Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 195 Help! The Rich Woman And Daughter Are Here, What Should I Do?

Soon, another three months passed.

After Ye Chen's unremitting efforts, the fire element affinity has also been raised to a high level.

The magic level has also reached the level 4 magician, and finally has the initial self-protection ability in this different world.

It is said that advanced talents can cultivate to the realm of a magister.

But for Ye Chen, it's still far away, the lower the level, the slower the speed of cultivation.


The bedroom door was kicked open roughly.

Ye Chen, who was still practicing, was shocked, but fortunately, he didn't go crazy.

Otherwise, it would be too unlucky to become the first time traveler in another world to be frightened to death~.

"You're the man who made mother hang around?-"

A sixteen-year-old beauty with long hair reaching her waist said to Ye Chen angrily.

Ye Chen was extremely embarrassed at that time, as if caught in bed.

He was also caught by his daughter-in-law.

"Miss, you can't say that, I was kidnapped!"

"I don't know anything!"

How could Ye Chen admit it directly, of course he had to minimize his mistakes.

Who knows what level of cultivator this girl is, what if she is so angry that she kills herself with a knife?

"Oh? Kidnapped?"

"Then my mother must have been touched by you? You scum, she has a family!"

As the girl gritted her teeth, Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat, broken.

So the girls don't know!

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't admit it!

My life is over!

"What do you want to do, I've been imprisoned here for half a year!"

"Are you here to let me go?"

Ye Chen quickly changed the topic, and tested the girl's thoughts.

"Heh! You want to leave after doing something bad, so stay!"

Immediately afterwards, he took out a staff and began to chant spells quickly.

"I'll go, let's do it if we don't agree, are you so irritable?"

Ye Chen was speechless. He really didn't want to fight. Looking at the magic fluctuations, he was definitely above the middle level magician.

And he only practiced for three months.


"Explosive Bomb!"

With a cry, a group of restless fire suddenly attacked Ye Chen.


Ye Chen could only hastily use the only defensive skill he had learned.

A small wall of flames immediately blocked the explosive bomb, and Ye Chen hurriedly jumped out of the window.


The explosive bomb touched the fire wall and exploded violently.

Ye Chen smiled contemptuously, compared with himself, who has lived two lives, he should go home and drink milk!

The violent magic fluctuations attracted all the guards in the house.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to evade the guards and easily escaped through the side door.

"Cough cough cough! Bastard, I'm going to kill you, cough cough, you!"

There was thick smoke billowing in the room, and she was also slightly injured by the aftermath of the blast bomb at close range.

Coughing and being helped out by the guards.

"Princess, why are you here? What happened? Is there an assassin?"

The guard hurriedly asked, if the princess had an accident in his own territory, ten of his lives would not be enough for the city lord to kill.

"Search for me, and bring back that little boy in that room!"

She was a magician at the beginning of the sixth level of Yuan Huantang, the first genius in Cangyue City, and she was tricked by a little boy!

She would not admit that she was careless, lost her mind, and forgot that explosive bombs should never be used in the room.

If the students of the academy knew about this, they might laugh at her!

The hatred for Ye Chen grew stronger in my heart.

"I'm out at last! Fresh air!"

"Today is a memorable day, and the journey to another world has officially begun!"

Ye Chen, who escaped, was very excited, and was finally about to start a real life.

The days of the little boy, although very cool, but there is no freedom!

How can I live in a gentle country?

To find a way, it is important to pay close attention to restoring the energy of the system.

"Hurry up, hurry up, search and arrest the whole city! Martial law in the whole city!"

"You! Stop!"


On the bustling street, there was chaos for a while.

Several teams of guards began to check passers-by, and the nearest team was less than 100 meters away!

"It's over, what's the matter! Didn't I just sleep with a woman! I didn't do it voluntarily!"

Ye Chen sighed, muttered a few words, and quietly dodged into an alley.

"Please, my lord, please please, have pity on me!"

An old man with a stooped back was begging.

There is only one copper coin in the bowl!

...asking for flowers...

It is estimated that this copper coin cannot even afford a steamed bun in this city.

If this is okay in the village, a copper coin can buy a steamed bun.

Ye Chen only knows copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. There is a hundredfold difference between them.

As for whether there is a higher currency, it is not clear to Ye Chen.

In the city, the price of goods has soared at least three times, but there are many good things that are not available in the village.

Ye Chen's head lit up, he thought of a good way, he still has one hundred silver coins in his pocket.

Not much, but enough.

Ye Chen stopped the beggar, gave him ten silver coins, and exchanged clothes with him!

Under the gratitude of the beggar, Ye Chen endured the stench on his clothes and began to dress up.



First of all, I played the role of a beggar, and my hair and face had to be dirty.

After a while, Tuan Kankan got used to the stench on his body.

Only then did he bow his back and walk unsteadily to the gate of the city.

Start queuing!

"Hey! Vomit!"

"Why is it so stinky, what the hell! Who pulled down his pants!"

"Why are the beggars still queuing, get rolling!"

The people around couldn't bear it anymore, the smell on Ye Chen's body was too coquettish.

Everyone can't take it anymore.

"Officer, please let me out. The things in the city are too expensive, I'm starving to death!"

Ye Chen said hoarsely.

"Hurry up, let's go, don't come to Cangyue City, you'll die!"

The city defense army released Ye Chen out of the city with a look of disgust, and threw ten copper coins into his bowl.

Just like that, Ye Chen finally got out.

"Ouch! No, I can't take it anymore."

Ye Chen was already five kilometers away from Cangyue City at this time, and he really couldn't bear the smell on his body.

But he doesn't have any other clothes, so he can't take them off and run naked!

But he really couldn't bear the smell on his body, he knew that he was bringing a change of clothes.

It wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Just as Ye Chen was struggling to run naked, a familiar voice came from afar.

"Hey! I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, you should leave money to buy roads!"

Ye Chen immediately regained his spirits, why are these words so familiar?

Isn't this a bandit who sold himself to a rich woman?

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