Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 212: Battle In The Ertav Valley!

Song Qian'er was a little irritable, and Yumo City was the home of the big guys.

Did you just give up?

She is not reconciled!

Seeing Song Qianer's sad look, Ye Chen got out of the car and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine! Let's go back to the city first!"

"it is good!"

Song Qian'er knew that now was not the time to be sad, the most important thing was to go back to Yumo City first, and then make plans!

After a day of rushing, he finally returned to Yumo City.

At this time, Yumo City has activated a first-level security and recruited a large number of defenders.

This is also the home of most people, and no one wants to leave their hometown.

Therefore, Zhao Tian is very happy.

All departments are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Yumo City's original 50,000 city defense force, plus the newly recruited 100,000 recruits, is only 150,000!

And the orc army is at least a million!

Although the main force of the orcs is jointly fought by the main forces of the two countries.

But there will definitely be a small group of enemy troops who will come to harass.

Yumo City bears the brunt, but as long as the main force is undefeated, Yumo City will be fine!

"Ye Chen, let's fight against the orcs together with other mercenary groups! 31"

Seeing Song Qianer's expectant eyes, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled, rubbed her little head: "Okay!"

Altaff Valley!

There are heavy soldiers ambushing here, a total of 200,000 elites, ready to catch the orcs by surprise.

On both sides of the valley, there were 50,000 archers, who prepared elaborate gifts for the orcs.

"General, it's been three days, why the orcs haven't come yet, nothing will happen!"

The lieutenant recently felt his right eyelid twitch like something bad happened!

"You can't be confused, the big battle is coming, if you are confused, what will the soldiers below do?"

"In this ambush, we don't need to win, but win beautifully. Eating these 100,000 orcs will greatly relieve the pressure on the main battlefield!"

Although he is the main general, Zheng Guangrong is also very disturbed, but he can't show it.

Once he is also in chaos, the army's morale will be scattered.

"Let everyone persevere, it should be coming soon!"

Just as Zheng Guangrong finished speaking, the scouts in the distance rushed over from afar.

"General, the orcs are coming!"

Everyone immediately cheered up.

"Everyone, hide well, wait for the orcs to enter the valley completely, kill them!"


The army was hidden in an instant, and everyone was very excited. After waiting for so long, it finally came.

This time the orc must look good!

"Fogg! The Ertave Valley lies ahead!"

"I know! Henk, it's up to you later!"

"Oh, look!"

After speaking, ride an eight-meter-long double-headed dragon to hide in the air!

A few huge green-skinned orcs commanded tens of thousands of orc infantry behind them, excitedly marching towards the valley.

Several orc leaders smiled heartily, showing ferocious expressions.

The army continued to move forward, at a slightly faster speed.

After a while, they came out of the valley.

"Hmm! This is the Ertav Valley! It's a beautiful place!"

Seeing this beautiful scenery, an orc leader fell into obsession!

"Rett, don't look at it, after you take down this valley, you can look at it however you want!"

Fogg patted its head and teased.

"Hey, yes, General!"

Rhett scratched his head in embarrassment, then looked excitedly at the valley.

"Why don't humans come?"

"It's probably because we haven't entered the valley yet! This is indeed a place, the best place to bury corpses!"

Fogg looked into the distance with some trepidation, then looked back at the sky, feeling relieved.

"go ahead!"

Fogg gave an order, and the army marched forward!

"General! Why did this group of orcs stop? They won't find out! Let's attack!"

The lieutenant looked nervously at the orc army in the distance, and his palms began to sweat.

"Hold on, thanks to the fact that you are the only silver soldier in the army, it really embarrasses me!"

Zheng Guangrong looked at his lieutenant Zheng Yan with some distaste, and then sighed, who made this kid his nephew!

"Hey! Grandpa, isn't this a battle with the orcs? It's inevitable that I'm a little nervous!"

"Don't call me uncle, you bastard, you are in the army now, you should call me general! Also, shut up and wait!"

Zheng Guangrong gave him a brainstorm on the spot, if he wasn't ambushing the orcs, he would have sent more of them.

Zheng Yan was reprimanded, and his mood improved a bit, and his tension eased.

He is the number one genius in their family, breaking through to become a silver warrior at the age of eighteen.

The talent is extremely high, because he has the potential to break through the golden warrior at the age of 25!

The situation is urgent, and he cannot be narcissistic, so calm down and wait secretly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and most of the orc army finally entered the valley.

It's time, Zheng Guangrong was about to yell and order the archers to attack.

Thousands of black shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, the speed was so fast that everyone couldn't react in time.

Countless short spears fell from the sky, scaring thousands of archers.


The orc army begins to charge!

"This is? Flying Dragon Cavalry! How is it possible?"

"Counterattack! Counterattack! Infantry on top!"

Zheng Guangrong was shocked. He didn't understand why the orcs knew about the ambush.

And the top cavalry of the orcs, why did the flying dragon cavalry, the best in the sky, appear here.

And the number is a full 5,000!

This is the top cavalry of the seventh rank!

There is no time for Zheng Guangrong to think about it, so he can only bite the bullet and fight with the orcs!

Flying Dragon Knight's three-meter-long spear penetrated several soldiers every time he charged.

Many people were even killed by the flames spewed out by the wyvern!

However, the archers did little damage to the flying dragon cavalry. The 60,000 archers and infantry on both sides of the valley died thousands of people in the blink of an eye, and tens of thousands of people died in just a quarter of an hour.

And what about the flying dragon cavalry? Only a few were killed!

It's not at the same level at all, how to fight this?

Just as Zheng Guangrong rushed into the air angrily and killed more than a dozen flying dragon cavalry, two orc warriors of the same level rushed into the air.

"Your opponent is us!"

After finishing speaking, he killed Zheng Guangrong with a ferocious face, and the whole battlefield was extremely chaotic.

Only the situation in the valley was a little better. Occasionally, a large number of archers came to attack, which greatly helped the ground infantry.

But this advantage is estimated to disappear soon.

With top cavalry like flying dragon cavalry, the archers on the valley would be beheaded before long.

Lacking effective air defense, it is difficult for them to fight against the top air force.

Defeat is only a matter of time. .

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