Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 164 Bringing The Colorful Lotus Back To Life!

He is the grand master appraiser of Wanbaotang, He Liancheng!

He is also a strong man in the early stage of the Martial King Realm. Not only is he well-known for his identification ability, but his cultivation base and combat power are also very outstanding.

"The first piece, nine-tier long swords with ten handles! One of them is a fire-attribute long sword! The starting price is 50,000 spirit stones!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the whole hall became bustling with bidding!

But basically all the bids are from the guests in the lobby on the first floor, and the private rooms on the second floor are very quiet.

Even if there were royal weapons, there were only one or two private rooms on the second floor to snatch them.

Time passed quickly, and more than 20 batches of weapons were quickly sold out.

"Okay, the next thing we will auction is the pill from the Alchemy Union!"

"Whether it's for healing or assisting in cultivation, we have everything!"

The old man paused, and ten bottles of pills appeared on the table.

"Here are five bottles of ninth-grade Huiyuan pills and five bottles of ninth-grade Huiling pills. Each bottle has ten pills, all of which are top-grade. The starting price for a bottle is 10,000 spirit stones!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, everyone in the hall on the first floor was erupting, scrambling to snatch it.

The price soared to 50,000 spirit stones in less than a minute, and it continued to rise.

"My Wang family wants this batch of pills, so you'll save me some face! Thank you!"

A middle-aged man stood up and said.

The surrounding area suddenly became quieter, and the originally more than 20 bids dropped sharply to 5,590.

The remaining four people are all of the same power as his family, so naturally they will not be afraid.

"101,000 spirit stones once!"

"One hundred and one thousand spirit stones twice!"

"One hundred and one thousand spirit stones 3 times!"

"Congratulations, the first batch of elixir is owned by customer No. 117!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man from the Wang family snorted with displeasure.

Although the elixir was snatched, the wasted spirit stones almost exceeded the listed price by 10%.

But this is a high-grade pill from the Alchemy Union, the loss is worth it, the outside world can't find it, and it can't be bought at all.

Most of the outside world are ordinary ninth-level pills, and the quality is far worse than that of the alchemy union.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen batches of the ninth-level pills were released one after another, each batch exceeding one hundred thousand spirit stones.

Now his complexion is much better, as expected, it is good to be the first to attack.

"The next thing is the king-grade elixir! Vessel-protecting elixir! There are three bottles in total, and the best item for quenching the body! The starting price is 100,000 spirit stones!"

said the old man.

"What, it's actually the Maidguard Pill? It must be taken!"

"What kind of pill is Humai Pill? Why haven't I heard of it before!"

At this time, the people around him showed contemptuous glances, seeing that he was blushing and had a thick neck.

Then he explained: "This pulse-protecting pill is the best of the king-grade pills. It is very precious. As long as warriors reach the Martial King Realm, they will comprehend the artistic conception. If they use the artistic conception to quench their bodies, they can greatly increase the strength of the body, which is more beneficial to increase the speed of cultivation!"

"However, few people complete it, because the power of artistic conception is very powerful, and one mistake will damage the meridians. Moreover, the body tempering speed is very slow! This pulse protection pill is the magical medicine for artistic conception body quenching, which can greatly protect the body. The meridian will not be destroyed, thus speeding up the tempering speed!"

Before he finished explaining, the crowd in the hall on the first floor was already overwhelmed.


As soon as the voice fell, the hall on the first floor became quiet, and everyone looked towards the second floor.

It turned out to be Room 4 on the second floor!

*600,000! Brother Yao, I won’t let you go, my Kang family also needs these pulse-protecting pills very much!”

At this time, a strong voice came from the No. 7 private room.


"800 000!"

At this time, other forces on the second floor joined the battlefield one after another, trying to snatch the Maidan.

In the end, Humai Pill was purchased by the No. 4 private room at a high price of 3.7 million.

The following pills are all royal grades!

"Zizizi! Why is the pill so valuable? Am I too prodigal?"

At this time, Ye Chen shook his head and muttered, let alone the king-grade elixir, he would get a lot of these ninth-grade elixir. He ate it like jelly beans, and he was not stingy at all with the elixir of the people below.

Now that I think about it, it's no wonder that they look grateful, because they are so prodigal.

The ultimate medicinal pill is so precious.

Immediately afterwards, there are various exercises and martial arts!

All of a sudden, everyone in the hall on the first floor was ignited.

"The next auction will be the rare spiritual objects found in the crypt, please take a look!"

The old man took out three items exuding huge aura from the storage bag, Wannian Ganoderma lucidum, Wannian snow lotus, and Qixia lotus!

"Wannian Ganoderma lucidum and Wannian Saussurea are both great nourishing spirits for improving cultivation. As long as you take them at the Martial King Realm, you can directly raise a small realm!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone was boiling. This is a spiritual thing that can directly improve the cultivation level. I didn't expect to meet it in this auction.

Everyone stared at them eagerly, but then felt lonely for a while.

"How could such a treasure fall into our hands?"

Everyone unconsciously looked at the 17 private rooms on the second floor. I am afraid that these three treasures will eventually fall into their hands!

"Master He, you haven't said what the third item is!

At this time, someone couldn't sit still, and asked!

"Good things are naturally the last ones! Let's start auctioning the first one! The starting price is one million spirit stones!"

He Liancheng stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"1.1 million!"

"You're so stingy, even a top family! I'll give you two million!"

"three million!"

"four million!"

After a while, they were carried to 10 million by the rich and powerful people in the private room on the second floor, which shocked Ye Chen.

Does this make it so expensive for a Martial King-level upgrade? He originally wanted to bid for it, so that he could buy it for his own Martial King Realm elder.

Who would have thought that this spiritual thing could be so expensive!

He only has 30 million spirit stones in his hand!

Fortunately, Ye Chen didn't say it, otherwise people would call Versailles directly. Nowadays, it is much easier to mine spirit stones, and even second- and third-rate families have a lot of stocks in their hands.

But 30 million spirit stones is probably not much different from the inventory of a first-class family!

This is the entire inventory of a family!

In the end, the two elixirs for improving cultivation were won by the two families for 12 million and 12.5 million.

"This is the last colorful lotus!"

Looking at the expectant eyes of the crowd, He Liancheng paused halfway through his speech, wanting to make a fool of himself.

Whether it's in the lobby on the first floor or in the private room on the second floor, they all hate it.

"Life-saving magic medicine, bring the dead back to life!"

After only saying eight words, the pot immediately exploded.

"Master He, you should explain clearly, what is the method of bringing the dead back to life, I am really anxious to death!"

Everyone in the audience stamped their feet anxiously.

He Liancheng chuckled, and continued: "As long as you have one breath left, no matter how badly you are injured, just take it and you will recover to your best condition immediately. Even if you die for three days, taking this medicine can bring you back to life."

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