Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 105 Pull Out The Root Of The Lei Family's Bane!

Ye Chen also reacted. Hearing this sentence, Ye Chen subconsciously said the stalk of his previous life, and now he is ashamed!

Why are you so dazed, you are ashamed to be dazed.

Saying goodbye to Wu Feng in a hurry, Ye Chen left Hualou!


After going out, Ye Chen took a deep breath. This is a good experience. If I didn't go above the second floor, I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future.

Shaking his head, Ye Chen hurried to Lei's house, it's been a long time, it's time to get rid of this poison!

"Miss! He's gone!"

"Go down!"

A maid respectfully turned to the shadowy figure at the curtain, and then turned and left.

"Interesting, Wu-Ji Sect Master Ye Chen!"

The woman smiled lightly and continued to practice.

She is the oiran here——Su Wanrou!

If a poet sees Su Wanrou's true face, he might not be able to help but blurt out: "There is a beautiful woman, I will never forget it when I see it, and I will never see her again, and I will miss her like crazy!"

I have to say that it is different for educated people to talk about beautiful women!

Su Wanrou's aura gradually became deeper and heavier as she practiced continuously.

If Ye Chen comes here again and checks with the system, he will definitely score.

This woman is actually a strong person in the Martial King Realm!

"Hey! This Lei family is really luxurious, a rich man! If that's the case, I'll accept it with a smile!"

Seeing the resplendent Lei's residence, Ye Chen couldn't help complaining.

Immediately took out the mobile phone, and then clicked on the people of Wu Jizong to raid the house!

Speaking of house raids, this is one of Ye Chen's favorite things to do.

Judging by the wealth of this family, I am afraid that it is about to catch up with the property of the top family!

Ye Chen admired it for a moment, then walked towards the gate of Lei's house.

"Stop, Lei's residence, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

Seeing the Lei family's watchdog with its nostrils upturned, Ye Chen chuckled and continued walking forward.

"Hey! I said you kid, you are deaf..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a figure flying out.

"Enemy attack!"

The other doorman couldn't help shouting.

After he finished shouting, Ye Chen also punched him, and searched Feitian.

"One two three four five!

Ye Chen counted for five seconds, took out the ninth-level long knife, and half of his blood suddenly disappeared.

A few tens of meters of saber energy suddenly split the huge Lei family into two halves!

This time the saber energy was accompanied by slight vibrations all over the body, and there was no grass in the surrounding hundred meters.

Below the eighth level, you will die if you touch it!

"Who dares to destroy my Lei family!"

I saw an old man in ragged clothes flying into the air, yelling curses!

"Hey! You haven't died yet? In the late ninth stage, no wonder, no wonder!"

The old man in the late ninth stage in front of him is probably the strongest of the Lei family. Lei Shangjun, the patriarch of the Lei family, and other survivors around him appeared one after another.

"Old Ancestor, the king is dead!"

A mournful cry came, and Lei Shangjun raised his head to the sky and screamed, and went mad to kill Ye Chen.

Now Lei Shangjun is truly dead. Even though his grandson died, his son is still there.

There is still a chance to see his grandson grow up in his lifetime, but now, there is no chance at all.

"Well done!"

"Lone Leaf—Drop Gun!"

Seeing Lei Shangjun losing his mind and attacking Ye Chen straight up, Ye Chen took out a long gun and threw it at Lei Shangjun!

The general situation is set, Lei Shangjun who is locked can't escape and can only carry it hard, with a puff, the spear passes through.

The strange thing is that Lei Shangjun didn't fall to the ground suddenly, but fell on the ground like a fallen leaf.

Ye Chen has only a trace of blood left at this time, but with his strong physique, the blood is recovering at an astonishing speed.

"Ah! Patriarch is dead, run away!"

The people around fled in all directions, and Ye Chen specially selected high-level warriors to kill them.

At this time, there is only one surviving ninth-rank golden body master in the Lei family. The other three people were directly hit by the sword energy tens of meters away, and they couldn't die any more.

The Patriarch and Patriarch of the Lei Family were also beheaded, and there was no threat to the Lei Family at this time.

"It's really impossible for one person to do the job of copying a house!"

Many Lei family servants still escaped, but all the main members and high-level warriors were arrested, not one left.

The other small fish and shrimps are nothing to worry about, I'm afraid they will have to hide their names in the future and dare not appear here.

Ye Chen, who waited quietly for Wu Jizong's subordinates to arrive, began to pick up good things from Lalei's family.

"Ninth-level spiritual plant, good stuff, put it away!"

"Heaven and earth spirits can enhance the master's cultivation, good things, put them away!"

"How much is this shit! Wait for someone to collect it, wait for someone to collect it!"

"Get rich, get rich, at least a million spirit stones!"


Looking at all the property of the Lei family, it is indeed the Lei family that has done nothing wrong, and there are quite a lot of good things.

...asking for flowers...

Now the military department can no longer take its own spoils.

Ye Chen waited left and right, but no one was waiting for anyone from the military headquarters.

He was a little puzzled about this, since such a big event happened in this base, no one came to see it?

Since no one is in charge, Ye Chen doesn't have to bother with it.

Soon, more than a dozen ninth-level golden body masters rushed over.

The vassal of Wu Jizong has come down!

Ye Chen ordered them to keep none of Lei's property. Search for secret rooms and the like, and dig three feet into the ground to bring all the property of the Lei family back to Wu Jizong!

After speaking, Ye Chen went back to rest satisfied.

Xuanyuan's residence!

"Patriarch, Wu Ji suzerain is here!"

"Phew, it's finally gone! Always pay attention, you go down first."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Xuanyuan Yiming, the patriarch of the Xuanyuan family, thought for a moment, then turned and went to a secret room, where Xuanyuan Chiyan, the patriarch of the Xuanyuan family, retreated.

"Be good with Wu Jizong, and sacrifice the interests of the family when necessary!"

This is the instruction from Xuanyuan Yiming, and it may take several months before the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family leaves the customs.

Everything in the family needs to be carried by Xuanyuan Yiming.

"Let's go, let's go, it's time to go back, after so long, it's time to return to the Central Plains!"


Dongfang Yuntian looked at Ye Chen with some entanglement, hesitant to speak.

Ye Chen smiled lightly and said, "At any rate, you are also a strong Martial King. You can make mistakes while protecting a weak woman? Take it with you!"

"Thank you suzerain!"

Dongfang Yuntian was very happy, and he was not willing to part with Yu Qianqian. With Ye Chen's consent, he can take Yu Qianqian with him at any time.

"Has the suzerain not returned yet?"

"Elder Cui, there is no news of the suzerain yet!"

At this time, Cui Shifeng was a little sad. He found that the monsters began to move purely, and many high-level monsters began to gather.

I'm afraid they are eyeing the people who built the city in the Central Plains.

"Come here, build fortifications, the psionic cannon must be placed today!"

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Cui Shifeng didn't have time to find Ye Chen's trace, so he had to give orders first to prepare to resist the impact of the beast horde!

At this time, Qinglong City is only half built, and it is still far from completion!

Things like the impact of the beast tide, I am afraid that there will be many seven in the future. .

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