Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 209 Elf Archers Enter The Rose Mercenary Group!

"Okay! Isn't it just a place to live in? At this stage, there are so many places and many choices! The same clan can only help each other!"

After speaking, Ye Chen went to other places.

Ye Chen is here, the elves are still under a lot of pressure.

Now the base has only begun to be built around the tree of life, which means that the scope of the holy land has just begun to develop.

That's why these basic arms have the opportunity to live here.

In the future, they will have no chance to live in such a beautiful house.

Cherish it!

The archers lived in this place, and they were a bit tyrannical. After all, they couldn't practice.

Such a cultivation environment is wasted.

As for the elf residents with two thousand gold coins each, although Ye Chen is very greedy, he still needs to produce elves.

I don't know what kind of talented elf inhabitants can be produced.

Once you get a god level, send it directly!

But there is a shortage of wood at this stage.

Or wait until there are enough elves to produce again!

In this way, Ye Chen stayed in the base for another three days, and the development of the base was very rapid.

Tyrande, who led the troops to level up, is also back.

Ye Chen knew that it was time for 993 to leave.

With the Rose Mercenary Group, Ye Chen still can't let them go, besides, the task of finding gold mines depends on them!

"Master, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life! Another 22 full-level soldiers have been added!"

Tyrande got off the white tiger and stretched his waist. This touching figure almost made Ye Chen choke on his own saliva.

"Ahem! Well done Tyrande, the Ancient War Tree has produced a lot of soldiers, and I will be troubled next time!"

"Don't worry, master, there is Tyrande in the base, everything will be fine!"

Tyrande promised.

"Oh? There are three more huntresses?"

Seeing the lineup behind Tyrande, Ye Chen couldn't help being a little curious.

Eighteen ordinary level-6 peak archers and one level-7 peak elite archer!

All that remains are three huntresses riding black panthers!

"It turned out to be the peak of the eighth level!"

Ye Chen shouted in surprise.

"Master, the highest level of an ordinary huntress is the peak level eight, and the elite huntress is the peak level nine!"

"However, the probability of elite archers is relatively high, while the probability of elite huntresses is much smaller!"

Tyrande explained softly on the side.

"I see!"

According to this, the talent of high-level arms is higher, and the upper limit that can be achieved is also higher.

Ye Chen is even more looking forward to the birth of high-level units!

"By the way, Tyrande, I will leave these soldiers!"

Ye Chen suddenly thought of something and said to Tyrande.

"These twenty-two soldiers?"

"Yes! Any questions?"

"No problem, master! Tyrande will work harder and train more soldiers!"

Tyrande rested for a while, and then continued to lead several teams of soldiers to the periphery!

And Ye Chen also took the two teams of full-level soldiers back to the Rose Mercenary Group.

"Ye Chen! Where did you abduct so many beauties!"

Back home, Song Qianer was both excited and jealous when she saw so many people brought by Ye Chen.

The looks of these beauties are no worse than those of the Rose Mercenary Corps, and their charm is even higher.

The proud long legs, and the magical pointed ears.

Song Qian'er was all in admiration.

"How about it! Interesting enough! I know that our mercenary group is short of people, no, twenty-two is enough!"

Ye Chen said proudly.

By the way, he pulled over a taller elf archer: "Ash, archer, upgrade to the pinnacle!"

"What? She's a seventh-level peak archer?"

Song Qianer shouted in disbelief.

You must know that most of the fighters are melee fighters, and there are only a few long-range fighters like archers.

Most of the archers in the army are just low-level soldiers, but the weapons are replaced by (dbbc) bows and arrows. There are still a few real archers!

And the threat level of archers is not even much weaker than that of magicians.

"The three of them are cavalry!"

"Ah! Use cavalry who can point magic!"

Ye Chen didn't know how to introduce it for a while, saying that huntresses are warriors, right? They don't know how to fight.

Are they magicians? They are stronger than warriors.

And only two kinds of magic, one kind of detection magic sentinel!

An attack magic, Moonblade!

And riding a leopard!

"Magic cavalry? What kind of profession is this?"

It was Song Qian'er's turn to be in a daze, she had never heard of it.

But feeling the strong elemental fluctuations in the huntress' body, and looking at the black panther riding on it, the aura is not much worse than that of a level 20 monster!

"Hehe, hehe!"

Song Qian'er smiled awkwardly. To be honest, she really couldn't see through the people Ye Chen brought.

They don't look like humans, she has never heard of a race with pointed ears!

But this is not important, what is important is that the Rose Mercenary Group is about to rise!

More than a dozen peak archers at the sixth level and one peak archer at the seventh level.

Plus three eighth-level peak, uh! Magic cavalry.

In Yumo City, not even the mercenary group in the surrounding cities directly dominated it!

There is no mercenary group that has three peak level eight members at the same time!

No, in the eighth level, there is also the magician Ye Chen!

It didn't take long before Ye Chen was promoted to the eighth level. This talent is really terrifying.

I'm afraid only geniuses in the inner domain can do it!

Thinking about it, I had a great longing for Zhongyu.

All the beauties of the Rose Mercenary Group happily arranged the elves in their rooms, and then held a brief meeting.

In this way, the talents of the mercenary group gradually became familiar with the elves.

"Qian'er, do you know where there is a gold mine nearby?"

Before going to bed, Ye Chen called Lin Qianer to ask about the situation of the gold mine.

"Well, let me think about it!"

Song Qian'er was a little overwhelmed by the sudden change of title, obviously this title was nothing.

But she couldn't help thinking about it.

But thinking of what Ye Chen asked, he slowly calmed down and began to think.

"Gold mines are unattainable for mercenary groups. A small mercenary group like ours has no chance to find gold mines."

"Not to mention defending a gold mine, even those big mercenary groups have little hope!"

"It is very likely to ruin the life of the entire mercenary group!"

"These gold mines, except for some small gold mines, are all occupied by kingdoms or big forces!"

Hearing what Song Qianer said, Ye Chen fell into deep thought.

It seems that unowned gold mines are very difficult to find, and most of the owned gold mines are occupied by powerful forces, and gold mines exceeding one million tons must be monopolized by the royal family!

It is difficult to get gold mines!.

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