Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 180: The Stupid City Defense Female Soldier!

"Hey! Accept your fate!"

After Wang Xiaoshuai finished speaking, he grabbed the little monk, picked up a large piece of meat and noodles with chopsticks, and stuffed it into the little monk's mouth!

Wang Xiaoshuai saw the little monk swallowed a mouthful of meat disheartened, and turned to look at the princess watching the play.


Wang Xiaoshuai's mood suddenly dropped to freezing point, the enmity between him and these monks must be immortal~ endless!

"Old Huang, why did you stop me just now, so that I wouldn't let this son of a bitch lift the sky cover!"

Ye Chen asked puzzledly.

"Master! People are in the rivers and lakes, can't help themselves, if you meddle in your own business, you will live soon!"

"Everyone sweeps the snow in front of his own door, don't care about the frost on others' roofs!"

"Ten chances! Master!"

Jian Jiuhuang said slowly.

Ye Chen, who was full of complaints, was choked at once, thinking about what he wanted to do when he was so powerful.

Nowadays, even if you draw your sword to help, you have to weigh whether your own life will be involved!

Ye Chen fell into deep thought!

"Xiaoxue, learn martial arts from me!"

Jian Jiuhuang suddenly said to Xia Chuxue.

Xia Chuxue stared at Jian Jiuhuang with her big eyes, then lowered her head and shook her head!

"Hey! You don't suffer when you practice martial arts, and you don't get fooled when you practice martial arts!"

After speaking, Jian Jiuhuang seemed to think of something, sighed, and took a sip of mulled wine.

At this moment, the little monk had already passed out, and Wang Xiaoshuai returned to the princess.

"Cut, it's boring, let's go!"

Just when everyone stood up and was about to leave, commotion started outside the door.

"Stop, want to leave after the trouble? How can there be such a good thing!"

I saw a group of city defense troops stopping Ah San and the others in front of them, led by a heroic female soldier!

"(/⊙w⊙)/Ah! Female soldiers? Really rare!"

Ye Chen regained his energy all of a sudden, such a young female soldier is rare, and her strength is not impressive.

According to Ye Chen's sophisticated eyesight, she is D!

No, no, at least the cultivation level of a seventh-tier grandmaster!

The strange thing is, with her master level cultivation, it is more than enough to be the captain of a city defense army.

If this is in a small base, being the leader of a city defense force is enough!

She turned out to be just a small captain? This is so strange!

"I've heard a long time ago that Ah San and Princess Yuan entered the territory of our Dragon Kingdom. They really did all sorts of crimes, and their notoriety spread far and wide! I have gained a lot of knowledge today!"

The female captain was merciless, and directly attacked her with sharp words.

With a wave of his hand, the team of nearly twenty soldiers surrounded Princess Ah Yuan and his group.

Cui Canyilin, who was born in an orphanage, is only 18 years old! The seventh-level peak master is only one step away from reaching the eighth-level grand master!

Relying on his outstanding martial arts talent, he was able to get along in the army like a duck to water, but unfortunately, no one is perfect, his fierce mouth and fearless personality offended many people in the army.

So much so that he is almost a grand master, and he is a small captain.

Those who are in the same realm as her have already become lieutenant generals, commanding tens of thousands of soldiers!

Ye Chen's mouth twitched when he heard it, no wonder he is still a team leader now.

It's a blessing to be alive with such stern words and such way of doing things.

After all, she is a princess of a country, let's not talk about how to treat her, she must be protected by masters, how about you, a little scholar-level master!

"She's better than you!"


Ye Chen froze for a moment, and asked Jian Jiuhuang, "Is this girl just talking?"

"Please change the question mark to an exclamation point!"

After Jian Jiuhuang mischievously finished speaking, he began to drink his wine again!

These two guys have the same virtues, I really doubt they are a father and daughter!

It's hard to see Xia Chuxue talking to herself, or scolding herself, there is really no one else.

Ye Chen shook his head, smiled wryly, "Am I that bad?"

Unexpectedly, this little girl didn't even pay attention to him, and ran to beat Jian Jiuhuang's shoulders.

"Come on, without my cultivation, I'm just a child!"

I have to say that Ye Chen misses the days when he was strong.

"Oh! Who was I then? How dare a little soldier talk to this princess like that."

"Come on, give me a slap!"

Princess Ah Yuan pointed at Cui Canyilin and said viciously.


The four servants drew out their long swords and rushed towards Cui Canyilin. They dare not be careless when dealing with the city defense army.

If you are not careful, you will die.

"How dare you dare to attack the city defense army, everyone, take them down!"

Cui Canyilin gave an order, and nearly 20 soldiers under him drew their swords and killed them.

...asking for flowers......

Seeing this, the remaining servants drew out their long swords and knives one after another, and stepped forward to intercept them.

Seeing this, Cui Canyilin gave an evil smile, and seeing that her goal had been achieved, she took out an object from her bosom and pointed it at the sky.

"Swoosh! Pop!"

With a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet each other!

At this time, four figures suddenly appeared from the shadows, one of them came to meet each other, and seven or eight soldiers screamed and flew out of the hospital.

It looked like he couldn't die anymore.

"What? Damn it!"

Cui Canyilin didn't expect that this group of guys would dare to kill the people in the military department. It's a big deal. Aren't they afraid that they won't be able to get out of the Dragon Kingdom?

"You can't run away, just grab it!"

Cui Canyilin shouted to give everyone courage, none of the four powerful enemies had a breath lower than her own.


There is even one person who has surpassed himself properly, the great master at the beginning of the eighth level!

In the blink of an eye, Cui Canyilin fought against four enemies.

She can only hope that the reinforcements will arrive soon, she won't last long at all!

At the moment of the first fight, the pressure suddenly increased, and among the four Ah San's subordinates, none of them had fought hundreds of times.

The ultimate move is ruthless, especially the grand master at the beginning of the eighth rank.

Cui Canyilin knew that the eighth-ranker must have not used her full strength, otherwise, with the four of them working together, they would die if they did not make a hundred moves!

And the reason, she also saw it.

"Good! Good! Good! Hit her hard so that she dares to fight me!"

Ah, Princess Yuan looked at it with great enthusiasm. These servants, can the subordinates perform more excitingly?

Not only Cui Canyilin, but the ten surviving soldiers were miserable and could only hold on tightly.

"Enough, hurry up and end the farce, we should go!"

A gloomy voice sounded from the darkness, and all Ah San's servants and subordinates froze for a moment, then fiercely launched killing moves.

"No, bastard, you bastards, I am at odds with you!"

Looking at the former soldiers who died tragically on the spot, anger filled Cui Shan Yilin's whole body.

Annoyance, remorse, and anger filled my heart.


It's like a drop of water falling into calm water, splashing waves of ripples!


Cui Canyilin's eyes were red, her aura soared, and she instantly sent four enemies flying away. .

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