Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 124 Luoyue City Cavalry Robbery!

Hans took a look, noticed the aura emanating from it, and shouted in surprise.

"No! No! No! It's too expensive, gold is enough!"

Hans was taken aback and waved his hands quickly.

It turns out that here, silver and gold are the hard currency, and silver is generally used for transactions.

Even gold is very precious in towns.

As for spirit stones, they are only used in medium-sized cities! As for small cities, they are almost untouchable!

But there is no gold or silver in Ye Chen!

He had no choice but to put away nine of the spirit stones, stuffed one into Hans's hand and said, "This trip is a long way away, so I think it will take a lot of trouble. Take it!"

Hans hesitated for a while, but finally accepted it.

If he doesn't accept this, Ye Chen doesn't know how to pay him, and he probably can only pay with pills and the like.

At that time, I don't know what other moths will happen!

In this way, Ye Chen's first peaceful sleep passed.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, bursts of noise came from a distance, getting closer and closer.

Ye Chen was startled suddenly, could it be that a group of monsters attacked?

"Quick! Self-Defense Forces assemble!"

The 647 in Linxi Village suddenly became chaotic, and the three Hans brothers also hurriedly armed themselves.

"What happened?"

Ye Chen grabbed Hans and asked.

"It's either a bandit or a soldier from another country!"

Hans ran out anxiously.

"Bandits? Soldiers?"

Ye Chen was a little curious, if he wanted to know what happened, he had to go and have a look!

Immediately Ye Chen took Cui Shifeng along with him.

"Hand over half of the property in your village, and you will not die!"

"Impossible, this is the territory of the Ling Lie Kingdom, and you are not allowed to be presumptuous!"

After arriving, Ye Chen only saw two groups of people confronting each other!

The smallest number is the self-defense team of Linxi Village, with less than 200 warriors! Most of them are warriors of the first and second ranks, and only a few of them are fourth and fifth ranks!

The leader of the self-defense force is the master of the seventh-order late stage!

On the other hand, there is a thousand-man cavalry team armed to the teeth!

Hard armor, sharp weapons, the lowest ranks are all warriors of the fourth rank, and there are even more people of the fifth and sixth ranks!

There are even three grandmasters of the seventh rank, and the leader is a grand master of the late eighth rank!

"Little village, how dare you oppose me, Luoyue City (dbch), it's life and death!"

"Yuan Sheng, give this general a good lesson!"

"Yes, General!"

The leading general snorted coldly, and then asked his seventh-level peak masters to teach them a lesson.

I saw that the grand master at the peak of the seventh rank burst out with a powerful momentum, pressing down on everyone in Linxi Village.

All the people in Linxi Village were trembling with fear. They were only small warriors of the first and second ranks. How could they have seen such a big battle!

Hans, who was at the beginning of the seventh stage, gritted his teeth and stared at them angrily, but he couldn't help it.

The soldiers of Luoyue City are so powerful, how could he be able to stop him at the beginning of the seventh level?

"We'll hand it over! We'll prepare half of the property right now!"

At this time, the village chief couldn't help shouting.

He didn't expect the people from Luoyue Kingdom to be so bold that they dared to come to the territory of Linglie Kingdom to rob!

"It's too late! Hand over all your property now, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

The leading general said with a sinister smile.


The village chief was very excited, but what can he do? Then he sighed heavily and said, "Let's hand it over!"

"Wait! I disagree!"

Just when Luoyue City's leading general turned around on his horse with a smile on his face, a cold voice came from behind everyone in Linxi Village.

"Brother Ye!"

Everyone looked at him and saw Ye Chen walking leisurely! Hans wanted to remind him, but seeing Ye Kang's confident appearance, he swallowed the words on his lips.

"Who is your Excellency, I advise you not to take care of our Luoyue City's affairs!"

The leading general frowned and said, he felt a dangerous breath.

This sixth sense has saved him many times on the battlefield, so we have to guard against it!

"When the road is injustice, draw your sword to help!"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he slowly drew out his long sword. Even such a small character is not worthy of his marksmanship.

A body of breath, then revealed!

"What? The peak of the eighth order!"

There was a commotion among all the cavalry, but it soon calmed down.

"Even if you are an eighth-level peak master, I have thousands of cavalry under my command, so I don't believe that you can't kill you!"

The leading general threatened viciously, and then his heart was pounding.

Although a thousand-man cavalry plus his late-eighth-level master, it is enough to deal with an eighth-level peak.

But he is also afraid of death, if the other party clings to him, there is a high probability that he will die first!


"I'll count to three, if you don't leave, you will be responsible for the consequences!"



Ye Chen smiled slightly and then said.

Ye Chen's voice whispered in his ears like a demon, and all the cavalry couldn't help feeling a little fear in their hearts.

But the general didn't move, how dare these little soldiers move!


"I'm obsessed with obsession!"

After counting to three, Ye Chen saw that the group of soldiers hadn't moved yet, so he shook his head.

His eyes instantly turned cold, and the long sword in his hand burst out with seven sparkling sword auras!

"not good!"

The soul of the leading general is dying, this is the feeling of death!

Unable to help him, he drew out the long sword in his hand and unleashed his strongest martial skills to meet him!


A crisp sound sounded, and countless soldiers suddenly stopped moving, and half of their bodies slipped quietly.

"General! The idea is difficult, let's withdraw!"

"The green hills are here, no firewood if you don't run away! General!"


The subordinates of the three seventh-rank grandmasters looked at the motionless general with puzzled expressions. A bad feeling came out.


I saw that half of the general's body also fell down slowly, and fell to the ground crisply!


With a loud cry, the surviving soldiers rode their horses and were about to flee.

I wish my military horse had more legs!

"Can you escape?"

Ye Chen's devilish smile made everyone in Linxi Village shiver behind him!

Ye Chen disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. When everyone looked behind, he didn't see Ye Chen.

Could it be that he left?

Just when everyone was wondering, an exclamation brought everyone back to reality: "Front, front, look ahead!"

I saw everyone looking forward, and Ye Chen was looking at the big guy with a smile.

"Who has it!"

Countless sword qi erupted suddenly, and none of the fallen soldiers survived!

"What a horse! What a horse! It's a pity I can't take it home!"

Ye Chen stroked the military horse and said with a regretful face.

Thousands of cavalry were easily killed, but the horses they sat on were all alive and well. .

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