's experience of going to the Beijing Military University this time, he speculated that there must be strong men at the level of King Wu among the senior classes of the Chinese Military University!

"There are people who are more active than us?!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and Lin Mo looked back and was stunned.

Because the two people who came turned out to be his acquaintances.

"Let me go, why are you here?!" Zhang He still looked carefree, looking at Lin Mo, his eyes widened.

As for the one who was following him, Sun Qian was different from usual. Sun Qian was wearing professional attire at the moment, which looked unique.

"I haven't seen you for nearly half a year since the genius training camp ended. How strong are you now?" Zhang He looked at Lin Mo and asked with a smile.

"Are you stupid?" Sun Qian said angrily: "Lin Mo became a military college student and caused quite a stir. You are the only one in the entire military university who doesn't care about this!"

"It's not like you don't know that after I came back from the genius training camp, I went into seclusion. If it weren't for the task, I wouldn't have come out in the first two days, and I was prepared to stay in the secret room for the rest of my life!"

Zhang He said with regret on his face: "It's a pity that Teacher Yang said that you wouldn't be able to complete this task without me..."

Sun Qian glared at him: "Retreat? Are you sleeping in seclusion?

Do you really think we don’t know what some people are doing in the dormitory?

Zhang He, you are really wasting your talent with this behavior..." Every time Sun Qian mentioned this matter, she had a look of helplessness on her face.

"My talent is sleeping!" Zhang He said nonchalantly: "Besides, have I told you that my current strength is only one level away from King Wu?

Believe it or not, if I sleep for another month or two, I can directly become the King of Martial Arts? ! "

"You are now a ninth-grade warrior?!" Sun Qian was startled: "Many times, I really want to kill you. Compared with you, our talents are really poor!"

"Hehe, don't be infatuated with me..." Zhang He smiled coquettishly, and then looked at Lin Mo: "Well, my strength is pretty good, do you want to join me? I will tell you how to break through quickly..."

"By the way, Lin Mo, what's your current strength? You should be not far from the warrior level!"

Zhang He obviously showed pride in front of Lin Mo because his progress was too fast.

"I am already a second-grade warrior..." Lin Mo said humbly: "In the next few days, please help me, senior brother and senior sister!"

"Second-grade warrior?!" Sun Qian and Zhang He's expressions changed wildly, and they both wondered if they had heard wrongly.

"Second-grade warrior? Are you kidding me? How strong were you when you entered the genius training camp? Now in less than half a year, you have already entered the realm of a warrior!

It’s too scary. I thought it would be scary enough if I upgraded while sleeping, but I didn’t expect you to be even scarier than me..."

Zhang He was completely shocked by Lin Mo, and Sun Qian on the side couldn't help but look at Lin Mo deeply.

"Whoever says I am a genius again, who am I to blame? This is just scolding me!" Zhang He said helplessly: "Compared to this guy Lin Mo, what kind of genius am I?"

"You are all geniuses. No ordinary person can enter the Huaxia Military University, so there is no need to belittle yourself..." Yang Gangui's voice sounded: "However, Zhang He, you should really work hard. If you don't work hard, Lin Mo will probably Coming from behind..."

Yang Gangui was followed by more than 20 young people. After Yang Gangui gave the signal, he honestly lined up next to Lin Mo and others.

"You should already know the purpose of today's mission. Let me talk about the specific mission content...

1. It is necessary to confirm whether there is an abyss in the village.

2. After entering the village, you must obey the leader in everything you do. You must not make noises, let alone go out in the dark...


Yang Gangui mentioned more than a dozen points in succession. When everything was almost explained, he waved to everyone and said, "Let's go!"

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