Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 191 Bitter Choices, Both End!

Ye Chen struck first, emptied most of his energy and blood, and returned to the sect with a thousand swords.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of elite cannon fodder summoned by the Necromancer were all killed.

The necromancer stared at the sword intent in the sky dumbfounded.

"How is this possible, you are just a small half-step King Realm, who is your master?"

The hoarse voice of the necromancer reached Ye Chen's ears, Ye Chen smiled triumphantly, but did not answer.

Just hurry up and stuffed two recovery pills to make up for the lack of blood.

If you use Wan Jian Gui Zong's ability to explode the first skill, or the second skill later, you won't be sucked dry by the big move.

Ye Chen is very pleased with Wan Jian's return to the sect. This can not only hurt the group without a solution, but also can explode a single target. I really like it.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, the necromancer felt more worried.

Two "four forty" ten-year-old half-step King Realm is only a first-class genius, but it is unreasonable to break out the fighting power of Martial Emperor Realm with half-step King Realm.

Even Fashen couldn't do it when he was young.

And behind Ye Chen, there must be a more terrifying existence. If it is delayed, the plan will definitely fail.

The necromancer had a bitter expression on his face, and Ye Chen had an ominous premonition.

"This old guy is not going to shake people, is it? My men haven't come yet!"

Ye Chen was also a little anxious, and quickly stuffed two more pills, only staring at the necromancer.

I saw the necromancer, with his hands raised high, muttering something in his mouth, and a black magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet.

The smell is frightening.

"Sovereign, stop him, he wants to sacrifice himself!"

Jian Jiuhuang, who was in the fierce battle, quickly sounded a reminder, just when the necromancer formation appeared.

The two sacred bone dragons, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, their combat power increased sharply, and they became more and more fierce.

And Jian Jiuhuang is like a boat in a strong wind and waves, about to collapse.


"I knew, this rubbish mission is not that simple!"

Ye Chen was swearing loudly, no matter how well his qi and blood recovered, whether he would be sucked dry, he quickly used the second skill of Wan Jian Gui Zong (explosive seed!)

I saw thousands of long swords condensed together, and the ten thousand swords became one, greatly increasing their power.

He stabbed straight at the necromancer.


With a crisp sound, it was as if a transparent energy shield around the magic circle blocked Ye Chen's ultimate move.

At this time, the necromancer's whole body was shattered, and his blood was slowly released, condensing into drops of blood essence.


Ye Chen shouted loudly, and the huge sword behind Wan Jian Gui Ri exploded.

The huge wave that broke out knocked away Jian Jiuhuang and two bone dragons nearby.

Ye Chen also flew.

The familiar sense of emptiness spread throughout the body, and even the spirit was a little weak.

The ultimate move of the second skill is awesome, but it will kill people.

Who knows when, it will be sucked dry directly, and it will no longer suffer from emptiness.

The billowing smoke cleared away, and Ye Chen's heart fell straight to the bottom.

This is his strongest blow, even in the late stage of the imperial realm, he dare not take it hard, and the magic circle summoned by the necromancer is unscathed.

According to this situation, I am afraid that only the power of half a step above the holy realm can break through.

But on Jian Jiuhuang's side, don't talk about freeing up his hands, it's a matter of whether his life can be saved or not.

The Necromancer had dissipated, and a stream of blood mist surrounded more than a dozen drops of blood, sinking into the crack together.

There was a flash of lightning and thunder inside, and purple lightning filled the entire crack.

Ye Chen looked at the crack, and it actually got bigger little by little.

There were bursts of terrifying roars from inside, followed by more than a dozen explosions.

The cracks began to widen again.



Two pitch-black giant claws suddenly protruded from the crack, tightly grasping the edge of the crack.

"It's not trying to tear the crack open?"

Ye Chen's scalp tingled suddenly, and the terrifying aura coming from inside made Ye Chen tremble all over.

Across time and space, with only a pair of giant hands [breath], you can't go down to the high-level holy realm.

How terrifying it would be if the whole body came down.

Can Blue Star still stop him?

"System, is there a solution!"

"Jianghu emergency, people are going to die!"

Ye Chen can only pin his only hope on the system, but Ye Chen doesn't know whether the system can help.

You can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

"Ding! It is detected that the host is about to die, activate the second hand!"

"Option 1: Consume half of the energy of the system to forcibly elevate the host to the half-step divine realm..."

"Option 2: Consume half of the system's energy and exchange it for a god-level defensive formation, with a range of ten kilometers around the Wujizong!"

"Option 3: Consume all the energy of the system to upgrade the host to the early stage of the Martial God Realm.

Hearing the life-saving plan given by the system, Ye Chen's heart suddenly became half cold.

These three solutions didn't look that simple, so Ye Chen had no choice but to ask for specific points.

The system's cold voice continued.

"Option 1, the host will have the ability to repel the enemies in the crack, and there is a chance to slow down the expansion of the crack! But the system will be dormant for three years, and the host will have no strength during the dormant period!"

"Option 2, advance with retreat. The god-level defensive formation can resist the invasion of the peak of the gods, and the half-step star realm cannot be broken!"

"Option 3, only the God Realm can close the space crack. After the system runs out of energy, the host's strength will be gone, and the system recovery time is unknown!"

Hearing the system's explanation, Ye Chen's heart turned cold.

The three roads are not good roads. The first road is only for a moment of peace. Once the next invasion occurs, it will still be unable to stop it.

Still a dead end.

Just to live longer.

The second way is basically to give up the common people in the world and only protect one sect.

It's just a humble fire for the 2.1 human race, even if it lasts for a hundred years or a thousand years, until the cultivation base is successful.

Do the humans have the courage to face it?

Now, only the third way is the best policy, sacrificing oneself alone for the peace of the world.

However, he still has a chance of survival.

As long as you save your life before the system is restored, there is still a chance to come.

Ye Chen had already made up his mind, and looked at the distance with nostalgia, not knowing when he would return next time.

"System, stupid, I choose three!"

"Obey! My host, I wish you good luck!"

The system seemed to have a human touch, before Ye Chen wanted to say anything.

A huge amount of energy suddenly exploded in Ye Chen's body.

Another wave of pure energy protected Ye Chen from being exploded. .

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