Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 190 There Is Still Hope!

"I'm going to kill you!"

Liu Bingchuan yelled to kill Ye Chen, but was nailed to the ground by several long swords as soon as he got up.

"The show is not over yet, be patient!"

"Who made you his close relative? If you want~ blame it, blame your father!"

Ye Chen turned his attention to Liu Bingchuan's son again. At this time, he was already frightened, and stared blankly at Ye Chen.

"Oh, yes, come! Bow-come!"

It was late at night, and Ye Chen just quietly hugged Cui Canyilin's body.

The picture of the wandering group of four emerged in my mind, why I always lose it before I realize it later.

Why do you always want to cherish after you lose it.

Just like that, Ye Chen hugged her all night.

Feeling the vibration of the identity token, Ye Chen took out the identity token like a walking dead.

I don't know what important information the sect has to convey to him, the suzerain.

[Fortunately, Nirvana Pill was successfully refined, and the number is three! 】

Seeing the news, Ye Chen froze for a moment, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter!

"Great, so timely! Good! Good! Good!"

Ye Chen was so excited that he wept with joy. He never thought that the spiritual object he got could actually be made into a elixir on the spur of the moment.

One must know that this kind of elixir for bringing the dead back to life is very difficult to refine, not to mention its powerful effect.

"Quick! Return to the sect!"

Nirvana Pill: Take it to gain the power of Nirvana, bring the dead back to life, and have a chance to obtain the supernatural power of the inextinguishable fire phoenix! Ordinary people take it, and can directly break into the half-step king mirror! Taking it to the Martial King Realm, you can directly break through the Martial King Realm!

At this moment, Ye Chen was staring at the red egg in a daze, unexpectedly Cui Canyilin turned into an egg after taking the Nirvana Pill?

Tell others about this, and they will call you crazy!

The rebirth of the phoenix from the nirvana, this is about the same!

The resurrection is definitely possible, but I don't know if I will get the supernatural power of the unquenchable fire phoenix.

Days are back on track.

Now, a thousand lucky draw chances have been accumulated, Ye Chen is very precious, so I can't bear to draw.

Don't smoke, waste everything!

Let’s keep it for a while, it’s not warm yet! How could it be smoked like this!

Now the cave is very stable and developing very rapidly.

The defense line of Catacomb No. 3 has also stabilized a lot, and the confrontation with the demons is evenly matched.

It is estimated that the human race will have a stable life and rapid development for more than ten years.

Time is still very tight.

One day, Lin Yaer whispered something in Ye Chen's ear: Let's have a baby!

Ye Chen's ears turned red, he hugged Lin Ya'er and closed the door of the room. (10,000 words omitted here)

Three months later!

"It's been so long, Lao Huang doesn't know how to come back, it's so boring!"

Ye Chen was lying on the lawn, basking in the sun boredly.

Because it was too boring, Ye Chen went out for a walk alone!

Unexpectedly, it has been so long, not only the main mission, but also the side missions have not been seen.

I don't know, I thought the system was gone!

For some reason, I haven't contacted Lao Huang since the last time we parted. If it weren't for the system to see that Lao Huang is still alive, I would have been anxious!

When you are safe, you are free and safe; when you are busy, you are busy again!

How strange!

"Ding! An urgent mission is released: save Jian Jiuhuang and relieve the Blue Star crisis! (Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!)"

"Mission Reward: Mysterious Gift Pack!"

"Failure Punishment: Blue Star Invasion Intensifies!"

Ye Chen stood up abruptly, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the newly released task in disbelief.

It turned out to be a mission mode that I had never seen before, and it was still an urgent mission.

Looking at the three big and anxious people behind, I knew that things were not that simple, the situation was urgent and there was no need to delay.

I checked the coordinates of the mission, and it turned out to be so close to my own position, only three kilometers away.

But the distance is so close, why is there no movement at all?

This confuses Ye Chen!

Send the coordinates to the elders in the sect through the identity token, above the Martial King Realm, except for special emergencies, you must put down your work and go to the location of the coordinates immediately.

And Ye Chen has to go first!

When they came to the coordinates, there was no movement, Ye Chen was very puzzled.

Mission type is here.

As he walked, Ye Chen staggered, as if he had broken into some barrier.

A new world appeared before Ye Chen's eyes.

This place is full of endless breath of death, withered flowers and plants, lifeless.

"Fuck, what kind of place is this?"

Ye Chen was taken aback, this place made Ye Chen feel very disgusted.

...asking for flowers...

In the distance, there was the sound of violent fighting.

"Old Huang!"

Ye Chen knew that it must be Lao Huang who was fighting.

Running Qi and blood, he flew in the direction of the fighting sound in the blink of an eye.

What came into view were two bone dragons with a size of 100 meters!

The aura was truly terrifying, Ye Chen probed the past and was dumbfounded.

It turned out to be the early stage of the Holy Land!

However, Jian Jiuhuang's realm was only at the late stage of the Martial Emperor Realm, and he was inseparable from the two bone dragons at the early stage of the Holy Realm.

As expected of Lao Huang, he is strong enough!

"Sovereign, don't watch the show, I can't hold on to Lao Huang! There is an old man over there!"

A mouthful of thousand-year-old phlegm flashed by the bone dragon, and Lao Huang yelled at Ye Chen.

"Oh! Oh! Sorry, I'm fascinated!"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly, and then looked into the distance.

I saw an old man in black robe staring at Ye Chen viciously.

"Could it be a necromancer? Such bad luck?"

Ye Chen muttered softly, and saw that the old man raised his staff in the distance and muttered something.

The ground trembled for a while, and thousands of ghouls and thousands of skeleton soldiers suddenly emerged from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of undead knights appeared!

The faint blue flames in the eye sockets make people frightened!

"I lost it! It's a natural disaster of the undead, how can I fight this?"

Ye Chen looked at the thousands of troops above the seventh rank in front of him, and cursed loudly.

It stands to reason that these low-level soldiers cannot all be above the seventh rank. It seems that the problem comes from the necromancers!

Species: Undead!

Name: Necromancer!

Realm: Late Emperor Realm!

Evaluation: If you meet such a pervert alone, kill yourself! You can leave a whole body!

Seeing the information given by the system detection, Ye Chen really wanted to say: pull you now!

How can this be played?

The necromancers in the late stage of the imperial realm created two holy ranks as soon as they came up, which made people play.

Fortunately, Ye Chen's people are not vegetarian, and Kankan can block the attack of two holy rank bone dragons.

But a little more, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

No wonder the necromancer summoned a bunch of soldiers of the seventh and eighth ranks, but it turned out to be powerless.

"In that case, don't blame grandpa for being cruel!"

"Hey hey!"

"Wan Jian returns to Zong Jiu!".

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