Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 123 A Powerful Empire!

The lowest power of the Gabriel Empire is dominated by villages, ranging from small villages with a few hundred people to large villages with thousands of people.

Further up are small cities mainly towns, with a population of about 10,000 to hundreds of thousands.

At a higher level are medium-sized cities dominated by kingdoms. The main city of a kingdom has a population of several million people, and there are countless cities under its jurisdiction! The minimum population is one million people!

Standing tallest is the imperial capital of the Gabriel Empire, a large city with a population of tens of millions.

Although the Gabriel Empire ruled over a dozen kingdoms, some kingdoms were filled with generational hatred, so there were many wars between some countries.

But due to the invasion of monsters, this huge internal struggle gradually became rare, and everyone united to fight against each other!

"Hans! How about the Linxi Village we're going to!"

After getting to know Ye Chen, he found out that the leader of the seventh-order early-stage grandmaster was named Hans. After some conversations, the two became acquainted.

"Speaking of Linxi Village, this is the largest village in a hundred miles. Moreover, the village has formed a self-defense force, with a large number of warriors to resist the enemy's invasion!"

"Then how strong are they?"

Ye Chen asked curiously again, he was very interested in the strength of the Gabi Empire.

By mistake, I strayed into the territory of the Gabriel Empire, and it just happened to complete the side mission (3) now!

If the strength is not strong, after solving the threat of monsters, maybe it is time to consider whether to subdue them!

"Among the villages, the strongest is the grand master of the seventh-order peak. As for the town, the most powerful warrior is half-step Wang Jing!"

"As for those medium-sized cities, the power of the kingdom is not clear!"

"In my whole life, I want to move to the town and become the strongest. Even if I can't, as long as I break through the ninth level and become a golden body master, I will be satisfied!

"You don't know, the environment of the city is much better than that of the village!"

Hans seemed to have opened up a conversation box, and said a dozen sentences in a row!

Ye Chen listened very carefully, this is all information! It is very useful for Ye Chen!

"With your strength at the beginning of the seventh level, it shouldn't be difficult to live in the town!"

Ye Chen expressed his own doubts about this.

I saw Hans sighed and said: "The water in the town is very deep, and many of the resources in it have been divided up by the forces within. Even if the three of us go, it will be difficult to survive unless we join them!"

"So this is ah!"

Ye Chen finally understood, it turned out to be a resource dispute!

But to be honest, the power of this crypt has deceived them too much.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in this town, there is a half-step Wang Jing, and look at the various bases of Blue Star? It is simply incomparable!

Still need to work hard to develop!

Ye Chen estimated that the main city of the kingdom, and other medium-sized cities, are at least at the level of King Wu. As for the number, we need to visit to know.

"Look! That's Linxi Village!"

I saw Hans pointing to the distance excitedly, because he said.

The whole team was filled with a happy atmosphere, finally arrived at the destination, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief!

Ye Chen looked into the distance, and saw a small one-story house made of bricks and stones appearing in front of him.

There are still a lot of them, and they are arranged in a neat and uniform manner, which feels amazing.

Just like that, Ye Chen and the two settled down.

Ye Chen looked at the dinner in front of him and frowned.

I saw Ye Chen and Cui Shifeng sitting on a small wooden table, surrounded by the three Hans brothers.

And on the table, there are three plates of unknown small green vegetables, and the staple food, whole grain steamed buns!

Ye Chen picked up the black bun with difficulty, took a bite, it was so hard!

"Is this the only food you eat? No meat?"

Ye Chen, who couldn't swallow, couldn't help but asked. Ye Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

"Um, are you not used to it?"

Hans replied subconsciously.

Then he said: "Most of our villages eat this. As for meat, unless you hunt lonely monsters, you can only eat it in towns!"

"Most of the monsters are in groups. Although I am a seventh-level grandmaster, the number of warriors in our team is too small, so I don't dare to attack the monsters!"

"Hey! Maybe only after the team grows a lot, will we have a chance to hunt down the Dao monsters!"

Ye Chen looked at the three Hans brothers, and then at the rest. That's right, the strength of the three of them is not bad, and most of the rest of the fighters are at the second or third rank.

Facing the hordes of monsters and beasts, they can only end with hatred.


Ye Chen gave Cui Shifeng a look, and the latter immediately understood.

Then he found an open space, lit a fire, and took out a large piece of monster meat from the storage bag.

Once packed, let’s start baking!

"Huh? What's the smell? It smells so good!"

"That's right! Did you smell it? It's like the smell of meat!"

"Don't be funny, your nose won't be out of order, right? In the village, it's not a festival! How can there be meaty smell!"

"々. Smell it quickly! It really smells like meat!"

Everyone is fried, and many people have never eaten meat in their life, and they can't even tell the taste of meat!

"Brother Ye, you partner!"

Hans who went out was shocked when he saw Cui Shifeng who was grilling meat. It's hard to say anything.

"This is the meat of an eighth-rank monster, how is it possible?"

Suddenly, Hans shouted in surprise as if remembering something.

"Whoever sees has a share, come to help, and a few more people will bake together!"

Ye Chen said to everyone with a smile on his face.

"This is mine, don't grab it!"

"Give me a taste, give me a taste, I've never eaten meat!"

"It's so fragrant! It turns out that this is the smell of meat."

"Wooooow! I finally have meat!"


Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head when he saw the appearance of the crowd, no wonder the strength of the village and the town was so poor (the distance between the main money and Zhao is so big!

How to practice martial arts if you can't even eat meat!

Nutrition can't keep up, and there is no large supply of meat, it will be strange to become a warrior!

"Brother Ye, thank you so much, if you need my help in the future, just say it!"

Satisfied, Hans patted his chest and assured Ye Chen.

I thought Ye Chen and the two of them were ordinary people without cultivation, but I didn't expect that I was ignorant.

It's because my strength is too low, I can't detect the realm of Ye and Chen!

"Not to mention, there is something that needs Brother Hans' help!"

Ye Chen paused for a moment and continued: "The two of us are not familiar with each other here. It is too difficult to go to the Mofeng Kingdom. Please ask Brother Hans to lead the way!"

After speaking, Ye Chen took out ten spirit stones and handed them to Hans as revenge.

Ye Chen didn't know how much the spirit stone was worth here, so he took out one to try it out first.

"This is? Lingshi!".

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