Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 119: Magic Flame Giant Elephant Surprise Attack!

Now the abundant resources around are all owned by Ye Chen.

Not only cultivation resources but also other resources will multiply day by day!

"Shifeng, take someone to Xuanwu City, and get rid of the demon king over there!"

"Yes, suzerain!"

After Cui Shifeng took the order, he led a late-stage Martial King and four mid-stage Martial Kings to Xuanwu City.

Although only Cui Shifeng is enough, but for the sake of stability, Ye Chen asked him to bring more people.

He also leaked his muscles in front of the people in Xuanwu City!

At this time in Xuanwu City, everyone in the main hall of the city is very anxious.

"City Master, if you don't come to support us, we will be completely finished."

"You're urging me, but I can't do anything about it. The military support of the King of Martial Arts is entangled in the No. 2 crypt, and it will take at least half a day to come here!"

"City Lord, how could we have persisted for a long time. The current situation in the low-level battlefield is okay, but the key is that the situation in the king-level battlefield is too severe. The monster beast sent two more monster kings, but they did not attack us together. To play us, to exhaust us to death!

After complaining to his subordinates, Lin Tian, ​​the lord of Xuanwu City, could do nothing but sigh over and over again!

The hall was in a mess. After all, he managed to cultivate successfully to get to a higher level, so how could he be willing to die like this.

"By the way, you can ask Ye Chen for help!"

Lin Tian stood up at 407 and got up, his eyes burst out with brilliance.

He remembered that his old friend Ge Qingtian said that in times of crisis, one must ask for help like Ye Chen!

Thinking of this, Lin Tian can't wait to contact Pioneer City to inform the situation of Xuanwu City's crisis at this time.

Urgently seek support.

"What? The support has already set off and will arrive at any time!"

Lin Tian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the reply from Fan Shenghua, the deputy city lord of Pioneer City.

An inexplicable emotion welled up in my heart, this time I owe Ye Chen the big man to clear it up.

"Okay, okay, it's not proper for such an adult to be so impatient."

"Ye Chen, the lord of Pioneer City, has dispatched support and will arrive at any time. Prepare your parts quickly and counterattack at any time! Drive the monsters out of here completely!"

Lin Tian spoke very confidently at this time, and everyone was stunned after hearing it!

"Pioneer City? How many peak powerhouses do they have, how can they get them to support us?"

"Is this true? If there are two Martial King-level support, our pressure will be greatly relieved!"

"Didn't you hear what the city lord said? Let's go, get ready to go!"

"What I'm talking about is that after fighting for so long, it's time to settle accounts with the monsters!"


After a short discussion, everyone regained their confidence.

One by one, they went down energetically and arranged them.

After Lin Tian saw everyone leaving, he slumped on his seat like a deflated ball.

The recent pressure is too great, the monster beasts have been besieging the city for too long, and the threat has been growing.

Now there are nine demon kings watching, and Xuanwu City is in danger of being destroyed at any time!

Now the boulder in my heart has fallen, and it is immediately unloaded with a sigh of relief.

"Ye Chen, Xuanwu City depends on you!"

Lin Tian looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

"Brothers! We must persevere. Behind us is our homeland. We must not let a monster go!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge sole stepped on him fiercely into the ground, squeezing him into a puddle of flesh!

"team leader!"

Everyone around was sobbing, and the wolf wolf monster was killed.

"Come back to me, that's the magic flame giant elephant, an eighth-level monster!"

One of them shouted desperately behind everyone, trying to stop everyone from dying.

But the red-eyed warriors can't listen to their words, they all want to avenge the captain's blood hatred!

The captain level of the mercenary legion, which one is not a little master of the seventh-order grandmaster.

Even he was instantly beaten by the monster, and how could the team members below be able to deal with it.

"How is it possible, how can there be an eighth-level monster here!"

At this moment, Song Shixiang was very collapsed, this is an eighth-order monster!

Their defense zone, if it is as high as the sky, only a few seventh-order monsters will come.

(dbdf) Even if it is a monster of the seventh rank, it is very difficult for them to deal with it.

For them, a sudden eighth-level monster is a catastrophe!

Seeing this, Song Shixiang quickly sought support from his superiors. If he didn't hurry up, all his team members would die in vain.

Song Shixiang anxiously found a cloud-piercing arrow and fired it into the right sky.

Whoosh! Crash!

A huge lion's head appeared in the sky, which was the distress signal of their Golden Lion Legion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The magic flame giant elephant exudes blue flames all over its body, looking excitedly at the villain.

Finally able to have a full meal, I saw it jumped hard and smashed into the crowd.

There were not many hundred people in the squad, but a dozen people were crushed in an instant, and more than 20 people were blown away!

Demon Flame Giant Elephant showed an excited expression, stretched out its huge nose, rolled up two warriors and stuffed it into the mouth, chewing and savoring carefully!

"Damn monster, if you don't take revenge, you will not take revenge!"

Song Shixiang's eyes were already full of tears, and seeing this tragic situation, he couldn't help but shed tears.

But he is only a small martial artist of the third rank, how could he be able to deal with the eighth rank Demon Flame Giant Elephant!

"Bastard, court death!"

Suddenly, a loud shout in the sky attracted the attention of the magic flame giant elephant.

Song Shixiang was overjoyed, it turned out to be the eighth-level expert in the legion!

A big battle broke out.

The sound of explosions continued, and the eighth-rank grand master desperately released his spear martial arts skills, hitting the head of the magic flame giant elephant fiercely.

However, its skull is too hard, such a violent attack only broke a small hole.

"Everyone disperse quickly!"

The eighth-rank grand master saw that there were still people around the magic flame giant elephant, and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

Only then did everyone wake up and stay away from the battlefield.

This battlefield belongs to both of them!

Feeling the pain, the Demon Flame Giant Elephant raised its head to the sky and screamed, and rushed towards the eighth-order grand master with a loud roar.

"Hmph! It's just a rough-skinned and thick-fleshed livestock!"

Seeing the magic flame giant elephant is only a high point of defense, and its speed is in a mess.

For a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and sneered.

In this way, the eighth-level grand master continued to scrape and grind this magic flame giant elephant!

"Flame Gun!"

The eighth-rank grand master found the right time, condensed a phantom of a spear full of flames, and plunged into the eyes of the magic flame giant elephant.

This is where the magic flame giant elephant is very vulnerable, and the spear pierced it easily.

Before he could show a satisfied smile, a huge nose ruthlessly knocked him into the air!


The eighth-rank grand master spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards.

But he smiled and fell to the ground.

Because this is just the dying struggle of the magic flame giant elephant. .

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