Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 107 Spear Intent 20%! Peak Combat Power In The Middle Stage Of The Martial King Realm!

The current technology has not yet developed a machine to measure the combat power of the king of martial arts, and the test of the half-step king mirror is already top-of-the-line!

All you have to do now is upgrade your skills.

As long as one level up the Heaven Rank Martial Skill, I'm afraid the level will be full. With that power, it won't be difficult to raise oneself to the Martial King Realm, right?

Ye Chen, who was slow and expectant, quickly opened the system skills page.

Cultivation method: Heaven-level heart method: Chaos Sky Thunder Sutra, level four (12.5 million spirit stones are required to upgrade to level five)

Ground-level body skills: lightness kung fu floating on water, level 4 (already reached the highest level!)

Ground level exercises: golden bell cover, level 4 (already reached the highest level!)

Martial Skills: Earth-level Martial Skills: Qiyao Sword Jue, Level 3 (already reached the highest level!)

Heaven-level Martial Skills: Earth Shaking Bloodlust, Level 3 (upgrading to Level 5 requires 12.5 million spirit stones)

Mysterious-level martial arts: Bajibeng, level 3 (already reached the highest level!)

Heaven-level martial arts: Guye Yiluo Spear, Level 3 (upgrading to Level 5 requires 12.5 million spirit stones)

"My God! 12.5 million spirit stones, why don't you grab them!"

Although he had made some preparations in his heart, Ye Chen was still shocked by the terrifying price. 31

Sure enough, it doubled again!

Wouldn't it be cool if this was a more advanced technique.

"How can I have so many spirit stones, you pure robber!"

Ye Chen opened the system warehouse while cursing, and found that the inventory of Lingshi was nearly 13 million!

Ye Chen stopped cursing immediately.

I didn't expect Lingshi's assets to increase so quickly.

This does not include the inventory of spirit stones in Pioneer City and the inventory of spirit stones in Wujizong.

After all, Ye Chen couldn't move the inventory there, it was a life-saving asset.

"I can only choose one Heaven Rank to upgrade! Which one should I choose?"

All of a sudden Ye Chen fell into deep thought.

Upgrading the Chaos Sky Thunder Sutra will greatly improve your physique and recovery ability, and then you will be guaranteed to survive in the hands of the demon king! But it seems useless if you can't hurt the opponent.

By upgrading the Earthshaking Bloodthirsty Art, not only the combat power may break through to the Martial King, but it also has a powerful range of damage.

A strong batch of monster spawners!

Upgrading Lone Leaf-Luoqiang, the Martial King level with proper combat power will even be stronger, and the single-target damage will be absolutely reported!

Considering the comprehensive factors, Ye Chen finally chose to upgrade Lonely Leaf Yiluogun!

The best defense is attack!

With the disappearance of 12.5 million spirit stones, Ye Chen's little heart twitched violently.

What followed was the perception of spear intent!

That's right, it is the artistic conception understood by King Wu!

A mysterious feeling kept circling in Ye Chen's mind.

Ye Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and a sharp gun intent burst out.

"Spear intent is 20%!"

Dongfang Yuntian widened his eyes and said.

He 2 didn't expect the suzerain to be so monstrous, his comprehension is so strong that he can comprehend the artistic conception at the eighth level.

This is not the embryonic form of the artistic conception, nor is it just comprehending the artistic conception, but the true spear intent 20%!

The strength is very strong, and Dongfang Yuntian feels the ultimate threat from Ye Chen.

In other words, Ye Chen is capable enough to kill Dongfang Yuntian.

You must know that Dongfang Yuntian is about to enter the middle stage of Wuwangjing at this time, and in the early stage of Wuwangjing, that is the existence of Xeon.

It is enough to show how powerful Ye Chen is at this time!

"There is no wrong choice, it is correct to promote Guye Yiluoqiang!"

Feeling more powerful, Ye Chen smiled with satisfaction!

Then Ye Chen opened his own information, wanting to find out how far his own strength has reached. I didn't expect it, I didn't know it if I didn't see it, I was shocked when I saw it!

Character: Ye Chen

Age: 18

Position: Sovereign of Wuji Sect, Lord of Pioneer City!

Level: Eighth-order peak

Artistic Conception: Spear Intent 20% (The state can be raised to perfection automatically when the state is raised to King Wu!)

Cultivation method: Heaven-level heart method: Chaos Sky Thunder Sutra

Ground-level agility: floating on water with light work

Ground-level exercises: golden bell cover

Martial Skill: Earth Rank Martial Skill: Qiyao Sword Art

Heaven Rank Martial Skill: Shaking Earth Bloodthirsty Art

Mysterious Martial Skills: Octopus Collapse

Heaven Rank Martial Skill: Lonely Leaf Falling Spear

Combat power value: 30 million!

Combat Power: Middle Martial King Realm

Evaluation: Still a weak chicken, just attacking rookies who have reached the middle stage of Wuwangjing! (Friendly reminder: It is best not to face the middle stage of Wuwangjing alone!)

At this time, Ye Chen was stunned, how could the evaluation be so poisonous because there are so many things added?

I suspect that the system is scolding him, but there is no evidence!

However, I still have to listen to the system evaluation, and try to avoid confrontation with the middle stage of Wu Wangjing.

After all, Ye Chen's attack power has only reached the middle stage of Wuwangjing, but his defense power is not even as good as the weakest Wuwangjing early stage.

Even if it is touched by the early stage of the Martial King Realm, it will be seriously injured!

Not to mention the middle stage of Wuwangjing.

According to the system prompt, the combat power at the initial stage of Wuwangjing is between 15 million and 30 million.

If the combat strength reaches 30 million, it will have the strength of the middle stage of Wuwangjing.

After that, every 20 million increase in combat power will increase by a small level.

It is said that if the combat power exceeds 100 million, it will reach a new realm, the Martial Emperor Realm!

Ye Chen needs to hurry up to save spirit stones, and improve his Heaven Rank skills, so that his own shortcomings will be reduced a lot.

Ye Chen saw the skill interface, Lonely Leaves Yiluoqiang, who had just reached level five, has become (has reached the highest level)!

Can't upgrade anymore!

It seems that the Heaven Rank Martial Skill has been raised to the highest level, and it will reach perfection, but it's just that the cultivation base is not enough.

Now Ye Chen's artistic conception is only 20%.

For Ye Chen, he is already very satisfied, and the next action will be even more favorable!

It's not like sprinkle water to bully the demon king in the early stage, as long as you don't run into the demon king in the middle stage. Otherwise, even with Dongfang Yuntian's protection, both of 687 will be kept cool.

As for the number of lucky draws, Ye Chen decided to save up more, so that he can draw a lot in one go in the future.

I'm afraid that there will be nothing good after smoking impatiently now, it will be too uncomfortable.

Next, Ye Chen led Oriental Sky to set off!

"Sovereign, there are two demon kings ahead!"

Dongfang Yuntian reminded in a low voice.

Ye Chen looked into the distance and saw two monsters the size of a hill eating.

Ye Chen hurriedly sent two probes and threw them over, wanting to know how powerful they are and whether they can fight!

Species: Monster Beast!

Name: Land Tortoise!

Realm: Middle Demon King Realm!

Combat strength: 40 million!

"Don't mess with it, don't mess with it!"

Seeing the message, Ye Chen hurriedly took Dongfang Yuntian with him and left.

Fortunately, the system has been updated, otherwise the two of us would go up stupidly and not be beaten out of shit.

After shifting positions, Ye Chen and the two walked in another direction.

"Early stage of Demon King Realm! This can only be fought!"

Ye Chen happily pointed to a giant wolf king in the distance, and Dongfang Yuntian understood it and rushed towards it.

20% of the sword intent exploded!

The sudden attack made the wolf king unprepared, although he tried his best to dodge.

But Dongfang Yuntian still stood on his feet.

The wolf king who lost his front legs was no longer a threat, his speed was greatly reduced, and he would definitely be unable to escape if he wanted to. .

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