Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 127 Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill!

"Yes! Sovereign!"

Cui Shifeng came to Yun Shiling's side, put one hand on his wrist, circulated his own blood, and explored the past.

Soon, Cui Shifeng frowned, and looked at Yun Shiling sympathetically!

"How about it?"

Seeing Cui Shifeng's expression, Ye Chen knew that it must not be optimistic, but he still wanted to know the specific situation to see if it was possible to cure him!

"Sovereign, the injury is too serious, and now I'm just relying on my huge cultivation to hold my last breath!"

Cui Shifeng shook his head and sighed.

"Is there no other way?"

Ye Chen was also very regretful after hearing this, he has a lot of curry good things in his warehouse, maybe something will save his life!

"Yes! Only..."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly, I'm so anxious!"

Seeing Cui Shifeng hesitating, Yun Yan stomped her feet impatiently.

When he heard that his father's injuries were so severe, his legs and feet instantly softened like a bolt from the blue.

As for Cui Shifeng's performance, his father should still be saved, but the price is so hard for Cui Shifeng to say.

"His injury is too serious, 31 ordinary king-grade healing pills are useless, and only the right pill can survive! The efficacy of the medicine must not only heal the severely injured body, but also need to be stored in the body for a long time. Slowly generate repairing power deep in the body!"

When Cui Shifeng finished speaking, Yunyan slumped on the ground like a deflated ball.

Even medium-sized city king-grade pills are very scarce, let alone top-grade pills that can save lives!

It is impossible for them to get it, even if there is such a pill in front of them, they can't afford to take it!

"Okay, Yan Er, don't be sad, this is fate! I have a son for my father, and seeing you marry a wife and have children, I am already satisfied cough cough!"

Yun Shiling said weakly to Yun Yan.


Yun Yan fell into Yun Shiling's arms and burst into tears, he didn't expect his father's body to be so serious.

Even, not long after, he will no longer have a father!

He will be an orphan from now on!

Ye Chen was searching carefully in the system warehouse at this time. He remembered that he had extracted many pills, even if they were royal grade pills, there were quite a few.

"Rejuvenation Pill? No, it's only the ninth grade, and the effect of the medicine is not enough!"

"Qingxin Pill? Although it is the best of Wangpin, but the medicine is not suitable for the disease, it is useless!"

"Humai Pill? It doesn't work either, it doesn't have the effect of treating serious injuries!"

"Hey! What other medicine is there?"

Ye Chen searched for a long time, and many of them were wrong medicines, and they were useless.

"Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill? Such a familiar name!"

Ye Chen suddenly found a king-grade elixir in a corner, which was the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill.

He remembered that in a certain novel, it was the ultimate elixir for treating serious injuries, and the life-saving magic medicine for dying people!

Ye Chen hurriedly opened the profile to see if there was any miraculous effect.

Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill: The king-grade top-grade pill, which can heal the severely injured body and save the life of the dying. There is a very low probability that the dying person will break through the original realm after recovering from injury!

"That's it! That's it! It's just enough to save Yun Shiling's life. Let me just say, a good person will live a safe life! The turning point is on me!"

Ye Chen thought a little narcissistically.

"Don't be so pessimistic! Things will turn around!"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, everyone looked up at Ye Chen.

I saw Ye Chen took out the Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill, and instantly the whole room was filled with the fragrance of the pill.

"What kind of medicine is this!"

The other three asked in unison, they all noticed the extraordinaryness of this elixir.

"Yin Yang Profound Dragon Pill, an excellent medicine for treating near-death injuries, and even has a chance to improve the cultivation of the dying!"

After Ye Chen finished explaining, he stuffed the elixir into Yun Shiling's mouth!

"Little friend! You! This is too precious!"

Before he finished speaking, a huge vitality burst out from Yun Shiling's body!

Yun Shiling had no choice but to close his eyes and cross-legged to heal his wounds!

"Let's go, let your father recover well!"

Ye Chen said with a smile, and then left the room with Cui Shifeng.

Only then did Yun Yan come to his senses, took a deep look at Yun Shiling, and then followed quickly.

"Mr. Ye, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. My life, Yunyan, will belong to you from now on. If you tell me to go left, I will definitely not go right."

Yun Yan knelt down in front of Ye Chen and said with tears streaming down her face.

"Okay, get up quickly, I will save your father, because you respect his character. He has done good deeds all his life, why not give him a hand when he is in danger!"

Ye Chen learned about Yun Shiling's actions from the three Hans brothers. It can be said that he has been living for Yunlai Academy all his life.

Countless students have been helped!

Ye Chen is very admirable for being able to develop from a small thatched hut into a huge college!

Who hurt him like that, and what's hidden, can only be known after the injury has healed.

In this way, Ye Chen settled down at Yun Yan's house.

During the period, he also met Yunyan's wife and children.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that this Yunyan was actually a strict wife!

How could such a glamorous beauty fall in love with Yun Yan? This made Ye Chen a little confused, but what's the matter with Ye Chen?

However, seeing Yunyan always being beaten by his wife, he still couldn't help laughing.

Hitting is kissing and scolding is love!

"Who are you? Why are you at my house!"

Just as Ye Chen was basking in the sun on the rattan-shaped recliner, a childish voice came from 977 behind him!

"Little loli?"

Ye Chen, who was lying on the chair, raised his head vigorously, and found a petite and cute loli.

This made Ye Chen interested.

It seems that this person is Yun Yan's daughter, fortunately she is as beautiful as her mother!

Wouldn't it be cool if she followed her father.

"Girl, I'm your grandpa's friend, I'm going to disturb you for a few days!"

Ye Chen got up and said softly to the little girl, and rubbed her petite head with her paws.

The little girl looked displeased after being softened, and instantly bounced away, keeping a distance from Ye Chen.

"Hey, this little girl has a good sense of deception, and her skill is not like that of a child, even a fourth-tier martial artist is better than her!"

Ye Chen thought in surprise, then curiously used the system to check to see what is different about this little girl!

In an instant, the information of the little girl appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

Race: Human Race!

Age: 10 years old!

Boundary: Early Stage Four!

Combat power: early stage five!

"I'm going, so awesome, this is the character panel of a ten-year-old loli? I won't be blind!"

Ye Chen's heart was like waves surging, he was really surprised.

If he hadn't met other people in the Gabriel Empire, would he have thought that all the children in this cave were so perverted?

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