So what about the strongest Lu Bu?

Will it directly reach the Martial Saint Realm?

Ye Chen is not sure about this, maybe one day his luck will explode, and Lu Bu will be picked up by drawing a mysterious character!

However, being able to draw the two generals Yan Liangwen and Chou is already very satisfying. They are not weak in the Three Kingdoms, they can be said to be very strong.

They are one of the best generals, although they are slightly inferior to Guan Yu and other generals, but they are not weak.

Kong Rong once commented: Yan Liang, Wen Chou, bravely crowned the three armies!

Xun Yu commented: Yan Liang and Wen Chou are brave ears.

Jushou said: Benign narrowing, although brave, cannot be alone.

Both are famous for their bravery, but they are clumsy in strategy and lack the ability to command troops.

For Ye Chen, it is very suitable.

What Ye Chen wants is to be able to fight.

Whether or not you can plan is not important at this stage, there are still a lot of talents in the military department, just use it!

Ye Chen sent a message to Yan Liangwen Chou through the identity token, asking them to quickly lead the newly drawn people to the Central Plains for support.

At that time, attack from both sides, and wipe out most of the monsters!

None of those demon kings can escape.

After so long, Ye Chen was very annoyed.

Fighting with so many demon kings is inseparable, and the two sides are equally divided, unable to deal a fatal blow to them.

Often the fierce battle between the two sides is over in a moment.

one day later!

"Come on, gather all the troops and prepare to counterattack at any time!"

With Ye Chen's order, all divisions in Qinglong City are ready to go, ready for a decisive battle at any time!

"Sovereign, are we sure we can defeat the high-level monsters?"

Fang Tianqi stood up and asked with some doubts.

When his injury was just right, he immediately went into retreat, when he thought he could turn the tide after breaking through.

Unexpectedly, the support of monsters also came, one in the late stage of the demon king, and ten in the middle stage of the demon king.

Fortunately, Fang Tianqi broke through in time and joined the battlefield, otherwise the consequences could be imagined.

"Don't worry, our support will be here soon!"

Ye Chen showed a mysterious smile, and the martial kings felt relieved when they saw Ye Chen was so confident.

Be ready for a battle with the demon kings at any time!


Suddenly, Ye Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and Yan Liangwentian sent a message stating that he had arrived at the Central Plains.

Ye Chen ordered it to be on standby, ready to attack at any time!

"Shifeng, let's go to war!"

"Yes, suzerain!"

Cui Shifeng made arrangements immediately.

Three ordinary warrior divisions plus an elite warrior division quickly expanded their defenses to the outside.

The special long-range division followed closely and established a long-range strike position.

Seeing the actions of Qinglong City, the monster beast immediately launched a large-scale attack.

Millions of monsters attacked Ye Chen from all directions.

"Hey, the attacking monsters have doubled!"

Zizizi, Ye Chen shook his head when he saw the monster beast troops attacking swiftly.

No matter how many monsters there are, they will all be reduced to ashes under the attack of the special long-range troops.

As long as resources are sufficient, the artillery fire will not stop.

But this is impossible.

In a short period of time, the monsters couldn't break through the line of defense at all.

Countless demon kings soared into the sky, and stayed away from the battlefield in perfect harmony with Ye Chen and others.

"Humans, can't help it! I'm afraid you have run out of ammunition and food, and want to fight to the death!"

I saw the Thunder Leopard Demon King said with a smirk on his face, and the demon kings around him kept booing for a while.

Taunt Ye Chen et al.

"You don't need to talk too much nonsense. Today next year will be your death day!"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he took the lead in charging.

Everyone found their opponents in a tacit understanding, and an anxious battle began again.

"Humans, give up, you can't stop us at all. When our reinforcements arrive, it will be your death! Run away now, we may still have nothing to do with you!"

"Oh? Since you don't have any reinforcements, then stay here!"

Ye Chen stopped talking nonsense, what's the point of arguing with a monster.

Seeing that there were indeed no fish that slipped through the net on the side of the monsters, they immediately called for Yan Liang, Wen Chou and others to surround them!

"I am General Yan Liang and Wen Chou, come and fight us to the death!"

The sound was earth-shattering, deafening, like drumming.

Ye Chen picked out his ears, and couldn't help sighing: "As expected of a person with the combat power of the Martial Emperor, his voice is really loud!"

"Martial Emperor Realm! How is it possible!"

The four Martial King Realm elders behind Yan Liangwen Chou had already ignored them.

Two such terrifying auras caused the monster beast to panic.

The Thunder Leopard Demon King said tremblingly: "That's right, that's right, this is the aura of the imperial realm."

It stayed beside Zhuifeng Yaohuang for a while, and its aura was slightly lower than Zhuifeng Yaohuang's.

But so what, the emperor's realm is the emperor's realm, and these little monster kings like them can't turn the sky!


The Thunder Leopard Demon King choked out a word, left his opponent behind, turned around and fled.

The remaining demon kings froze for a moment, and after realizing it, they all fled away in panic.

"Can you escape?"


"Eat me!"


At this moment, everyone's resentment finally broke out.

All the Wu kings chased and hacked the demon kings, but they just ran away desperately.

Face or something, is it important?

"No, I'm a subordinate of the Demon King Chasing Wind, you can't kill me!"

At this time, in front of the Thunder Leopard Demon King was General Yan Liang, baring his teeth and laughing wildly at it.

"I don't know if your leopard meat tastes good. I haven't eaten it at such a big age!"

Looking at Yan Liang's greedy look, the Thunder Leopard Demon King's face was full of black lines.

This muscular guy wants to eat it!

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated! Lord Demon Emperor will avenge me!"

After that, he went to kill Yan Liang.

Courage is commendable, but what is the use?

Yan Liang sneered, and with a casual punch, Lei Bao's head was blown off at the late stage of the Demon King Realm.

"So weak!"

Yan Liang underestimated in a low voice, and then began to hunt down the remaining demon kings.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou didn't even need to use their weapons, they punched each other.

Soon, the demon king present was killed completely.

(Hao Wang) Everyone collected the corpses of the demon kings, and went to Ye Chen to return.

"The last generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou have seen the lord!"

"Good! Good! Good! The two generals please get up quickly."

Ye Chen laughed and helped Yan Liangwenchou up, looking at the two armored men, he loved them very much.

Not bad, not bad, Ye Chen is very satisfied, the more I look at it, the more satisfied I am.

The battle at the Martial King level is over, and the battle below the Martial King level is next.

Those above the King Realm are not allowed to attack Wang Jing, this rule Ye Chen still has to abide by.

All the half-step Wang Jing and the ninth-level golden masters under his command shot together. With their participation, the entire battlefield was very difficult.

Most of the millions of monsters were killed or injured, and their morale was completely lost.

All of a sudden they fled, leaving corpses all over the ground.

The central plains are officially owned by Ye Chen, and the monsters near the central plains have been dealt with almost completely.

It can be said that the vicinity of the Central Plains is very safe. .

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