Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 156: The Spirit Beast Garden Opens, A Spirit Beast That Belongs Exclusively To The Wuji Sect

"You should listen to this Si Zhuifeng. This guy escaped and said he was the second. No one dares to be the first!"

Anyway, it is a flying monster, and its speed is not slow, it escaped thousands of meters in the blink of an eye!

Followed by several more terrifying sword qi, even if Dole Meng tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by one of the attacks.

A very deep cut was made on his body, and Dole could only run away desperately, otherwise he would only die.

It knows that the enemy is undoubtedly at the Martial Saint Realm.

And Guan Yu stopped quietly in the air, and looked coldly at the two demon emperors who had jumped without a trace!

"Hmph! If Guan's mount wasn't there, his heads would have been taken off a long time ago!"

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he continued to inspect the territory. This time, he was very energetic. If this happened again, he would quickly kill the opponent as soon as possible!

"Two nine three" ..


"Wow! What a tall house! It's so beautiful!"

"What is this, it smells so good!"

"This is the legendary big iron box without horses, the car? It's amazing!"

Yun Xiaorou, who came to the modern world, her eyes widened. Everything around her was so novel.

When something shocking happens, I always yell out.

The people around looked at the three of Ye Chen as if they were fools.

"Ya'er, quickly show her a good understanding of modern things, we're going to die like this!"

Rao is Ye Chen, who has experienced many battles, his face is flushed red when he encounters such a battle.

And Yun Xiaorou is like a wild horse running free, jumping up and down, running back and forth.

"I think Xiao Rou is quite cute, others can just look at it, you care!"

Lin Ya'er covered her small mouth and smiled, the appearance of that little daughter-in-law made Ye Chen stunned.

Ye Chen shook his head, he knew this little girl would not be safe.

The three of them sat on the thunder chariot and went to the base where Wu Jizong was located. Although Wu Jizong was not in the base, it was closely next to base No. 1.

This also makes Base No. 1 the safest place in the entire Shu Road. Even people in Kyoto and Modu are very yearning for this place.

The population has soared from the original 300 million to nearly one billion, comparable to the largest base in Kyoto.

"Ah Chen, then I'll take Xiaorou to play, and everything will happen when you return to the sect!"

"Okay, don't worry about playing, I'll go find you guys after I've dealt with it!"

After speaking, the three separated, and Ye Chen also started to go to his sect.

"I haven't been home for a long time, I don't know what the sect has become now!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked forward to it. Wuji Sect is getting stronger and stronger, and its development is extremely rapid.



Along the way, Ye Chen encountered a dense crowd of sect disciples, the number of which was extremely exaggerated. With this number, it is estimated that it is not far from the 5,000 people set by the mission goal!

The dozen or so mountains around have all been utilized, and all kinds of buildings are neatly arranged without the slightest sense of disobedience.

"It's time to build the spirit beast garden. God-level spirit beasts, I think you've been thinking about them for a long time."

Ye Chen smiled subconsciously, and asked the person in charge of the sect to pick a good site, and began to build it.

With a loud noise, an exaggerated beam of light shot up into the sky, and the entire mountain, including the three nearby mountains, was razed to the ground.

Ye Chen swallowed silently, a bundle of cold sweat streaming down his neck.

Fortunately, there is nothing on this mountain, otherwise the whole big oolong incident would not be embarrassing.

Numerous dense plants rise from the ground, and creeks, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls gradually appear.

This method stunned the entourage.

The last formation surrounded the spirit beast garden, and the whole spirit beast garden disappeared in an instant, leaving only a gate.

"(/0w0)/Hey! There is even a formation, so strange!"

Ye Chen's interest rose again. Recently, he drew a king's formation mage, and after in-depth understanding, he realized how awesome this formation mage is.

Various formations, various abilities, all kinds of strange things.

Recently, the only formation mage under Ye Chen is setting up a large formation in Qinglong City. Once the formation is completed, even if the demon emperor attacks, there is a chance to keep him behind.

Spirit Beast Garden: Breed a large number of common spirit beasts, a small number of rare spirit beasts, and a very small number of top-quality spirit beasts! Disciples can sign contracts with them through summoning formations, and spirit beasts will be one of the most important partners of human beings!

Ye Chen seemed to understand the introduction, so he had to ask a few disciples to come and try it out.

There must be limited number of spirit beasts in this spirit beast garden, only talented disciples can have a try.

"Shi Bin! Get some inner disciples over here!"

Ye Chen and his staff said...

As the cultivation speed of warriors has been greatly enhanced, the original Zongmen and other ranks are no longer suitable, so a slight change is made.

Named disciples are at the third and fourth ranks, while inner disciples are at the fifth and sixth ranks.

Only those who have entered the realm above the seventh rank can be regarded as the core disciples in the sect. The treatment of the core disciples is even more favorable, and they have the personal teaching of the strong ones in the Martial King Realm.

But everyone who becomes a core disciple has a three-year assessment period. If you don't break through to the eighth-rank grand master within three years, you will be deprived of the title of core disciple and assigned to the deacon department!

Only ten minutes later, Shi Bin rushed over with more than a dozen inner disciples.

Looking at the energetic disciple, Ye Chen couldn't help feeling a sense of pride: "Look, this is my disciple!"


Everyone was surprised when they saw Ye Chen, and then quickly saluted.

"Come here, line up and come to this stone gate!"

Ye Chen waved to them, all inner disciples looked at me and I looked at you, they were very puzzled by this stone gate.

But because Ye Chen is the suzerain, they dare not whisper to each other.

Get in line now!

"Put your hands on it!"

Ye Chen pointed to a groove and said.

The inner disciple at the front put his palm up, and then a strong light surrounded him, and a summoning circle lit up next to him.

A 1.2 ice and snow burst bears showing up in the cold air.

The bright light went out, and the inner disciple looked at Bingxue Burst Bear in horror, and couldn't help taking a few steps backstage.

But Ice Snow Blast Bear rubbed his head affectionately!

"Sovereign, what is this situation? Why do you feel a connection with it!"

The disciple asked curiously.

Ye Chen observed it first, nodded in satisfaction, and explained: "This is the Spiritual Beast Garden, only those of you who are above the disciples of the inner sect can come here for contract summoning, and it depends on you what quality spirit beasts you can summon. Good luck! They will be your most important companions!"

"Also, let me tell you quietly, even the lowest level of ordinary spirit beasts can be cultivated to the level of a seventh-level master!"

This aroused the interest of all the inner disciples present, one by one scrambling to conclude the contract and start calling. .

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