Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 155 The Vengeance Is Coming, The Demon Emperor Who Was Scared Away By Guan Yu!

"My lord, only the elite among the elite can be trained, and most of them may only be the backup force of the White Horse Army!"

"Zilong, except for Yan Liangwenchou's troops, you can choose whatever you want!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

After Zhao Yun took the order, he led Baima Yicong to the newly arranged station, and then went to the whole army to select personnel!

Although the two cavalry units trained by Yan Liangwenchou were the best members of the White Horse Yicong, Ye Chen did not want to recruit Yan Liangwenchou's soldiers.

As for the personnel of Baima Yicong, it seems that they have to rely on the newly added soldiers from the military department.

As for Guan Yu, he didn't have the ability to train special arms, but he was born with the strongest strength, so he kept it by his side as a trump card!

It will all get better and better!

Ye Chen whistled, handed over the matter in hand to his subordinates, and got bored with his girlfriend.

To be honest, Ye Chen felt a little sorry for her. He didn't see her for so long and kept her waiting.

Fortunately, Lin Ya'er understood him very well, and she practiced hard on her own. She wanted to follow in his footsteps and fight side by side. Ye Chen was very pleased.

Since I'm not busy now, let's take Lin Ya'er to live a two-person world!

"No, I don't want to stay here alone! I want to follow the master, I want to!"

Ye Chen patted his head, he ignored his little apprentice Yun Xiaorou, he didn't expect this little girl to be so clingy to him.

In fact, only Yun Xiaorou knows the idea behind it.

She was frowning and staring at the woman next to Ye Chen, Lin Ya, with displeasure!

"Okay! Ah Chen, just take Xiaorou with you, your strength is more than enough to protect us both!"

Lin Ya'er said to Ye Chen with a gentle face, rubbing Yun Xiaorou's little head by the way.

Yun Xiaorou's eyes seemed to be bright, her big eyes rolled around, she hugged Lin Ya'er's calf and began to act coquettishly.

"Hey! Let's go, your master has agreed!"

Ye Chen sighed, and could only agree, and the world between the two was ruined!

"Oh yeah, thank you, Mistress!"

Xiao Rou was very happy bouncing around. In this Azure Dragon City, he had seen a lot of novel things.

She yearns for the outside world very much.

"Xiaorou, you can go out with the master, but the master must make a contract with you for three chapters here!"

Ye Chen paused and continued.

"This is the first: you are not allowed to run around outside, you must closely follow the steps of the master or mistress!"

"Second: Pay attention to your own safety when you are outside!"

"The third thing is the most important thing: that is, don't relax your martial arts practice!"

"Ann! Ann! Don't worry, Master!"

I don't know if the little girl listened to it or not, but kept jumping up and down, so happy.

"In that case, let's go!"

Ye Chen took Lin Ya'er and Yun Xiaorou with him and started heading to Pioneer City.

With the energy and blood of the three of them, it will take several days to reach Pioneer City!

"No, when will the Azure Dragon City press the teleportation array, it's really troublesome!"

Ye Chen couldn't help complaining!

"My lord, why don't you send the last general Chituma to the lord!"

Hearing Ye Chen's complaint, Guan Yu came over leading the red rabbit horse.

"Huh? Great idea! Why didn't I think of it!"

Ye Chen's eyes lit up. After all, his subordinates had arranged things, and Ye Chen didn't want to affect the overall situation.

Since Guan Yu's red rabbit horse, it happens to be able to travel quickly.

"What a beautiful horse!"

Yun Xiaorou jumped onto Chituma's body, looked left and right.

With the Chituma, the journey of the three of them was shortened a lot. This is the Chituma of the Demon Emperor Realm, and its speed is extremely fast.

It didn't take long before Ye Chen and others were safely delivered to Pioneer City.

After passing through the teleportation array, they came to Shu Dao Martial Arts School.

"Where are the enemies, I will smash them into pieces!"

Zhuifeng Yaohuang, who had just stepped into his own territory, kept roaring.

I worked so hard to fight outside, but I didn't expect my ass to be stabbed and my house to be stolen!

It's really a person who can bear it and can't bear it, it's simply deceiving, oh no, it's too much!

"Your Highness, you are finally back!"

At this time, a blue skylark king with a broken wing shouted miserably to Zhuifeng.

"Tell me! What's going on, who exactly is attacking my territory!"

Seeing that Zhuifeng seemed to have lost his mind, Dole Meng Yaohuang said, "Brother Zhuifeng, calm down, we will settle old and new debts with him!"

"Your Highness, it's the group who captured the Central Plains before!"

"How could it be them? Isn't this group of humans a weak group? They don't even have a Martial Emperor, so how dare they invade my territory!"

...asking for flowers...

Facing Qingyunque King's remarks, Zhuifeng was very puzzled.

But Qingyunque King hesitated and couldn't tell why.

"Brother Zhuifeng, why don't we take a look together and see how powerful these people are!"

"it is good!"

Just like that, Zhuifeng and Doermeng, two peak demon emperors, turned into a stream of light and flew towards Qinglong City.

At this time, Guan Yu is patrolling the territory of the Chasing Wind Demon Emperor, oh yes, it is now Ye Chen's territory.

Although his mount is not here, it does not affect his strength at all.

At this time, he suddenly noticed the aura of two monsters, their strength was not low, so he wanted to check it out.

Zhuifeng's right eyelid twitched wildly as he was on his way, a breath of death filled his heart, and he suddenly stopped at the spot to search around.


"Brother Zhuifeng, what are you doing here, the Central Plains are not far away!"

Dole asked with some doubts.

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong here, there is an ambush!"

Seeing Zhuifeng's nervous appearance, Dole burst out laughing loudly: "Brother Zhuifeng, why did you become less courageous after a battle with the human race? It's just an ambush by the human race. What are you afraid of!"

Facing Dole's fierce ridicule, Zhuifeng didn't take it seriously, and still looked around nervously.

Suddenly a terrifying aura in the distance was getting closer and closer, and Dole also shut his mouth, because he also felt it.

Who is the visitor, and why is the aura so terrifying.

This idea kept circling in Zhuifeng's head.

"Fuck, the idea is tricky, run away!"

Chasing the wind seemed to remember something terrible, turned around and fled after leaving a word.

Leave Dole alone in a daze!

When Dole was wondering, a terrifying saber energy came towards him, and Dole subconsciously activated his magical powers to resist.


After a loud noise, Dole turned around and fled in fright. His race was the golden eagle of the Northern Territory.

A supernatural power that focuses on metallic attacks.

The best defense is attack!

With its terrifying damage, even human half-step warriors will feel very headache.

But just now, it turned out to be just Kankan breaking up the sudden strength.

I haven't seen the enemy's figure yet, and it's tens of thousands of meters away. I'm afraid it's hard for even a martial sage to do it. .

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