Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 181: What's Wrong With Being Relied Upon!

I saw Cui Canyilin's aura soared, her qi and blood soared, and she suddenly stepped into the realm of the eighth-rank grand master!

With just one sword, an enemy at the peak of the seventh rank was sealed.

The rest of the people were shocked, and they waited in full force, staring at Cui Canyilin.

"Hmph! But a lucky little doll!"

Another voice came from the darkness.

"Not good! Old Huang, the wind is blowing!"

"By the way, kill that old bastard!"

Ye Chen cursed secretly and rushed out.

A huge black palm print suddenly appeared in front of Cui Canyilin, her eyes widened with a look of unwillingness!

Could it be that she, Cui Canyilin, just died aggrieved like this, without revenge, how dare she!

At this critical moment, a pair of warm and powerful hands suddenly pulled her into a warm embrace, and then a strong sense of shock spread throughout her body.

It seems to fly out!

Thump! Falling to the "three four three" ground, Cui Canyilin's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

It was this little beggar who saved her, no, how could a guy who can block such a terrifying move be a beggar.

Ye Chen regained his strength, spat out a mouthful of black blood, pulled Cui Canyilin and ran away.

"And my brothers..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Cui Canyilin saw corpses all over the ground, and none of her nearly twenty soldiers survived!

"Stupid girl! Run away first!"

Ye Chen shouted angrily, dragged Cui Canyilin who was stunned, and ran away.

"Oh? Can you actually block my big shadow palm? Not bad, not bad!"

The gloomy King Asan Wu appeared, and the Japanese uniform looked curiously at Ye Chen who ran away.

Just as he was about to make an interception, he saw an old man dressed in rags and stopped him!

"Hey! Old man, get out of here if you don't want to die!"

The subordinates on the side spoke viciously, with the big knife in their hands, they couldn't wait to get close.

"The jumping clown, how dare you hurt my young master, kill him without mercy!"

As soon as Jian Jiuhuang changed his idle appearance, the nameless sword box opened suddenly.

Nine famous swords are displayed in the world.

"One sword breaks the dust and walks away the dragon and the snake!"

"The two forms are born together and tie the lotus!"

"The sword energy on the sword weighs three catties!"

"It's really too weak, only three swords will not work, should

At this moment, King Asan Wu looked at Jian Jiuhuang with a terrified face, and all the subordinates around him fell to the ground in an instant.

They saw only a flash of light in their lifetime!

And he saw two paths, and vaguely, there was a third path.

"You are not Martial King!"

As soon as the words fell, Ah Triple Crown King fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Jian Jiuhuang murmured: "Nine more times!"

Immediately afterwards, he picked up Xia Chuxue who was stunned, and disappeared!

The spectators who were hiding around and staring blankly were left behind. Although the fighting stopped, no one dared to step forward to check.

If there is no one who has lived enough, if there is an enemy who is not completely dead and was hacked in the past, who to cry to?

Soon, an hour passed.

Ye Chen and the distraught Cui Canyilin had already escaped from the base dozens of miles away.

"Tiger girls, I really don't know if I owe you in my previous life!"

Ye Chen panted heavily, muttered something in a low voice, and couldn't move anymore.

His body was pitch black, and some small wounds continued to ooze black blood.

Ye Chen quietly found a relatively clean place, and lay down slowly.

Consciousness also gradually dissipated.

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay! Wake up!"

At this time, Cui Canyilin also came back to her senses, and couldn't help but continue to be sad.

Ye Chen's injury doesn't look good.

And she is just an ordinary warrior, and she doesn't know any medical skills.

Just when she was extremely anxious, the black injury on Ye Chen's body was slowly spreading in her sight.

At a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's over, it's over! Why is Ah San's poison so ruthless, what should I do!"

"No, I can't let him die like this!"

Cui Canyilin stomped her feet anxiously, but there was nothing she could do. It was still a long way to go to the next base. Going to see a doctor was just a dream come true.

Let a dead horse be a living horse doctor!

Cui Canyilin was heartbroken, and directly tore Ye Chen's clothes to pieces.

The strong muscles on her body made her face blush.

Immediately, his face drooped again.

Such a large area of ​​injuries, all of which are pitch-black, would bloodletting be useful?

It won't be that the poisonous blood is not finished, the person will cool down first!

Cui Canyilin shook her head vigorously, shook off the distracting thoughts in her heart, and began to make a few cuts with a knife.

Immediately, pitch-black poisonous blood gushed out.

Seeing that the speed of bleeding was too slow, Cui Canyilin had no choice but to put her little mouth together.

Half an hour later, Cui Canyilin, who had stars in her eyes, looked at Ye Chen whose blood color had returned to normal, and smiled knowingly...

I couldn't hold back anymore and passed out.

"Hiss! My head hurts, what is this place?"

Ye Chen woke up in a jolt, looking around, he seemed to be in a carriage.

Moreover, except for the interior, everything in this carriage is very ordinary, and it is not a high-tech thing.

This is outside the city where there is a hidden crisis, is this science?

Won't cross again?

With doubts in his heart, Ye Chen opened the curtain of the carriage and looked out.

Teams of armored warriors guard the entire convoy, which only has seven carriages!

"Are you awake? My name is Mo Yan! You kid is really lucky, so you've survived all the difficulties."

"You have to thank that girl, if she hadn't sucked out the poison for you, the Immortal Da Luo came, and you couldn't be saved!"

A big man suddenly jumped out beside him, and said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"Thank you, big brother, what about the girl?"

Ye Chen thanked him and asked.

"No! The carriage in front of you is still awake, let's take a look!"

The big Chinese finished speaking earnestly, looked at Ye Chen with a strange expression, and left.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched. With this expression, could it be that he regarded that girl as his object?

Ye Chen smiled wryly, got up and went to the carriage in front of him, and walked in.

Sure enough, Cui Canyilin was lying quietly in the carriage, her complexion probably looked good.

It's okay, I guess I'm about to wake up.

"Since you saved me on 4.6, then the two of us are settled, let's part now!"

Seeing that Cui Canyilin was not in danger, Ye Chen started talking to himself, and then got up to leave.

He still has tasks to do, so naturally he has to leave quickly and go to Lao Huang to reconcile.

With the cultivation base of the eighth-rank grand master, this girl is not in much danger outside.

Just as Ye Chen got up, a small hand grasped Ye Chen's wrist.

The resentful little eyes made Ye Chen feel flustered, as if looking at a heartbroken man.

"What will I do if you leave?"

Cui Canyilin said pitifully.

"You saved me once, and I saved you once. Don't we get even? Now that you're fine, let's part ways!"

Ye Chen began to explain to her, and the daughter-in-law felt that the little hand was clenched even tighter. .

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