Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 172 Butterfly Effect! Surprised By The Demon Invasion!

"Not bad, now Azure Dragon City is safe, and Catacomb No. 1 is also safe for the time being!"

Ye Chen looked at the huge corpses of the five demon emperors in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

The rest of the evil beasts were still fleeing, Ye Chen's elite army and Wu Jizong's masters went to pursue them one after another.

In less than three days, the entire monster territory will be dominated by the human race. There is one thing Ye Chen needs to consider, that is, the division of the territory by the five demon emperors.

Ye Chen did not forget that the Blue Star Human Race was not the only one adjacent to the Monster Beast Territory.

There are also the cave people, such as the proportional empire!

With the record of destroying the top power of monsters, it is not too much to carve up four of the five territories, right? Ye Chen thinks it is not too much!

As for other areas, without exploration, everything is unknown.

Right now, it is enough to digest all the existing ones. With such a large territory, they should be very happy!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Ding! Time-limited mission released: Resist the enemy troops invading the defense line of the No. 3 crypt!"

"Mission reward: a god-level gift bag!"

The sudden task made Ye Chen stunned.

"It turned out to be time-limited mission 31? The reward is so exaggerated, it must not be simple!"

"The key is that there is no penalty for failure, and you are still worried about the ghost, so do it!"

Ye Chen thought about it seriously, slapped his hands, and decided to leave immediately!

Since it is a time-limited task, it means that the situation must be very urgent. The No. 3 Catacomb Defense Line is also related to the safety of hundreds of millions of people around the defense line.

But now the army is definitely not able to spare manpower, Ye Chen can only bring the Icebreaker Legion, plus several top masters from the Wuji Sect to plunder the formation.

Ye Chen believes that this mission must be extremely dangerous, and the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength!

Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, the two most powerful fighters, must be brought along.

Cui Shifeng, who was in the early stage of the Martial Emperor Realm, took it with him, while Yan Liang and Wen Chou stayed in Qinglong Town Dou!

Martial King Realm master, Ye Chen can only bring 15 players. It's not that I don't want to bring more, but I really can't spare manpower.

As for the number of lottery draws, Ye Chen still wants to save his 1,800 character lottery draws, and draw him to his heart's content!

Now! That's it, the strength should be enough!

Before he had time to think carefully, Ye Chen bid farewell to everyone, took everyone with him and set off.

For some reason, during the march, his right eye jumped, as if something ominous was about to happen.

Ye Chen shook his head, threw out the miscellaneous thoughts in his head, and concentrated on preparing for the battle.

"Marshal, the demons are coming up, the demons that are attacking this time are powerful, brothers can't hold on for long!"

A soldier covered in blood struggled to report the battle situation.

And the marshal here is Long Jiutian!

At this time, Long Jiutian was silent. Since the vanguard retreated three days ago, the demons would harass the defense line every three days.

I didn't expect to launch a charge today!

With a large number of low-level demons as the vanguard, continuously attacking the defense line, the human race, the danger!.

"Why Su Yatou didn't mention the demons, it's a good thing she's back. At this point, I can only trust this girl, alas!"

Long Jiutian seemed to be ten years old in an instant, with a tired and sad expression on his face.

It can be seen how urgent the line of defense is during this time.

"Kill! For the country, for the family behind!"

A soldier was pierced through the body by the demons and blatantly detonated the energy bomb on his body.

The No. 3 cave defense line, the front line has been withdrawn again and again, and now there is nowhere to retreat.

Either stop the enemy's attack, or the defense line is broken, and the people behind will bear the brunt.

All the soldiers present, with the determination to die, swore to defend the line of defense.

If you want to break through the line of defense and harm the people, you have to step over their corpses.

"Leader! There are too many demons and their strength is too strong. We can't resist for long!"

An officer at the beginning of the sixth rank wiped the blood on his face and shouted because of his voice.

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it. Reinforcements will come soon, so hold on!"

After the leader finished speaking, he dropped the overloaded level 2 shaped cannon, took out a spear, and fought with a low-level demon at the peak of the eighth level!

Most of the soldiers present were warriors of the second and third ranks. If it weren't for the psionic guns in their hands, they wouldn't be able to stop the tyrannical low-level demons at all!

This is just the edge of the line!

The battle situation in the main battle zone is even more tragic. There, the strength of the demons is generally above the sixth level, and only the elite divisions and elite legions can stop them.

But even they can't last long.

In the sky, several terrifying figures were fighting. The whole sky seems to be dyed black, and sometimes exudes an amazing breath

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the demons is.

"Damn it, why did the demons appear at this time, shouldn't it be ten years later? Could it be the butterfly effect?"

At this time, Su Zixuan was covered in blood, exhausted after beheading one king realm demon, and rushed to the other one!

And there are at least 30 demons with kingly aura in the sky.

And there are only twenty people in the Martial King Realm of the human race, and they are struggling to support them.

The strength of the Demon Race is too strong, and this is only a low-level Demon Race. If the advanced demons invade, it only takes one hour to break the line of defense.

The strength and background of the human race are still too weak.

In Su Zixuan's previous life, even ten years later, it was still difficult for the human race to resist the invasion of the demon race, let alone the human race that has just started!

Su Zixuan was extremely anxious. What happened after her rebirth exceeded her expectations.

Many things have changed, the future, everything is unknown!

Strength! Only strength can calmly face all difficulties.

Su Zixuan couldn't help clenching her fists, her heart full of firmness. Since God has given her Su Zixuan a chance to start over, no matter how difficult and bumpy the road ahead is, she will persevere.

"If you have the strength to kill the middle-level demons, they are all treasures!"

Su Zixuan beheaded several King Realm demons and sighed.

Suddenly, an extremely frightening aura came from the crack in the space, and all the martial kings looked at the crack in unison.

And all the king realm demons were ecstatic, followed by deep awe.

And those demons with low strength trembled deeply into their souls.

"How is this possible, this aura is straight! More than one!"

Su Zixuan looked into the distance in shock, her heart was severely shocked.

How long has it been since the demons from the imperial realm showed up? If it takes a few years, wouldn't the holy realm be all over the place?

Su Zixuan's face turned pale again, and she clenched the long sword even tighter.

With her strength, it is not difficult to kill ordinary emperors, but it is not difficult to go higher.

Above the imperial realm, every floor is an insurmountable sky!

In this realm, those who can leapfrog to fight are all geniuses.

Those who fight in more layers are all famous evildoers in the world!

And she is a monstrous evildoer like no other in a million. If she really meets the demons in the middle stage of the imperial realm, she can only be defeated by playing all her cards!.

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