Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 198 So Happy, Really So Happy!

"It's great, our regiment will have handsome male players in the future!"

"Put your hats on, don't scare our new team members!"

Ye Chen counted, and the entire rose mercenary group plus himself, there were only eleven people.

The number of people is too small, there is only one mercenary team.

No wonder everyone is so beautiful!

"Wang Gantang, female, 20 years old, the sixth-level peak champion!"

"Wang Jingsi, female, 19 years old, sixth-level early fighter!"

"Li Qianqian, female, 20 years old, a fifth-level peak fighter!"

"Meng Silu, female, 17 years old, a fourth-level peak fighter!"

"Nanboer, female, 16 years old, fifth-level early fighter!"

The above are the internal fighters, responsible for melee combat and protecting the safety of the magician.

"Lu Chunxi, female, 14 years old, level 3 fire magician!"

"Qibei, female, 14 years old, earth-level magician!"

"Gu Jiajia, female, 16 years old, a level 4 wind magician!"

"Gao Yuanyuan, female, 20 years old, a top level 5 lightning magician!"

The above are the magicians in the four regiments. Although most of them are not high-level, they have great potential.

Once developed, the lethality is still considerable.

Especially Gao Yuanyuan, a very rare thunder magician, is only one step away from entering the ranks of level 6 magicians.

Once she stepped into level 6, she, a thunder magician, would officially burst out with her own brilliance.

very strong.

As for the head of the group, Song Qian'er, she turned out to be a dual-line magician with both Feng Shui and Feng Shui at the top of the sixth level.

At the same time, he cultivated the two departments together to the peak of the sixth level, and his talent was very high.

You must know that the resources they practice are all obtained by their own efforts.

If it weren't for the shortage of resources, their strength is estimated to be able to rise to another level!

"Okay, okay, it's all scattered, hurry up and pack your things, we are going on a mission!"

Seeing all the team members eagerly surrounding Ye Chen, Song Qianer patted her forehead helplessly, not knowing whether it was right or wrong to bring Ye Chen.

When the crowd dispersed reluctantly, Song Qianer came to Ye Chen and handed Ye Chen two magic books.

"These are two intermediate-level fire magic books. As a meeting gift for the group, they are good for cultivation, and I hope to help the group as soon as possible~!"

After speaking, Song Qian'er walked away with two big white legs.

"I'm already an intermediate magician, can't I help the group?"

Ye Chen was a little puzzled, then shook his head and focused on the two magic books.

The skills engraved on the magic book can be learned better and faster.

So this magic book is very expensive.

Seeing that the mercenary world is friendly to magicians, he came to the right place.

Seeing everyone happily packing up their things, Ye Chen seemed to think of the past.

"Let's practice hard, the strength is still not enough, Song Qian'er, you are a kid!"

Ye Chen smiled softly, found a secluded place, and practiced magic.

Soon, half a day passed, and everyone began to embark on the journey.

First, they spent money to hire two carriages to send everyone outside the Warcraft Mountains.

The rest of the journey will depend on walking.

"Ahhh! Head, this time we are going into the woods!"

"Yes, yes, the road is very difficult, and there are big mosquitoes at night!"

Seeing the endless mountains, the two little lolis were very desperate, if they were to go to plains and other areas.

It can also be used as a horse-drawn carriage, but now, the legs are going to be useless!

"Learn to persevere, be good, and after completing the task, treat you to a big meal! Go out and play!"

Song Qian'er rubbed the heads of the two little ones and said softly.

"Hooray! Eat a feast! Hang out!"

The two little ones shouted loudly in unison, and then followed quietly in the middle of the team.

The five warrior sisters protected the magician in the middle of the team, and the team went on like this.

The outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains are very large, and basically all the Warcraft below level 7 survive.

Song Qian'er wasn't worried at all, she didn't care whether she could beat her or not, even if she couldn't touch her.

Because once encountering a seventh-level monster, it means that the team has advanced to the deepest part of the outer circle, and it is not far from the inner circle of the monster mountain range.

"Our first mission is to hunt and kill a hundred Water Arrow Rabbits!"

"The level is not high, only one or two, let Xiao Xi and Xiao Bei practice their skills!"

Song Qian'er looked at the map, studied it, and said.

"Yes! Captain!"

The two little ones were full of morale and said loudly.

Soon, groups of little blue bunnies appeared in front of everyone.

Not far away, there is a small lake.

From time to time, other carnivorous monsters pass by.

"This is a monster! It's much more docile than Blue Star's monster."

Ye Chen compared them and couldn't help sighing.


"Earth Crack!"

After the ten-second incantation was finished, a fireball the size of a soccer ball rushed towards Water Arrow Rabbit.

Groups of Water Arrow Rabbits finally sensed the danger, and hurriedly scattered and fled.

Unexpectedly, the ground shook violently within a radius of three meters, and dense cracks appeared in front of everyone.

The escape was blocked, and the fireball technique accurately hit eight water arrow rabbits, killing them on the spot.

And the rest only two or three were affected, and there was no serious problem.

Half of the surrounding Water Arrow Rabbits fled away, and there were still a dozen or so that showed the appearance of fierce wolves facing the two little ones.

"々, eat rabbits tonight!"

While Xiaoxi was excited, even the magic became much smoother, and she used the fireball technique again in only eight seconds.

"Dirt wall!"

After the fireball burst out, a two-meter-wide and two-meter-high earthen wall appeared in front of the two little ones.

More than a dozen light blue water arrows slammed into the dirt wall, causing quite a few cracks.

The two little ones chanted a mantra and moved their positions.

After precise coordination, more than 20 water arrow rabbits around were beheaded in just five minutes.

(Did it happen) The two little ones couldn't help jumping up and down happily when they saw the victory.

"The magic power is running out, don't hurry up and recover!"

Song Qian'er gave the two little ones a head-on blow. Seeing the aggrieved appearance of the two little ones, Ye Chen laughed outright.

"What are you laughing at, you'll be the one to play later, and you'll be the one to fight!"

Song Qianer said fiercely to Ye Chen.

He choked Ye Chen at once, and rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

His two middle-level magic books are only learned in a rough way, and he is not very proficient yet!

"Hey? Ye Chen! Your training partner is here!"

Song Qian'er smiled evilly, Ye Chen trembled three times when she saw it.

There is an ominous premonition that this bad girl must have no good intentions.

After a while, a three-meter-tall black bear appeared in front of Ye Chen.

"I lost it! Level 5 Warcraft, Earth Burst Bear! Captain, are you kidding me?"

Wang Gantang glanced at it and shouted in surprise. .

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