Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 173: Encountering The God Slaughter Legion! Blind Everyone Titanium Alloy......

Su Zixuan is a bit unwilling, if you give her a little more time...

Su Zixuan couldn't allow Su Zixuan to think too much, the middle-level demons in the imperial realm had already crossed the border.

The appearance of the two emperors was displayed in front of everyone.

With a height of more than ten meters, it is dozens of times taller than the lower-strength demons! Two huge double-horned faces are ferocious, emitting a faint light.

"Fortunately, it's an ordinary early stage emperor, even two can beat it!"

Seeing this, Su Zixuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the familiar demon clan, Zixuan's heart touched her!

Intermediate Demon Race——Li Demon Race!

This is also the most common race for demons to invade Blue Star, and even the weakest demons have the cultivation base of the early stage of king state. The combat power is even stronger, because of the innate talent of infinite strength, it has caused many Wu Kings and Wu Emperors to hurt their heads.

Generally, three strong human beings of the same realm are needed to contend with it. To kill it, at least three, or even four are needed!

This is still a relatively ordinary intermediate-level demon, and a stronger intermediate-level demon will be more difficult to deal with.

Each demon has its own unique talents, which are often difficult to deal with!

"Humans, surrender or perish!"

One of the emperors of the Li Mo clan roared and said, that voice was deep and hoarse.

The wind was whistling, and the sound of the wind seemed to be mixed with thousands of troops and scattered around.

The soldiers in the surrounding defense line looked at the two power demons in the imperial realm in shock one by one. They exuded a frightening aura, which made people tremble uncontrollably.

"Don't disturb the morale of our army, you mere demons, don't act wild!"

Su Zixuan couldn't stand it anymore, but it was just two demons in the early stage of the imperial realm, who dared to take advantage of the gap in the realm to suppress the momentum of the human race.

A series of powerful sword intents burst out suddenly, and Su Zixuan used her ultimate move as soon as she came up.

To deal with the mid-level demons beyond a large realm, you must go all out, otherwise you will die without a place to bury!

Several attacks landed on the two imperial demons in the blink of an eye, black blood burst out from several wounds, and the two demons froze for a moment.

I didn't expect this weak and ugly ant to hurt them!

Immediately afterwards, endless anger erupted, and two huge roars came. Black gaseous flames continuously emanated from the bodies of the two royal demons, exploding violently in a radius of a thousand meters.

Su Zixuan only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then showed her defensive state, seriously sensing the changes around her.

Suddenly, Su Zixuan's eyes flashed, and she noticed something abnormal around her.

She waved the long sword in her hand, bursting out circles of thick red flames, which suddenly scattered away.

Around Su Zixuan, two Phoenix Realm demons appeared beside her one after the other.

It was directly blown away by a circle of blooming flames.

As soon as the purple-red flame touched the demons, it instantly became three-pointed. The two demons quickly stepped aside to extinguish the flames on their bodies, and then stared at Su Zixuan viciously.


Unwilling roars came from the demons, they never expected that the joint attack that had never failed would be broken so easily.

This also made them clear that the little guy in front of him was no longer the ant he had encountered before.

They are going to bring out experts of the same level to face Su Zixuan.

Su Zixuan frowned, and her experienced combat awareness made her dodge away from the position just now.

Looking back, I saw that the place I was just now was occupied by a huge black fist.

The ground was suddenly blasted open, and the black gas wantonly destroyed the surrounding land.

"As expected of an intermediate-level demon clan, there are two tricks, but if you want my life, Su Zixuan, go back and practice a few hundred more!"

Su Zixuan's sword intent was powerful all over her body, and she continuously attacked the two imperial demons, with continuous moves, entwining the two imperial demons tightly.

The two demons had no choice but to keep parrying, defending Su Zixuan's ultimate move.

They felt a strong sense of crisis from Su Zixuan's body. If they were attacked, they would be seriously injured.

There is even a risk of being killed, but they have seen that this kind of attack consumes a lot.

As long as they last for a while longer, this human race will surely perish without a fight!

"(/⊙w⊙)/Hey, the sound of the explosion in the distance is quite loud, it seems that the battle is very tense!"

Looking at the bursts of explosions coming from afar, Ye Chen sighed.

"My lord, there are two guys in the early stage of the imperial realm, and there are about thirty enemies in the imperial realm!"

At this moment, Zhao Yun sensed it, and then respectfully reported to Ye Kang.

"Emperor Realm? How did the Emperor Realm appear? Could it be that the legendary demons are so powerful!"

"No, the defense line must be very urgent, Zilong, hurry up to support, and wipe out all the evil demons in the future!"

"Yes! My lord!"

Ye Chen thought about it, and then asked Zhao Yun to set off immediately. Since it is a time-limited task, it means it is very urgent!

We must hurry up, but there is no cure.

For this reason, Ye Chen directly brought out the two top fighters Guan Yu and Zhao Yun.

This generous reward, the cooked duck, can't just let him fly away!

"々. These two damn demons are so vigilant, they are indeed middle-level demons, old fritters!"

Su Zixuan's head was covered with fragrant sweat, and anxiety arose in her heart.

That's right, the Mozu guessed it right, Su Zixuan really couldn't last much longer with this ultimate move

Once Su Zixuan becomes tired, that is the moment of her demise!

Seeing the sneer at the corners of the mouths of the two demons, Su Zixuan became even more angry. But then there was a tinge of desolation!

If it weren't for her at the early stage of the Martial King Realm, how could the two little King Realm demons be so arrogant.

I can only blame the heaven for being desolate, since I, Su Zixuan, can live a new life, why did you play me like this! (Zhao Mahao)

Suddenly there were two piercing sounds, and the two demons in front of Su Zixuan disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Zixuan, who came back to her senses, searched continuously, and suddenly found the two imperial demons on the ground, they couldn't die any more.

Unexpectedly, just like that, he was nailed to the ground!

The two spears emitted a cold light, and the intent of the spears made Su Zixuan tremble unconsciously.

"What a terrifying advanced gun intent! A super strong man in the imperial realm!"

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Su Zixuan, who had advanced knowledge, immediately saw the extraordinaryness of this spear intent, but why did she feel it so familiar?

At the moment when she was stupefied, a loud voice came from a distance: "I am Zhao Zilong of Wu Jizong, the little demons are coming to die!"

Su Zixuan's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked forward suddenly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "General Zhao, it really is you!".

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