Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 106 Planning To Assassinate The Demon King!

The three of Ye Chen and his party embarked on the return journey very quickly, riding the Thunder Chariot again, but no more accidents happened.

All the way safely arrived at Shu Dao Martial Arts University, entered the teleportation array, and arrived at Xuanwu City.

Starting from Xuanwu City, the distance is much closer.

"Have you figured out the situation of that group of humans?"

In a huge cave, a huge lion king is lying down with cold gas around it!

This is indeed a demon king-level monster, the demon king of the Frost Lion Clan, the middle-stage demon king!

"King! This group of humans is simply too weak compared to Gabriel's group."

"Oh? The power of the human race is not weak, why do you say that?"

The Ice Lion King narrowed his eyes, and suddenly became interested.

It belongs to the pawns under Zhuifeng Yaohuang's tent. Under Zhuifeng Yaohuang's men, there are too many, too many demon kings who are stronger than it. pregnant five three"

Several demon emperor forces jointly attacked the Gabriel Empire, and these small soldiers were stationed in the rear.

In the territory of Dole Meng Yaohuang, a force called the Blue Star Human Clan suddenly appeared.

The demon emperors are busy fighting, and the newly emerged Blue Star Human Race is weak, so naturally they don't pay much attention to it.

Now, he has actually penetrated the claws into the sphere of influence of the Zhuifeng Demon Emperor, which naturally attracted the attention of many monsters.

"The Blue Star Human Race began to build a city in the central plain, and all the demon kings guarding the Wetland Flying Dragon Clan were beheaded."

"After investigation by the soldiers, it is not the two Martial Kings who fought against the Lava Demon King before!"

The Ice Lion King pondered for a moment, then let his subordinates leave and think alone.

It didn't expect that there would be more than one Martial King from that weak human race, and the threat to them had increased a lot.

Lava Demon King and those fellows belong to Dolemeng Demon Emperor's Tent, and their five Demon Kings and two Human Wu Wang Ping are evenly divided.

Not long ago, they sought the help of two demon kings and launched a general attack on the human race.

Unexpectedly, two of the seven demon kings were beheaded, and the rest fled. This general attack ended in failure.

The strength of monsters such as the lava demon king has been greatly weakened.

The development of the Blue Star Human Race is so fast, which is hard to predict.

"No, they must not be allowed to build a city in the central plain, or the clan will be in danger!"

The Ice Lion King roared, then left the cave and went to the surrounding Demon King's territory to seek allies.

Three days later!

"Sect Master, you are finally back."

Cui Shifeng finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Ye Chen and others come back.

Exploratory attacks have been launched several times.

Although they all ended in disastrous defeats, Cui Shifeng always felt that the purpose of these monsters was not pure.

"Recently, monster beasts may dispatch a large number of monster kings, we need to be more careful."

"Qinglong City will take two months to complete, and the required materials will take at least one month to gather!"

Ye Chen communicated with Cui Shifeng for a long time, and he learned that the undercurrent in the central plain was surging at this time.

A little depressed for a while.

With full play and full calculation, plus the Martial King in Pioneer City, there are only seven Martial King-level forces that can be used in the Central Plains.

This is a drop in the bucket for the dangers to be dealt with next.

But the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back, and we can only fight to the death.

Next, Ye Chen needs to figure out a way to tide over the difficulties.

At night, Ye Chen and the six Martial Kings gathered in a small meeting room.

Ready to discuss how to solve it.

"We have seven Martial Kings, and even two late Martial Kings. As long as the difference in realm between the monsters is not too big, even if there are a dozen or so Monster Kings, it would be wishful thinking to eat us!"

"October! Don't underestimate monsters, their strength is not weak."

"Why don't we take the lead and kill the enemy demon master as much as possible while the monsters are not paying attention."

"I don't agree. To attack first is not to sneak into the tiger's mouth. Who knows how many demon king-level monsters are gathered. If it causes personnel losses, it will be worse!"

"I don't agree with this, I don't agree with that, so what do you think is a good way!"

Seeing that the seven of them were about to quarrel, Ye Chen hurriedly told them to stop arguing.

Ye Chen was a little worried [Many troubles made Chao's head hurt.

"Sovereign, order, we listen to you!"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, waiting for Ye Chen's order

Ye Chen rubbed his temples helplessly, pondered for a moment and said: "We can't sit and wait for death, otherwise we will be cornered and helpless when the power of monsters gathers!"

"Two of the seven Martial Kings are left to guard the central plain to prevent the monsters from attacking. The remaining five, join me in groups of two and two, and kill the single monster king to relieve the pressure!"

After speaking, Ye Chen asked everyone to pack up their equipment and get ready for action.

Fang Tianqi and another subordinate at the early stage of Wuwangjing guarded the central plain.

With the apocalypse in place, the Central Plains will be fine.

Although Fang Tianqi has just entered the early stage of the Martial King Realm, his combat power is very strong, enough to kill monsters in the late stage of the Martial King Realm!

For the rest, two elders from the late stage of the Martial King Realm each lead an early Martial King Realm elder, deep into the abdominal muscles, and clear the enemy's high-level monsters.

Dongfang Yuntian and Ye Chen were left together, picking soft persimmons and preparing to assassinate the weakest monsters among the demon kings.

After everything was arranged, everyone set off!

"Ding! The main task is completed! The sect has been upgraded to level eight! Turn on the combat power detection function!"

"Task reward: 100 resource draws, 100 character draws."

Ye Chen took Dongfang Yuntian with him and was about to leave when a system prompt sounded suddenly, and Ye Chen stopped in his tracks.


Seeing this, Dongfang Yuntian was a little puzzled, and just about to continue asking, a huge force surged out of Ye Chen's body.

Dongfang Yuntian suddenly understood, the suzerain is about to break through!

Ye Chen also felt it, and immediately sat cross-legged.

Early eighth stage!

Middle eighth stage!

Late eighth stage!

The eighth peak!

In just ten minutes, Ye Chen's cultivation was climbing up like a rocket.

Slowly stop after reaching the eighth-order peak.

"Haha, what a surprise 1.8, I didn't expect the main mission to be completed so suddenly!"

"I don't know who broke through to the early eighth stage so early."

Ye Chen was both delighted and surprised by this, he didn't expect to be upgraded so suddenly, he was not prepared at all. The difficulty of this main task lies in the limit of the realm. It is the most difficult to complete with a disciple at the beginning of the eighth level.

Ye Chen is very curious about this, which disciple in his sect breaks through to the early stage of the eighth level at the age of 25.

This must be cultivated well, the genius among geniuses, congratulations!

Ye Chen's combat power has been greatly enhanced now!

No matter what, he has to compete with the half-step Wang Jing.

Moreover, the combat power detection function has been newly developed, so that it has enough awareness of its own strength or the enemy's strength. No need to worry about whether you can beat the opponent or not. .

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