Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 197 The All-Beauty Mercenary Regiment Is So Delicious!

"Yes, put your hand on the crystal ball and input the elemental force!"

A man in his sixties and seventies, with white hair and wearing a magic robe, patiently guided Ye Chen to test.

After a while, the crystal ball emitted four fiery red rays of light.

"That's right, I have cultivated to a level 4 magician at a young age! Keep working hard!"

"Next, go to the combat proficiency testing area. As long as you activate the magic with intermediate power, you can be certified as a second-level mercenary!"

The old man smiled and stroked his beard, talking while walking.

"Ah, I haven't learned intermediate magic, attack magic, only two kinds of elementary magic!"

Ye Chen touched his forehead and said in embarrassment.

The old man looked at Ye Chen meaningfully, and then said: "It's okay, elementary magic can reach the power of intermediate magic, not to mention, even a first-level mercenary is fine!"

He has seen a lot of people like Ye Chen who lack magic skills.

No wonder Ye Chen came to an organization like the Mercenary Corps. He turned out to be an ordinary person with no money to practice magic!

Not long after, the old man led Ye Chen to another spacious place.

There is also a huge magic cover here, in case the magic power of the test is too strong, causing damage to 31 people around.

"Alright, launch your strongest attack against that huge Sorcerer's Stone!"

After finishing speaking, the old man stepped outside the magic hood.

It wasn't that he was too careful, but that there was a staff member who accompanied the test and was affected by the flames.

That burned badly.

"Fireball is a range of damage, and its power is definitely not comparable to others.

"I can only try it with magic arrows. I don't know if the power will be enhanced after becoming an intermediate magician.

Ye Chen pondered for a while, and decided to use the magic arrow. There was no way, who made him poor!

"Magic Arrow!"

As Ye Chen recited the mantra in a low voice, in just three seconds, a two-meter-long magic arrow of fire element condensed around his body.

Lock on target, Whoosh!

The magic arrow slammed into the Philosopher's Stone.

One, two, three.

Immediately afterwards, three rays of light appeared, and the old man outside the field sighed.

Sure enough, with elementary magic, it is difficult to reach the power of intermediate magic.


With a crisp sound, the magic stone lit up with a ray of light, reaching four.

"That's right, you can reach the power of intermediate magic with elementary magic, you are young and promising!"

The old man's eyes were full of shock.

This kind of ability is not something that ordinary magicians can do.

"This is your second-level mercenary badge, and you can receive a subsidy of 5,000 copper coins every month!"

"Although it's not much, it's still a small benefit for the Mercenary Union!"

The old man handed the mercenary badge to Ye Chen, gave a few more instructions, and left in a hurry.

Ye Chen let out a foul breath, his career as a mercenary had officially begun.

After wearing the badge, he went to the mercenary hall.

As soon as he entered, hundreds of eyes focused on Ye Chen, and Ye Chen frowned. This feeling was not very comfortable.

"Brother! I am the leader of the Fire Wolf Mercenary Group, join our group, the benefits are great!"

"Don't listen to him, brother, his mercenary group is only a sixth-level fighter at the highest level, and it's pitifully weak. The leader of our Storm Mercenary Group is a seventh-level senior fighter, a group of strong ones!"

"Brother, come to our mercenary regiment, we also have seventh-level fighters, safe and reliable."

"Brother, although our Cardiff mercenary regiment has only sixth-level fighters at the highest, our regiment has many beauties! As long as you come to our mercenary regiment, we will immediately arrange two beautiful bodyguards for you to protect your safety."

"I came first, you get out of the way, don't squeeze me!"

"Last time, the magician was snatched by you in this shameless way, and you will come again this time, just dream!"

More than a dozen mercenary regiments mingled together in a mess, all wanting to snatch Ye Chen's sweet pastry.

The magicians who come to the mercenary group are all potential stocks, even if they are weak in talent, they can still help the mercenary group.

What's more, there are magicians who are restricted because of poverty. Once they are recruited and the magicians are trained, the mercenary group will skyrocket.

Just when everyone was arguing, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

The crisp sound is like high heels.


"He, I want it!"

The arrogant voice spread throughout the hall.

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

"Who dares to rob someone with us, don't die..."

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was covered by the person in the same company.

It's terrible, that's the big devil Song Qian'er, bow your head quickly, don't 11

"Isn't it just a woman? As for... woo woo woo!"

As Song Qian'er came in, the people around scattered away, not daring to stay longer.

Seeing this, Song Qian'er smiled unconsciously at the corner of her mouth. gorgeous!

This is the unified idea in everyone's mind.

"Fourth-level fire magician? That's right, you belong to my sister! Be obedient, follow my sister, eat hot and drink spicy food!

Song Qian'er hugged Ye Chen, and with the latter's surprised expression, she hugged Ye Chen and left.

"Zizizi! It's a blessing, not a disaster, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided!"

"What's wrong with this, I'm so happy, the Rose Mercenary Group are all beauties!"

"Little kid, you don't understand the dangers of society! You will understand later!"

In the mercenary hall, the big guys gossiped for a while, and then dispersed, what to do.

As for Ye Chen, Song Qian 047 took him into a carriage and drove to the outskirts of the city.

"Ah, Captain, you are finally back, I miss you so much!"

As soon as he got off the carriage, he saw the two puppies rushing into Song Qian'er's arms.

After a closer look, they turned out to be two little girls who are less than 1.4 meters tall.

really small.

"Huh? Commander, is this the coolie and shield you kidnapped? So handsome!"

The two little lolitas focused on Ye Chen, got down from Song Qian'er's arms, and came to Ye Chen.

Then the two big eyes stared at Ye Chen blinking.

"Um! Commander, why don't you introduce me?"


Song Qian'er left the room without saying a word.

"Big brother! Big brother, you are a second-level mercenary, so amazing!"

"Big brother! Big brother, are you a warrior or a magician!"

"Big brother! Big brother, you look so handsome, can you?"

The enthusiastic appearance of the two little cats made it difficult for Ye Chen to resist, and he quickly recited in his heart.

"Starting in three years, the maximum death penalty!"

"Starting in three years, the maximum death penalty!"

Finally, in a series of footsteps, Ye Chen was saved.

"Let me introduce you, Ye Chen, a level 4 fire magician, will be our new team member from now on.

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