Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 210 Encounter Heiyun Chilian Snake By Chance, It's A Bad Start!

Unless there is a war!

Once this idea appeared, it never lingered in Ye Chen's mind.

A bold idea suddenly burst into my mind.

Maybe after the army is formed, we can test the strength of the nearby kingdoms.

Let's see if it is feasible to support war with war!

Although there are many monsters in the Warcraft Mountains, there are still a certain number of them.

Once it's all killed, it's gone forever.

Therefore, Ye Chen had to suppress the number of monsters killed so that they would not be unable to reproduce.

Rabbits still don't eat the grass beside the nest!

In the future, if the elves want to level up, they will have to use outside ideas!

In recent weeks, at the suggestion of Ye Chen, all members of the Rose Mercenary Group set off.

Went to the north of Yumo City, hundreds of kilometers away from Yumo City.

This is also a forest, called the Eternal Forest, although it is much smaller than the Warcraft Mountains.

But the monsters here should not be underestimated. It is rumored that a tenth-level monster was found here, that is, a king-level monster!

And there are no low-level monsters here at all, the lowest level is level four!

This also resulted in a small number of adventurers going here, but the quality is good.

"Can you find gold mines here? It doesn't look like it!"

Ye Chen looked at the whole stretch of forest around him, and asked in doubt.

"Huh! Although the chance is very small, so far, it is the most likely place to find unowned gold mines in the known area!"

Song Qian'er let out a mouthful of turbid air and said softly.

"In that case, kill it!"

As he said that, Ye Chen excitedly wanted to lead the elf soldiers to kill the monsters.

"Hey hey! You don't want to die!"

"It is rumored that there are tenth-level monsters here!"

Song Qian'er hurriedly grabbed Ye Chen, and she was so frightened that fine sweat broke out on her forehead.

He looked around nervously and found that there was nothing wrong, so he let go of Ye Chen.

"Tenth-level Warcraft? It's a little troublesome!"

Hearing what Song Qianer said, Ye Chen gradually calmed down.

Although Ye Chen really wanted the valuables on Warcraft, but his life was the most important thing.

In case, under the massacre, the tenth-level monsters are drawn out, all of them will be GG!

It's a pity that the hero Tyrande is not here, otherwise the Warcraft here will definitely let her rise to level ten, and then conquer here.

I just don’t know if the area of ​​trees in this area is enough to develop sub-bases!

This made Ye Chen a little curious.

But it's too early to talk about it, the most important thing right now is to find gold mines!

By the way, let the sisters of the mercenary regiment practice their hands. The practice during this period has benefited each of them.

The level has also been raised a bit.

After a battle, he is still practicing, and even the level will go up to another level!

Ye Chen also acquiesced to Song Qian'er's proposal, and his magic combat level also had to be improved.

Here is the best practice ground.

After a while, more than a dozen landscape pictures with thick thighs collided with Ye Chen and others.

Several beauties who penetrated were trembling!

"Ah! It's a snake, so scary!"

All of a sudden, several exclamations came from the team.

Song Qian'er blushed for a while, her neck was thick, and her face was completely lost.

Look at the people brought by Ye Chen, there is nothing wrong with it, and half of her team members are afraid of snakes!

"This is a wind snake, most of them are level 4 to level 6, and occasionally you can meet a level 7 wind snake!"

"The seventh-level wind snake can release a strong wind blade, which is quite lethal!"

Song Qian'er explained from the side.

Immediately afterwards, the group of snakes also discovered Ye Chen and the others, and began to attack them quickly.

Lu Chunxi and Qibei are not scared at all, and even a little excited.

Awow rushed up.

At this time, they have become a fourth-level intermediate magician, and at the same time, they have also learned a little powerful magic.

"Fire Control!"

"Earth Spirit Binding!"

Following a sudden change in the ground, more than a dozen big hands sprang out from the ground, locking the wind snake firmly.

And more than a dozen flames danced in the air continuously, unexpectedly enveloping the bound snakes.

For a moment, a hissing sound filled the entire forest, and the piercing sound made all the girls feel a little scared.

Grilled snake! It smells so good!"

The two little ones were so greedy that they were almost drooling, excitedly looking at the group of snakes that were almost roasted.

The two magics cooperated well, and the lethality was enough, but the range was not large, and there were still more than 2,000 wind snakes killing everyone.


"Wind Blade!"

Two mid-level spells were released, and the remaining wind snakes were sucked into the air and chopped into several pieces by a huge wind blade.

...asking for flowers...

Only a few writhed and lingered.

When everyone was about to clean up the battlefield and search for loot, there were bursts of noise around them!

"Not good, it must have alarmed some kind of large monster, let's retreat first!"

Song Qian'er suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said.

"It's too late, it's already here!"

Ye Chen stared at the distance and said calmly.

Just now, the silent system released another survival mission!

[Release the survival mission: kill the ninth-level monster Heiyun Chilian Snake!]

[Reward: Three elite human knights!]

"Wow, it turned out to be a human race!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the mission could reward the troops of the human race, but the number is a bit too small.

Although I don't know what level this elite knight is.

It is a fool not to take rewards.

With so many people, why can't they kill a small ninth-level monster?

"Okay! Act like I didn't say it!"

When he saw the true appearance of the monster, he took a deep breath, and saw a giant snake more than two meters thick and more than twenty meters long appearing in front of everyone.

Gu Jiajia and the other women's legs were so frightened that this is a level nine monster!

It is still a top-level magical beast like the Black Cloud Chilian Snake!

According to legend, a terrifying guy who can reach level eleven.

"Get rid of it!"

With Ye Chen's order, the elf soldiers set up battle formations and launched an attack on Hei Yun Chi Lian Snake!

Song Qian'er was dumbfounded, what are you guys doing?

This is a level nine monster!

"Song Qian'er, why are you still standing there stupidly? Take your team members away!"

Ye Chen shouted, and then the magic wand in his hand began to condense terrifying elements.

But the elf archer door hid far away, and kept shooting arrows at the black cloud and red snake.

It's a pity that the thunder is loud and the rain is little. Except for the archer who is the seventh-level peak, the rest are just tickling.

Even the seventh-level archer can only leave a little scar.

Therefore, their main target is its eyes!

Disrupt its actions!

The three huntresses riding a black panther kept dodging the attacks of the ninth-level monsters, and it was the three of them who gave Ye Chen the precious time knife!.

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