Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 165 Grievance With Hanshan Forestry Institute! Forces From The Small World!

"I guess you guys can't wait any longer? The starting price is five million spirit stones, start now!"

Heliancheng's words made everyone excited. Who doesn't want an extra life, and who doesn't want to save the most important person at a critical moment?

But none of the people on the first floor moved, because they knew that they could buy this magical medicine even if they had money.

Even if a lot of money is snatched, it is just a life to get, not a life to use that's all!

Many forces will definitely try their best to snatch it, unless the strength is overwhelming, everyone in the world will be afraid!

"Ten million spirit stones! My Murong family wants them, and whoever snatches them will die!"

An arrogant voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at it, and it turned out to be the Murong family who had never bid.

The person sitting inside is the head of the Murong family, Murong Sheng! He is at the early stage of the Martial King Realm!

And beside him, sat a young man in neon clothes, Yuyi, holding a folding fan~youzaiyouzai.

It is very mysterious.

The Murong family has just stepped into the top family, although there seems to be an inexplicable force behind it, but saying this is too disrespectful to the top families!

All of a sudden, everyone below began to discuss in low voices, saying that the Murong family's death was imminent.

"Hmph! What a big tone, I want to see how you can stay with my Zhuge family forever! I will give you eleven million spirit stones!"

At this time, someone spoke from private room No. 3, and the person who came was Zhuge Mu from Zhuge's family. At this time, he is not what he used to be, and he is already a half-step king mirror powerhouse.

"Brother Mu, I'm sorry, I really need this colorful lotus too! I'll give you 12 million!"

In the No. 5 private room, the second young master of the Cui family's No. 1 base in Shanghai, said.

"No problem, the one with the highest price wins!"

Zhuge Mu said with a smile.

He and the second young master of the Cui family have known each other for many years, and their relationship is very good, and will not be affected by a spiritual creature that has been brought back to life.

But is this the Murong family? If he wants to seek death, then send them there!

"Fifteen million!"

"Sixteen million!"

"Twenty million!"

At this time, Murong Sheng's face was as dark as a black coal ball, and he stared in the direction of Zhuge Mu and Cui Kai with a murderous expression.

"Twenty-five million spirit stones!"

A voice came from Room 1.

"What? It suddenly increased by five million, it's unbelievable!"

"Where is this numbered private room sacred, and which force has such a background.

Everyone downstairs exploded, all guessing who is in this private room?

Ye Chen's heart felt cold at this moment. It was not because he was rich and powerful, but because he wanted to hear the other bidders in one fell swoop.

He only has a little over 30 million spirit stones on him. If it is like the 1 million to 1 million plus just now, I don't know how long these rich guys can bear the pain and grit their teeth.

Hope this trick has some effect!

What's more, Ye Chen has already seen the information about the colorful lotus, and one of them is very interesting to Ye Chen.

This colorful lotus is the main medicine for refining the imperial pill Nirvana Pill!

This Nirvana Pill made Ye Chen hungry for a long time.

The effect is even more amazing!

Nirvana Pill: Take it to gain the power of Nirvana, bring the dead back to life, and have a chance to obtain the supernatural power of the inextinguishable fire phoenix! Ordinary people take it, and can directly break into the half-step king mirror! Taking it to the Martial King Realm, you can directly break through the Martial King Realm!

The value of this Nirvana Pill cannot be compared with a simple resurrection.

Even ordinary people can become a lofty half-step Wang Jing in one leap, let alone break into the Martial King Realm directly from the Martial King Realm.

There is also the supernatural power of the immortal fire phoenix, which is also very attractive.

Although he himself is not blessed to enjoy it, it would be great to let the masters in the sect subdue him and have an extra powerful Martial Emperor-level expert!

This colorful lotus must be obtained.

The second floor was completely silent, even Murong Sheng, Zhuge Mu, and Cui Kai were silent together.

They couldn't figure out what the guy in this private room wanted to do?

How can anyone reach 20 million, and the price is 5 million?

"Master Joe, what should we do?"

In private room No. 3, Murong Sheng cautiously asked the handsome young man beside him, not even daring to breathe.

"Let's test it out. If the other side dares to do this, let him go!"

The young man didn't seem to care, just playing with the folding fan in his hand.

"My lord, is it just let out like this?"

Murong Sheng broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at the young man in fear.

"What's his is mine!"

The young man said with an evil smile, but he just glanced at Murong Sheng, and let his ghost come out.

I don't know how strong this young man is, but this Murong Sheng is a martial artist at the early stage of the Martial King Realm.

Twenty-six million!"

"thirty million!"

Ye Chen went straight to stud, the matter has come to this point, it can only be done like this, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

"Thirty million times!"

"Thirty million twice!"

"Thirty million times!"

"Congratulations to Private Room No. 1 for winning the colorful lotus!"

"That's the end of this auction, all guests, see you next time!"

He Liancheng left after speaking.

Everyone on the first floor also left their seats one after another, with a look of unfinished business.

At this time, Ye Chen also received the colorful lotus belonging to him. He first verified whether it was genuine, and finally paid the money readily.

Put the baby in the system space, and then took everyone and left.

In room 3.

"No one dares to rob my Hanshan Forestry Institute!"

The young man exudes a cold air all over his body, and his pair of icy eyes are really chilling.

"Master Qiao, shall we go up now?"

Murong Sheng came to the young man's side respectfully, not daring to show his breath, and carefully gestured on his neck.

The young man shook his head and said: "Don't worry, let him live a little longer. The little lady beside him is pretty good, you can invite her later!"

Then he showed a squinting expression.

"Play for three more days, let's go back, we've been out for a long time!"

Ye Chen said to Lin Ya'er.

"Okay! Listen to you!"

Lin Ya'er was shyly held in Ye Chen's arms.

"No, no! Master, let's play for a few more days, I haven't played enough yet!"

When Yun Xiaorou heard that she was going back, she became anxious, she was at the age of fun. After seeing so many interesting things, how can I put them down so easily!

Yun Xiaorou took Ye Chen's hand and began to shake it from side to side.

"No, we have been out for a long time, and there are still many things we need to deal with in the crypt. Besides, you should go back and practice hard!"

Ye Chen said solemnly.

"Ah! I have to go back to practice!"

As soon as she heard about the practice, Yun Xiaorou's face drooped, full of displeasure.

"If you can cultivate to the Martial King Realm, the master will take you out to play again. At that time, you can play here as long as you want, and the master will never stop you!"

Ye Chen showed an evil smile, and drew a big cake for Yun Xiaorou. .

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