Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 163 The Hidden Wanbaotang, Private Room No. 1!

How can Ye Chen admit that he wants to watch it? Isn't it appropriate to seek death!

After passing through several base transfer stations, it was only then that they arrived at Kyoto No. 1 Base safely and without any danger.

Now the inland of the country is becoming more and more safe, and the only dangerous places are the borders.

Especially the dangerous coastline is full of murderous intentions, and countless sea beasts in the ocean threaten the safety of the coastline all the time.

Although the sea beasts are powerful, they seldom attack the land, which also allows the people to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, is this the largest city in your country? It's amazing!"

Looking at the bustling base in front of her, Yun Xiaorou couldn't help admiring.

"It's not certain, but this place is much better than other bases!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to taste the special snacks of Kyoto!"

Ye Chen rubbed Yun Xiaorou's little head and said with a smile.

"Oh! I want to eat hairy crabs! I want to eat Hagen ice cream!"

Yun Xiaorou cheered and ran forward.

Ye Chen: "Hairy crabs and ice cream can't be eaten together!"

Yun Xiaorou: "I want to eat, I want to eat, master cheapskate! Just a little bit!"

Yun Xiaorou turned her head to make faces at Ye Chen while running.

Yanchen shook his head and smiled, if he had diarrhea, it's not his fault that the master didn't remind him.

"It's less than two days before the auction starts. Before it starts, let's go around first!"

Ye Chen turned around and hugged Lin Ya'er and said softly.

"Then don't we look at Xiaorou?"

Lin Yaer and Ye Chen looked at each other affectionately.

Ye Chen couldn't hold back, kissed Lin Ya'er fiercely and said, "Anyway, I have arranged three bodyguards for her, it's okay!"

Lin Ya'er blushed and nodded. In front of so many people around, kissing Ye Chen affectionately, I felt really embarrassed after realizing it.

Just like that, Ye and the others split into two groups, he and Lin Ya'er lived in this two-person world, while Yun Xiaorou took three bodyguards to eat and drink around.

When Ye Chen met her, her stomach was already bulging.

I didn't know that I thought I was pregnant for several months!

"Master! My stomach hurts so much, I'm about to die!"

Yun Xiaorou hugged Ye Chen's thigh at once, and said with tears in her eyes.

"Aren't you dumbfounded? Who told you to eat so much seafood and so many cold drinks and ice creams, feel the consequences of gluttony!"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he took Lin Ya'er and walked forward,

"Master, don't leave me, I was wrong, I won't be greedy anymore!"

Yun Xiaorou burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, I don't care if you cry any more, hurry up and follow!"

Ye Chen supported his forehead and said, he couldn't stand a woman crying, making trouble and hanging herself!

This trick can make Ye Chen Zhizhi to death, Yun Xiaorou immediately changed her face when she heard it, and went to hold Ye Chen's hand with a smile.

Give her a elixir to help digestion, and it will be much better.

Yun Xiaorou, who was fine, became a lot better now, and rushed forward with bright eyes when she no longer saw anything delicious.

Outside Wanbao Hall!

Ye Chen looked at this exaggerated building, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

This appearance was actually imitated after a monster. It was a huge black turtle. Although it was a bit strange, it was still mighty.

The site is not small, almost as big as seven or eight football fields.

Ye Chen showed the invitation letter, and the guard checked it carefully. Then the pupils shrank slightly, and respectfully invited Ye Chen and the others in!

"Xiaoli, hurry up and take the VIP to private room No. 1!"

The guard said seriously.

Xiao Li was taken aback for a moment, then realized, and quickly led Ye Chen and the others to the private room.

"Guest, this is the most luxurious private room in Wanbaotang, and this is the quotation area. If you have any questions, please call me anytime, I'll be right outside the door!"

After Xiaoli finished speaking, she exited the private room, and the moment she closed the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Wang! Which faction does this belong to? How could it be arranged in the No. 1 private room!"

After Xiaoli saw the guard just now, she couldn't help asking curiously.

"If you think you've lived too long, I can tell you!"

Brother Wang said with a low face.

Xiaoli was so frightened that she shook her head vigorously, and broke out in a cold sweat instantly. What happened to her just now, she actually wanted to inquire about that kind of power.

It's really enough to live.

"(/⊙w⊙)/Hey! This Wanbaotang is rich! It's really rich!"

Ye Chen looked around with interest, and there was a huge glass cover directly in front of him.

You can clearly see the whole picture of the hall on the first floor and the whole place is unobstructed.

There are two floors in Wanbaotang. The first floor is the general area of ​​influence, such as third-rate families, second-rate families, and first-rate families are basically arranged here.

No one will feel wronged.

This is a private room on the second floor that only top families or official forces can enter.

Second, the treasures in Wanbao Hall are so attractive that no one will conflict over such an insignificant matter.

Even if there is trouble, it will be strongly suppressed by Wanbao.

It is said that there are five martial arts masters in Wanbao Hall!

One of them even has the cultivation base of the late Martial King Realm!

The decoration in the room is even more luxurious, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a prodigal.

This sofa is even more made of high-quality spirit wood, and the decorations are from monsters in the Demon King Realm.

To say the least, this house needs millions of spirit stones to build!

After a while, the waiter brought all kinds of snacks and desserts.

There are also spirit-rich cold drinks and spirit wine!

Yun Xiaorou's eyes almost glowed green.

"々.No drinking, take it easy!"

"Yes! Master!"

Yun Xiaorou picked up a cup of cold drink with a playful smile and drank it, with a satisfied expression on her face.

After Ye Chen handed Lin Ya'er a piece of dessert, he picked up a bottle of spiritual wine and drank it himself.

After waiting for two hours, the auction officially started!

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, the auction has officially started!"

At this time, a charming voice sounded, and I saw a woman in a cheongsam appearing in the middle of the hall.

She has a voluptuous figure, fair complexion and beautiful temperament, coupled with this charming voice.

Everyone below is about to crisp up!

"It would be nice if this beautiful girl could marry back home and be his wife!"

"You don't want to live anymore, do you know who she is?"

As soon as the words fell, a big man next to him covered the young man's mouth all of a sudden.

Then he explained: "She is the fierce Nalan Qiran! She is a strong person in the middle stage of the Martial King Realm!"

"What? She is Nalan Qiran?"

The young man let out an exclamation, covered his mouth in panic, and looked around in panic.

Seeing that there was no movement, he was relieved.

Fortunately, no one cares, come alive!

"There are a lot of items in this auction, please bid as soon as possible, the finale items will definitely not disappoint everyone!"

Nalan smiled sadly, stepped aside, and soon an old man in a blue robe came up. .

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