Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 126 Yunlai Academy, The Hidden Wuwang Mirror!

I saw two groups of people in different costumes facing each other.

"The people in this Thunder Academy are really bad! Taking advantage of the dean's serious injury and crisis, he actually fell into trouble!"

"Who says it's not! As a middle-level city academy, it came to bully our town-level academy!"

"It's not that the tree is so big that it has compared many colleges in intermediate cities. This is not taking advantage of people's danger to provoke!"

The spectators around talked a lot, and Ye Chen also got a general understanding from the conversations of the people around.

It turned out that he was jealous of Yunlai Academy, he was jealous, as expected, there would be everywhere.

"Damn rats, dare to bully juniors and juniors!"

Suddenly, the three Hans brothers behind them rushed up angrily and fought with the people from Thunder Academy.

But how could a group of fifth- and sixth-level students beat Hans, a seventh-level master?

There is no doubt that "Three Nine Seven" asked, and the students of the Leiden Academy who were the leader threw down a cruel sentence, and shouted: "I will come back!"

Then escaped without a trace.

"Um, this is?"

Ye Chen was stunned. The three Hans brothers seemed to have changed suddenly. And they actually called juniors and juniors!

"Mr. Ye, I made you laugh, the three of us are all from Yunlai Academy!"

The three of Hans scratched their heads in embarrassment.

Ye Chen also smiled lightly, expressing that he didn't care.

"However, if you beat people from Thunder Academy, don't you worry that they will send stronger people?"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the faces of the three of Hans turned black.

They also knew, as if they were causing trouble for the Academy.

"Okay, soldiers are coming to block, water is coming to cover up! Don't I still have me! Come and see your dean's injury!"

Since Hans and others are now Ye Chen's guides, they are now Ye Chen's people. If someone comes to bully him, can he ignore it?

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your kindness and virtue, I will never forget it!"

The three of Hans suddenly knelt in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen helplessly helped the three of them up.

After talking with the three of Hans, it turns out that Shi Ling, the dean of Yunguo Academy, is their benefactor.

Not only them, Yun Shiling has also helped many poor families who are talented but have no money to practice martial arts.

Moreover, the tuition fee of Yunlai College is much lower than that of other colleges.

This move undoubtedly moved the cake of many people.

After Ye Chen heard this, he became more interested in this great dean. It is very rare to be able to do like him!

"Hans? Why are you back, who are these two?"

When everyone came to a small courtyard, a robust middle-aged man shouted in surprise.

"Mr. Yun, I heard that the dean was injured. We are here to visit the dean. This is Mr. Ye, and this is Mr. Cui. They saved us on the way, and we are their guides now!"

Hans explained to the middle-aged teacher Yun Yan.

Yun Yan looked at Ye Chen and Cui Shifeng solemnly, and felt that Ye Chen's momentum was not weaker than her own. He is the strength of the ninth-order peak, and he immediately admires him. It's really scary to have reached the peak of the eighth order at such a young age.

As for Cui Shifeng? I can't see the second and third at all, I think he is just an ordinary person!

"That's right, father just woke up, come with me!"

After speaking, he led everyone to a bedroom!

"Xiao Yan! Is it a visitor? Cough cough!"

I saw a faint sound coming from inside the house, accompanied by a slight cough.

"It seems that the injury is not serious!"

Ye Chen thought to himself.

When everyone walked in, they saw a white-haired old man drinking tea on a seat made of Lingteng.

"It's the three brothers of the Han family. It's been a long time since we saw each other! Hans is already a seventh-level grandmaster. Not bad, not bad!"

Yun Shiling said to the three brothers with a smile on his face.

"Dean! Why is your hair all white!"

The three Hans brothers burst into tears. In their memory, the dean was an unfathomable powerhouse.

His abilities are as high as the sky, and everyone thought that his headmaster was a strong martial artist, but they all rejected it.

Martial King Realm only exists in a medium-sized city, its strength is terrifying, each of them is a powerful figure, how could such a character come to a small Taoli Town!

It doesn't make sense!

"Damn! This is a trivial matter, don't mention it, I am very happy to see your master."

In this way, the three of them talked with the dean about the past, and let the three of them go out first.

Ye Chen used the system to check and took a look at the old man.

Race: Human Race!

Realm: Middle Martial King Realm (Seriously Injured!)

Combat power: Late stage of the Martial King Realm (early seventh stage!)

Sure enough, this old man was not simple, he turned out to be a strong man in the middle stage of the Martial King Realm, but how could someone with such strength live in a small town?

And who beat him seriously?

Ye Chen can't figure it out!

"May I ask where you are from? You two are not from the Gabriel Empire! Also, the three Hans brothers are causing trouble to you!"

Only Ye Chen, Cui Shifeng and Yun Shiling and his son were left in the room...

Sure enough, the old man was really extraordinary, and he saw the strangeness of Ye Chen and the other two.

"The two of us strayed into a strange area, and then lost our way. After finally getting out, we met the three brothers Hans!"

"Because of the unfamiliar environment, we couldn't find the way back, so we entrusted the three Hans brothers as guides to take us to Mofeng Kingdom!"

Ye Chen explained to Yun Shiling unhurriedly.

"But lost the restricted area? I see, which kingdom do you belong to? Tell me, maybe I know a little bit, old man."

Yun Shiling froze for a moment, very surprised, then asked again.

"We are from Qinglong City, located in the central plain!"

"Central Plains? Somewhat familiar!"

Seeing Yun Shiling's pensive appearance, Ye Chen was a little disappointed, even he had never heard of it, it seems that this matter is difficult!

Suddenly, Ye Chen thought, isn't Youtian Pingyuan occupied by a monster chassis?

And the Central Plains officially chased the territory of the Demon Emperor, didn't they have a 4.9 battle with the monsters, they must have some understanding of the territory of the monsters!

"Does the dean know the territory of the Demon Emperor Chasing Wind?"

Ye Chen asked expectantly.

"Chasing the Demon Emperor? I know this. It is located in the southeast of the Gabriel Empire, adjacent to the territory of the Mofeng Kingdom! It is said that the five demon emperors are fighting against it in the east of our empire!"

"Shredded coconut!"

Ye Chen and Cui Shifeng clapped their palms together, sure enough they knew the power distribution of the monsters.

If I knew it earlier, I would have said it was the territory of the monster beast, otherwise I would have known the way home long ago!

That being the case, once you know the direction to go home, you don't have to rush to find it. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to go back, so let's talk after completing the two side missions!

That being the case, Yun Shiling also helped him a lot, and if he made friends with him, he would heal his injury.

It's also kind!

"Shifeng, let's see how his injury is doing!"

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