Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 194: I Didn't Expect Our Old Ye To Be A Baby Face!

"Sister, my name is Du Jiaer, you can call me sister or master!"

Du Jia'er said that she kept moving her hands, and Ye Chen only had one little underwear left after a while.

As a seven-foot man, the majestic head of the Wuji Sect, how could he be handled by a beautiful lady?

I'll do it too!

Ye Chen rolled over violently, with waves of pain coming from his body, it seemed that the injury was still very serious.

However, he can't beat bandits now, and he can't beat a beautiful girl?

Tie her up first.

Thunderbolt soldiers and wolves fought for a while, and Ye Chen was tied up by Du Jiaer in just one minute.

"What the hell? How can you be a woman?"

Ye Chen's face is full of disbelief, are all women in this world so scary?

It seems that there must be a cultivation system that I don't know about, let's stop!

"I can't escape now, my sister is here, she will be gentle!"

(one night omitted here)...

"Hmph! Xiao Mian, I can't stand me! I'm still very powerful!"

Looking at Du Jia'er who fell asleep beside him, Ye Chen sighed, he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves.

We can't get cheap and act good, right? Fortunately, he is quite beautiful, otherwise this would be the shadow of Ye Chen's life.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but shudder.

"It's time to escape 037!"

After a while, Ye Chen got dressed. Looking at the huge room, Ye Chen had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Ye Chen opened the door, and what he saw was a big mansion.

From the looks of ancient times, it seems that there should be no such things as guns and guns in this world.

Three minutes later, Ye Chen walked back with an expression of unwillingness.

I didn't expect there to be guards here. Although I don't know the specific strength, but if I can be a guard, can I be weak?

It must be stronger than those three bandits.

Now, I can only feel sorry for myself.

Macho tears!

Three months passed in a blink of an eye!

Ye Chen has been in Qingyun Continent for three months, the first mission of the survival mission has been completed, and the mission rewards have also been obtained.

Not only can he perceive the weak fire element around him, he also masters the language of this continent.

I have to say, before getting the reward. Ye Chen couldn't understand a single word of the books in this continent, but he could communicate very well.

Really amazing.

After discussing with Du Jiaer and adding some books for Ye Chen, Ye Chen finally got to know this continent.

Sure enough, it is not a world (dbah).

This world is called Qingyun Continent, and Ye Chen's current location is located in Disheng Country in the northeast region of the mainland.

And the cultivation system of this world is what Ye Chen is most concerned about.

Battle Qi! Magic! Summoning! These are the three major cultivation systems of Qingyun Continent.

Among them, the status of battle spirit is the lowest, and most of them are cultivated by people without magic talent.

It is also the most important combat power component of the armies of various countries. If you have no fighting spirit, even the army does not want you.

Not to mention that some armies have strict regulations on the level of fighting spirit.

Anything below a certain level will not be charged at all!

The second is magic, which has a very high status, and everyone in the mainland is proud to be a magic.

Although in the early days, magicians are not strong and are easily bullied by warriors.

Once the level of a magician rises, fighters of the same level cannot beat them at all.

There is also a pharmacist, whose status is not much different from that of a magician. The higher the level of a pharmacist, the less he dares to provoke him.

After all, no one knows how many strong men he has befriended.

Finally, there are extremely rare summoners, and it is said that only Zhongzhou exists.

There is no place like Ye Chen in the northeast, and even if there is, they were immediately taken to Zhongzhou.

According to the records in the book, the cultivation levels are as follows:

Combat Qi: Level 1-3 junior fighters,

4-6 intermediate fighters,

7-9 advanced fighters.

The level above is said to be the silver warrior, the records in the book are very vague, and the strongest in the current Sheng Kingdom is only the peak of the 9th level warrior!

Magic: Level 1-3 junior magician,

Level 4-6 Intermediate Magician,

Level 7-9 Senior Magician,

Level 10 Magister.

The strongest magician in Disheng country is a level 10 magister, and it is not clear if it goes higher.

Ye Chen was filled with emotions. Although he could not become a warrior by his own efforts, he could practice magic!

Once you have figured out the magic system, wait for yourself to return to Blue Star.

Then Blue Star will have an extra cultivation system.

There is one more way to fight against the enemy, which is wonderful.

In this regard, Ye Chen began to fantasize, imagining that he would kill all directions in the Qingyun Continent, and no one could beat him.

Thinking about it, a strange smile came out of his mouth.

Now, Ye Chen is faced with a major event. If he doesn't handle it well, Ye Chen will definitely lose his life.

At the beginning, Du Jiaer stayed at Ye Chen's place every night, but three weeks ago, it turned into one night a week.

And Ye Chen also knew Du Jiaer's true identity.

She is the wife of the Mayor of Cangyue City in Disheng Kingdom!

When Ye Chen heard the news, he said that my life was over, and I became the lord of the city on the first day I came to another world.

After that, it was even more like this every day. Although he was only the lord of a small town, he also had the realm of a seventh-level senior fighter.

Let the city lord know about this, and it will be over directly.

For this reason, Ye Chen has been living in fear.

"No, I have to save myself, I want to learn magic!"

Ye Chen made up his mind to hold his fate in his own hands, so he asked Du Jiaer for a magic book.

Start practicing fire magic.

"Ding! Mission (1): Promote to level 1 magician!"

"Task Reward: Fire Elemental Affinity Increased to (Medium!)"

"Ding! Task (2): Learn three types of fire magic!"

"Mission reward: ten third-tier fire magic cores!"

Seeing the rewards for the mission, Ye Chen said that he was very happy. It seems that the mission is not difficult, and the rewards are so rich.

It is indeed a survival mission plug-in, it is really life-saving!

Ever since Ye Chen began to practice magic, Ye Chen's life has started three points and one line.

Eat, practice, sleep.

Eat, practice, and sleep with Du Jiaer.

a week later!

"Ding! Fire element affinity has been raised to medium!"

"Sure enough, kung fu doesn't take a lot of effort, after a week of hard work, I finally became a real magician.

Ye Chen's sense of accomplishment came up all of a sudden, and it felt great to advance through his own efforts.

However, this elemental affinity is really important. It was too slow to cultivate the low-level talents before.

Especially after being promoted to the first level, if the talent is not upgraded to the middle level, relying on the low talent.

If you want to upgrade to level 2, you need at least two months!

Yes, it is that difficult!

Absorbing the fire element in the air is very slow, unless there is a magic core, the speed of cultivation is very slow.

As for the magic core, it should be obtained by quests.

Of course, they are all next to rich women, and they have to get the benefits they deserve! .

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